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Génériques (15)
Paroles (6)
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Liste des épisodes - Grande-Bretagne / USA Grande-Bretagne / USA Nombre d'épisodes : 50 Modifier
01 - Welcome to Polar Bear's Café / Panda's Employment
02 - Everyone's Café / The Café's Flower Viewing Party
03 - Polar Bear at the Zoo / Panda's Problems
04 - Obsessed with Smartphones / Super Fun Driving Lesson
05 - Panda Gets Entusiastic / Everyone's Parfait
06 - Panda's Diet / Strive for it ! Wild Panda
07 - Mr. Handa's Remodelling Plan / The Great Love Love Driving Operation
08 - A Magazine Interview Comes By / Salmon Hunter: Mr. Grizzly
09 - Rin Rin Deeply Moved ! Panda's House ! / Mr. Penguin's Proposal
10 - Mr. Handa's Blind Date ? / Mr. Handa's Blind Date !
11 - Mr. Penguin's Heartbreak / Panda's Night Out
12 - Panda, Tired of Boredom / Panda's Advice Room for Troubles
13 - Tanabata Decorations / Panda's Wish
14 - Enthusiastic Polar Bear / Let's Go to the Beach !
15 - Weeding in the Summer / Mr. Penguin's Romance
16 - Mr. Grizzly's Journey / A Strange Shop
17 - Let's Go Camping ! / Rin Rin and High School Girls
18 - Café's Ghost Story / Panda Runs Away from Home
19 - A Variety of Penguins / What is Baisen ! ?
20 - The Ideal Single Life / Summer Festival
21 - Panda is No Longer a Panda / Meimei's Prince
22 - Sales Penguin / Mr. Penguin's Picnic
23 - Mr. Handa's Consultation / Panda Mama's Daily Life
24 - Panda's Apprenticeship / A Sports Day Filled With Animals
25 - Mr. Penguin's Hobbies / Their Childhood Days
26 - New Panda / Reunion at Grizzly Bar
27 - Animal's Grass-Lot Baseball - Beginning / What's... Jacu Coffee ! ? / Animal's Grass-Lot Baseball - End
28 - Panda's Apology / Rin Rin Gets Invited
29 - Panda's New Part-Time Job / Mr. Penguin Goes Flying
30 - Halloween / Llama Day
31 - Mr. Penguin's Dilemma / Idol Group Yama Arashi
32 - The Café Garden / Sales Penguin's Sales
33 - Panda Corner Contest / Coffee Roaster Masaki / Panda Corner Project
34 - Wolf's Occupation Change / Mr. Penguin's New Love
35 - Sloth Wants to Work / Mr. Handa's Present
36 - Grizzly's Hibernation Preparations / Grizzly's Hibernation
37 - Christmas Plans / Christmas Trouble
38 - Café's Cleanup / For Whom Does the Bell Toll ?
39 - Animals' Talent Show / New Year's Guest
40 - The Hammock Sea / Panda Mama's Gardening
41 - Scattering Beans with Everyone / The Café in the Afternoon
42 - Polar Bear's Insomnia / Mr. Grizzly's First Love
43 - Pun Café / The Secret to Delicious Coffee / Mr. Full-Time Panda, Mr. Llama and Rin Rin
44 - The Everyday Zoo / The Zoo In The Rain
45 - Rin Rin and Mei Mei's Super Exciting Plan / Smelt Fishing
46 - Doll Festival / Animal Doctor
47 - South Pole Squad Penguinger / Even More, What is Roasting ! ?
48 - Sloth's Trip / I Became A Doll / White Day
49 - Mr. Grizzly's Reunion / Mr. Llama's Time Capsule
50 - Mr. Penguin's Secret / Cherry Blossom Viewing in Spring
Liste des épisodes - Japon Japon Nombre d'épisodes : 50 Modifier
01 - Shirokuma Kafe Yōkoso / Panda-kun no Shūshoku
02 - Minna no Kafe / Kafe no Ohanami
03 - Shirokuma-kun Dōbutsuen e / Panda-kun no Nayami
04 - Sumafo ni Muchū / Wakuwaku Doraibu Resson
05 - Panda-kun Harikiru / Minna no Pafe
06 - Panda-kun no Daietto / Mezase ! Wairudo Panda
07 - Handa-san Kaizō Keikaku / Rabu Rabu Doraibu Daisakusen
08 - Zasshi Shuzai ga Yatte kita / Sake Hantā: Gurizurī-san
09 - Rin Rin Kangeki ! Panda-kun Chi ! / Pengin-san no Kokuhaku
10 - Handa-san no Gōkon ? / Handa-san no Gōkon !
11 - Pengin-san no Shitsuren / Panda-kun no Yo Asobi
12 - Panda-kun Hima ni Komaru / Panda no Nayami Sōdan Shitsu
13 - Tanabata Kazari / Panda-kun no Negai
14 - Shirokuma-kun Harikiru / Umi ni Ikō !
15 - Manatsu no Zassōtori / Pengin-san no Romansu
16 - Gurizurī-san Tabidatsu / Mishiranu o Mise
17 - Kyanpu ni Ikō ! / Joshikōsei to Rinrin
18 - Kafe no Kaidan / Panda-kun no Iede
19 - Pengin ni mo Iroiro Aru yo / Baisen'tte Nanda ! ?
20 - Akogare no Hitorigurashi / Natsu no Omatsuri
21 - Panda-kun, Panda ja Nakunaru / Meimei no Ōjisama
22 - Eigyō Pengin / Pengin-san no Pikunikku
23 - Handa-san no Sōdan / Panda-mama no Nichijō
24 - Panda-kun no Deshi Iri / Dōbutsu Darake no Undōkai
25 - Pengin-san no Shumi / Futari no Shōnen Jidai
26 - Atarashii Panda / Gurizurībā no Dōsōkai
27 - Animaru Kusayakyū - Zenpen / Jakūkōhītte Nanda ! ? / Animaru Kusayakyū - Kōhen
28 - Panda-kun no Owabi / Rinrin, Maneka-reru
29 - Panda-kun no Atarashii Baito / Soratobu Pengin-san
30 - Harowīn / Rama Dē
31 - Pengin-san no Shuraba / Aidoru Yama Arashi
32 - Kafe no Niwa / Eigyō Pengin no Eigyō
33 - Panda Kōnā no Kontesuto / Abuishi Masaki / Panda Kōnā no Kikaku
34 - Ōkami-kun no Tenshoku / Pengin-san no Atarashii Koi
35 - Hatarakitai Namakemono-kun / Handa-san no Purezento
36 - Gurizurī-kun no Tōmin Junbi / Gurizurī-kun no Tōmin
37 - Kurisumasu Keikaku / Kurisumasu Sōdō
38 - Kafe no Ōsōji / Dare ga Tame ni Kane wa Naru ?
39 - Dōbutsutachi no Kakushigei Taikai / Shinnen no Okyaku-san
40 - Hanmokku no Umi / Panda Mama no Gādeningu
41 - Minna de Mamemaki / Gogo no Kafe
42 - Shirokuma-kun no Fuminshō / Gurizurī-san no Hatsukoi
43 - Dajare Kafe / Kōhī no Oishisa no Himitsu / Jōkin-san to Rama-san to Rinrin
44 - Itsumo no Dōbutsuen / Ame no Dōbutsuen
45 - Rin Rin to Mei Mei no Dokidoki Daisakusen / Wakasagi Zuri
46 - Hinamatsuri / Dōbutsu no Oisha-san
47 - Nankyoku Sentai Penginjā / Madamada Abuitte Nanda ! ?
48 - Namakemono-kun no Ryokō / Ningyō ni Natta / Howaito Dē
49 - Gurizurī-san no Saikai / Rama-san no Taimu Kapuseru
50 - Pengin-san no Himitsu / Haru no Ohanami


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