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Liste des épisodes - Grande-Bretagne / USA Grande-Bretagne / USA Nombre d'épisodes : 32 Modifier
01 - The Izu Dancer
02 - Sea Roar Part one - Spring awakening
03 - Sea Roar Part two - Summer storm
04 - The grave of the wild chrysanthemums
05 - The wind blows
06 - The fruit of Olympus
07 - Botchan Part one - The new professor gets mad !
08 - Botchan Part two - Defeat Red Shirt !
09 - From "Harmonium and fish town" in Wandering Days
10 - The dancing girl
11 - The tale of Asunaro
12 - A roadside stone Part one - Middle school hopes
13 - A roadside stone Part two - Hard days
14 - Growing up
15 - The priest of Mount Kōya
16 - Kwaidan: The tale of Hōichi
17 - Akagawa Jiro: Hometown casebook
18 - Akagawa Jiro: Voice from heaven
19 - The theater of life
20 - Season of the sun: A dangerous youth
22 - Sugata Sanshirō Part 1: Child of fate of Kōdōkan
23 - Sugata Sanshirō Part 2: Mountain storm special attack
24 - Sugata Sanshirō Part 3: Showdown at Ukyōgahara
25 - The harp of Burma Part 1: Noplace like home
26 - The harp of Burma Part 2: Song of separation
27 - Akechi Kogoro: A walker in the attic
28 - Akechi Kogoro: A psychological test
29 - Akechi Kogoro: The red room
30 - The New Story of Tōno
31 - Love climbing to heaven
32 - Shiro returns to the north
Liste des épisodes - Japon Japon Nombre d'épisodes : 32 Modifier
01 - izu no odoriko
02 - shiosai zenpen haru no mezame
03 - shiosai koohen natsu no arashi
04 - nogiku no haka
05 - kaze tachi nu
06 - orinposu no kajitsu
07 - bocchan zenpen shinnin kyooshi okoru !
08 - bocchan koohen aka shatsu taiji !
09 - hooroo ki fuukin to uono machi yori
10 - maihime
11 - asunaro monogatari
12 - roboo no ishi zenpen chuugaku shiboo
13 - roboo no ishi koohen tsurai hibi
14 - take kurabe
15 - takano kiyoshi
16 - kaidan yoshikazu monogatari
17 - akagawa jiroo hoomutaun no jiken bo
18 - akagawa jiroo ten kara no koe
19 - jinsei gekijoo
20 - taiyoo no kisetsu kiken na seishun
21 - shunkin shoushin no ito nari masu
22 - sugata san yon roo dai ichibu hiroshi michi kan no fuuunji
23 - sugata san yon roo dai ni bu hissatsu no yamaarashi
24 - sugata san yon roo dai san bu ukyooka hara no taiketsu
25 - biruma no tategoto zenpen hanyuu no yado
26 - biruma no tategoto koohen wakare no uta
27 - akechi kogoroo yaneura no sanpo sha
28 - akechi kogoroo shinri shiken
29 - akechi kogoroo akai heya
30 - shinshaku toono monogatari
31 - ten ni noboru ai
32 - shiro, kita e kaeru


0 membre possède cette série 0 membre possède cette série


Tasse bicolore - Papillons
Tasse bicolore - Papillons


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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