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Liste des épisodes - Grande-Bretagne / USA Grande-Bretagne / USA Nombre d'épisodes : 52 Modifier
01 - The Fallen God ! The Byakko Kogenta
02 - Attack of the Earth Style
03 - Clash of the Byakko
04 - Strength of the Sword ! Saikaidou Kotetsu
05 - Fight between Dragons and Tigers
06 - Dance ! Onmyōdō's amulets
07 - Invoke ! Wave-Cutting Blade
08 - Yumma and Souma
09 - The Fighting Heart
10 - Battle of the Mysterious Ancident Capital
11 - Secret of the Ten-ryū Ruins
12 - Heaven and Earth Shock, Big Spirits
13 - Their Bond
14 - Demon Invasion
15 - Escape to the Northeast
16 - Return of the Assassin
17 - Underwater Battle With White Tiger
18 - Fortress' Seal
19 - Struggle in the Secret Hot Spring
20 - Shivering Big Spirit
21 - That name is Yakumo
22 - Seal Engraved on the Heart
23 - White Tiger Disappears
24 - The Past, Once Again
25 - Open.Zero Drive
26 - Northeastern Opens
27 - Year-end Chaos
28 - Seal's Quickening
29 - Enemy's Invitation
30 - A Man Racing to the Four Kimon
31 - Built Up Emotions
32 - Gold Rush at the Beach
33 -A Reunion that Transcends Time
34 -Ryuuko, Again
35 - The Price of Power
36 - Stray Shikigami, Kuroku's Ordeal
37 - Broken Trust
38 - Falling Stars of Calamity
39 - Climatic Battle ! Ten and Chi
40 - Master Power - Byakko Reborn
41 - Utsuho Resurrected
42 - Awakening of the Blue
43 - Dirtied Savior
44 - Red Trap
45 - Burn Up ! Souma
46 - Farewell, Yakumo
47 - Fierce Attack of the Yondaiten
48 - The Qualifications to Become a Leader
49 - The End of the Dream
50 - With our Bonds at Stake
51 - The Demise of the Taikyoku
52 - Among the Passing Seasons
Liste des épisodes - Japon Japon Nombre d'épisodes : 52 Modifier
01 - kou kami ! byakko no kogenta
02 - chi ryuu kyoushuu
03 - byakko gekitotsu
04 - tsuyoshi tsurugi ! saikai michi tora tetsu
05 - ryuu tora gekitou
06 - mae ! tou kami fu
07 - hatsudou ! dotou zan tamashii tsurugi
08 - yuuma to souma
09 - tatakau kokoro
10 - koto shinpi no tatakai
11 - ten ryuu iseki no himitsu
12 - Tenchi kyugaku daikoushin
13 - Futari no kizuna
14 - Fukamaden shinnyuu
15 - Kimon tonsou
16 - Shikaku sairai
17 - Shirotora suichuu daikessen
18 - Juusai no fuuin
19 - Hitou no shitou
20 - Senritsu no daikoushin
21 - Sono na ha Yakumo
22 - Kokoro kizamareta shirushi
23 - Shirotora shushitsu
24 - Matatabi no kakko
25 - kaihou. rei kami misao ki
26 - Daikimon kaihou
27 - sekki kyou ran
28 - Fuuin no taidou
29 - Tekichi he no shoutai
30 - yon kimon ni kake ta kan(otoko)
31 - kasanaru omoi
32 - nagisa no goorudo rasshu
33 - toki o koe ta saikai
34 - ryuuto, futatabi
35 - chikara no daishou
36 - hagure shiki shin koroku no shiren
37 - kudaka re ta shinrai
38 - kyou boshi, nagareru
39 - kessen ! ten to chi to
40 - kiwame shi chikara, byakko shinsei
41 - utsuho fukkatsu
42 - ao no kakusei (mezame)
43 - yogosa reta kyuuseishu
44 - akai wana
45 - moe ro ! souma
46 - saraba, yakumo
47 - yondai ten no moukou
48 - souke no shikaku
49 - yume no owari
50 - kizuna o kakete
51 - shuuen no taikyoku
52 - meguru fushi ki (toki) no naka de


0 membre possède cette série 0 membre possède cette série


Tshirt contrast femme pseudo - Papillons
Tshirt contrast femme pseudo - Papillons


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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