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01 - The Dream
02 - The Journey
03 - The Blacksmith's Daughter
04 - The Kidnapping
05 - The Trust
06 - The Finding of Camelot
07 - The Gift
08 - The Singing Sword
09 - The Trust Betrayed
10 - The Secret of Perilous Garde
11 - The Return
12 - The Visitor
13 - The Awakening
14 - The Guardian
15 - The Trap
16 - The Turn of the Wheel
17 - The Competitor
18 - The Road Back
19 - The Fist of Iron
20 - The Waif
21 - The Dawn of Darkness
22 - The Battle of Greystone
23 - The Reunion
24 - The Choice
25 - The Triumph
26 - The Dream Come True
27 - The Lost
28 - The Deception
29 - The Black Rose
30 - The Beggar
31 - The Flute
32 - The Color of Honor
33 - The Lesson Twice Learned
34 - Peace on Earth
35 - The Cursed
36 - The Traitor
37 - Empty Justice
38 - The Crossbow
39 - The Rival
40 - The Tree
41 - The Princess Aleta
42 - The Voyage
43 - Mordred's Return
44 - The Rescue
45 - The Parting
46 - The Walls of Tyranny
47 - The Jubilee
48 - The Treaty
49 - The Blackest Poison
50 - The Hero
51 - The Vision
52 - The Shadows of Destiny
53 - The Eyes of the Serpent
54 - The Spirit of Valor
55 - The Aurora
56 - The Burning Bridge
57 - The Sage
58 - The Song of Valor
59 - The Ring of Truth
60 - A Light in the Dark
61 - The Ghost
62 - A New Dawn
63 - The Death of Arthur
64 - The Gathering Storm
65 - The Hinge of Fate