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01 - Tears of the Homunculus
02 - House of the Fortune Teller
03 - Tragic of the Goblin
04 - The Painting that causes Death
05 - The Guitar that Hydrates the Souls
06 - The Minotaur in the Underground Labyrinth
07 - Black Dog Barking in the Dark
08 - The Voice that Brings Sleep
09 - The Last Show
10 - The Umbrella of the Rose
11 - The Secret of Bem's Birth
12 - The House of Horror
13 - Voyage of the Death
14 - The Mirror Devourer
15 - The Forest Strikes Back
16 - The Broken Seal
17 - Farewell Humanoid Monsters
18 - The Torch of Hope
Lista de los episodios - Japón
Número de episodios : 26
01 - ma no seiki hajimaru
02 - jigoku heno basha
03 - mangetsu no kiba
04 - norowa reta tsubasa
05 - shōnika byōtō
06 - kinji rareta gishiki
07 - homunkurusu no namida
08 - chikasui michi no sangeki
09 - uranai kan
10 - goburin no higeki
11 - shi wo maneku e
12 - tamashii wo sū gita
13 - chika meikyū no minotaurosu
14 - kuro inu kemono (burakkudokku) yamiyo ni hoe ru
15 - nemuri wo sasō utagoe
16 - saishū jōei
17 - bara no anburera
18 - bemu tanjō no himitsu
19 - horahausu
20 - shiryō tono funatabi
21 - hōkō ino kagami
22 - mori ga ugoku toki
23 - yabura reta fūin
24 - yōkai issō sakusen, hajima ru
25 - saraba, yōkai ningen
26 - kibō no tōka