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01 - The Yoshinaga's stone
02 - Clash ! Angel and Devil
03 - The Stolen Girl
04 - The heart that doesn't show in the mirror
05 - The singing voice of the mountain
06 - I cannot hear your song anymore
07 - Lovely Lili and headless Dullahan
08 - Ginsetsu's Gargoyle
09 - Lili the Thief
10 - Shopping District Rhapsody
11 - The Puppet, and the Red String it found
12 - A Matrimonial Quarrel and the Flowers of the Festival
13 - All ends well if the Festival goes well
Liste des épisodes - Japon
Nombre d'épisodes : 13
01 - Yoshinagasan chi no ishikkoro
02 - Gekitotsu ! Tenshi to akuma
03 - Nusumareta Shoujo
04 - Kagami ni utsuranai kokoro
05 - Yama no utagoe
06 - Mou kimi no uta wa kikoenai
07 - Riri Koishi ya Kubi nashi DYURAHAN
08 - Gin setsu no gaagoiru !
09 - Kaitou Riri
10 - Shoutengai Kyousoukyoku
11 - Ningyou ga mitsuketa akai Ito
12 - Fuufugenka mo Matsuri no Hana
13 - Matsuri yokereba Owari yoshi !