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Geneworld.net>Manga / Animas / Comics>Hikarian


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Lista de los episodios - Gran Bretaña / USA Gran Bretaña / USA Número de episodios : 154 Modificar
001 - Operation Rice Ball
002 - Nozomi in danger
003 - Ghost Locomotive
004 - Here comes Policewin
005 - I want to see the ocean.
006 - Nozomi vs. Hikari
007 - A date of terror
008 - Gigantic UFO !
009 - Daredevils ­ E2 vs. E3
010 - Ninja Express Rapid
011 - A colossal statue moves !
012 - Run ! Taro, run !
013 - Dinosaur amok
014 - Secret of Azusa, The Rescue Car
015 - Mighty STAR SHIELD !
016 - Scramble ! J.H.R. Base
017 - A mysterious super train.
018 - Mina¹s incredible transformation
019 - Panic at a wedding
020 - Earth explodes !
021 - Transcontinental railroad
022 - Hairbreadth escape of Hikarian
023 - Nozomi vs. Terry
024 - Terry¹s heroic adventure
025 - Bratcher¹s evil plan
026 - Return of Smoke Joe
027 - Friendship at a Northbound train
028 - 'Eely' travel toward south
029 - Mini-Mini Operation
030 - Terror of Silver Express
031 - Thee last day of J.H.R.
032 - Phantom X
033 - Challenge of Eurostar
034 - Showdown at North Pole
035 - Jetter goes to the Pirate Island.
036 - Memories go away beyond the time.
037 - Bratcher is Santa Claus.
038 - A big clean-up day.
039 - The Bullet Train goes to a new island.
040 - One-day station master makes big mess.
041 - Brilliant Nozomi !
042 - Are you Hikari-who ?
043 - Tasty sautéed carrots and burdock
044 - A girl like a sunflower
045 - SOS from the north
046 - Scramble ! Mina.
047 - Leg-hold in the air-wrestling
048 - Space Express Try-Z
049 - Invincible Samurai Robo
050 - A surprising turnaround of Space Lottery
051 - Good-bye, Hikarian-- -
052 - Solitude of Wideview
053 - Ghost¹s wish
054 - Unbeatable friendship
055 - Competition of Crab lunch box
056 - Discovery of Power Black
057 - Hikarian in the flaming sunset
058 - Panic ! The fermented beans.
059 - Ancient train civilization
060 - Duel at a pottery site
061 - Giant water plant !
062 - General¹s ambition
063 - You¹re amazing, Anna !
064 - Happiness does not come to you by itself.
065 - Nozomi changes its job.
066 - Attack of Space plant !
067 - SOS over Okinawa
068 - Come to fight me !
069 - Brother Echo
070 - The pancake baker is a Œhit man.¹
071 - Panic in a resort place
072 - Troop of Black Express marches on.
073 - A boy and the sea.
074 - Enter Rapid Mask
075 - Clash of Hikarian brothers.
076 - Revenge ­ Switchback
077 - Arrival of Sky Sword
078 - Take back Big Wonder !
079 - A visitor from hometown.
080 - Scramble, all Hikarians !
081 - Coming home.
082 - Underground disaster !
083 - The 100th Hikarian
084 - Hikarians go to their homeland.
085 - Hikarians head for Earth.
086 - Operation Jet-Rail.
087 - Rebel of snowballs
088 - Launch the man-made sun !
089 - Stamp Rally.
090 - Driver seat to a dream.
091 - Arrival of Fresh Hitachi.
092 - Challenge ! Flashing-finger game on the bridge.
093 - Hurry up, Romance Car !
094 - Danger ! A dump truck on the crossing.
095 - Phantom sleeping car.
096 - Super Express ­ Smoke-Joe
097 - Scramble, Emergency Cars !
098 - Hairbreadth escape of Nozomi-300-Liner.
099 - Rescue the small heroine.
100 - Dark Operation ­Invasion Earth.
101 - The last battle.
102 - We love Hikarians.
103 - Welcome home !
104 - I can¹t change !
105 - Terry becomes a Hikarian member.
106 - You are strong, Tsubasa !
107 - Mighty Max and E4.
108 - I want to fight.
109 - Dr. 300X in danger.
110 - Romantic Romance-Car.
111 - Policewin, The Man of Justice.
112 - The first errand.
113 - Pull up yourself, Star 21 !
114 - My name is Sniper Sonic.
115 - The secret of power-up.
116 - Windash is a popular guy.
117 - He is called Seven.
118 - Wonderful summer holidays !
119 - A Wacky travel.
120 - Mysterious Sphere-X !
121 - Stormy railway.
122 - Amazing 7 brothers.
123 - A long day of Bratchers.
124 - Challenge of Silver Ex.
125 - True strength of Nozomi West.
126 - Paradise of Vehicles
127 - Hide and Seek
128 - Suspicious Souvenir Shop
129 - Keep climbing, Policewin. Don¹t sleep !
130 - Which candy do you like ?
131 - Runaway express ­ Big Wonder.
132 - Let¹s fly up in the sky.
133 - A storyteller with illustrations on paper.
134 - My dear Mina.
135 - A trap in the fortress of Silver Ex.
136 - Never give up, Hikarians !
137 - Scramble to the North !
138 - Sightseeing of Hokkaido.
139 - Here comes Santa Claus.
140 - Welcome to Hikarian Station
141 - Wanted ­ a new hideout !
142 - Mina is a fortuneteller.
143 - Enter Sky Shardan !
144 - Crash ! Great race of Hikarians
145 - Big Wonder in crisis.
146 - Another Bratcher.
147 - We are friends forever.
148 - Who¹s the master ?
149 - The last battle of Sky Shardan.
150 - Memory of a tiny railroad station.
151 - Terry and Nozomi
152 - Farewell, Bratchers.
153 - Terry says, All is well at the end.
154 - Hikarians are our heroes !


0 miembro tiene esta serie 0 miembro tiene esta serie


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