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Lista de los episodios - Gran Bretaña / USA Gran Bretaña / USA Número de episodios : 46 Modificar
01 - Messenger from Earth
02 - The Youth who became the Commander
03 - Search for the Stone of Brave
04 - Storm of the South Pole
05 - Grave of the Dinosaurs
06 - The Eight Braves
07 - Sending out Redlon
08 - Battle of the Southern Seas
09 - Present from Redlon
10 - Fatal blow ! Integration of the Union
11 - Attack of the Space Plants
12 - Spy of the Street Corner
13 - Fireflies in the midst of the Forest
14 - Date with Dokidoki Pink !
15 - Secret of the Circus
16 - Which one is Doubtful ? !
17 - Sabres is dead ? !
18 - Revived ! The Brave
19 - Pegasus Saver appears
20 - Pitcher, the last Challenge
21 - Cat that lurks in the Night
22 - The lost article is Director
23 - The Dancing Spy Doll
24 - The Torned Continent
25 - The Brave, Kilimanjyaro
26 - The Street that has been Sealed
27 - The Commander is being Investigated
28 - My Friend is the Witch ? !
29 - Revived ! Da Garn P
30 - The Myterious Youth
31 - Another Commander
32 - Redlon's Counterattack
33 - The Relics have been Targeted
34 - A Commander's Qualification
35 - Hear the Song of the Earth
36 - The Legend that has been kept a Secret
37 - Our Planet
38 - Duel ! Red Geist
39 - The Big Lander has been taken away
40 - Reunion in the Jungle
41 - Approaching ! Plant Orbs
42 - Appeared ! Power of the Lengend
43 - Commander, what is your command !
44 - Battle on Planet Orbs
45 - Desperation of the Earth
46 - To the Future of Wind
Lista de los episodios - Japón Japón Número de episodios : 46 Modificar
01 - chikyuu kara no messeeji
02 - taichou ni natta shounen
03 - yuusha no ishi o sagase
04 - nankyoku no arashi
05 - kyouryuu hakaba
06 - 8 nin me no yuusha
07 - shutsugeki reddo ron
08 - nankai no dai kessen
09 - reddoron kara no okurimono
10 - hissatsu ! gattai yaburi
11 - uchuu shokubutsu no shuugeki
12 - machikado no supai
13 - mori no naka no hotaru
14 - dokidoki pinku to deeto !
15 - saakasu no himitsu
16 - ayashii no ha docchi da ? !
17 - seibaazu shisu ? !
18 - yomigaere ! yuusha
19 - pegasasuseibaa toujou
20 - buccho saigo no chousen
21 - yami ni hisomu neko
22 - otoshimono ha dairekutaa
23 - odoru supai ningyou
24 - hikisaka reru tairiku
25 - kirimanjaro no yuusha
26 - fuusa sa re ta machi
27 - taichou o chousa seyo
28 - tomodachi ha majo ? !
29 - fukkatsu ! da.gaan
30 - nazo no shounen
31 - mou ichi nin no taichou
32 - gyakushuu no reddo ron
33 - nerawa re ta iseki
34 - taichou no shikaku
35 - chikyuu no uta o kike
36 - hime rare ta densetsu
37 - ore tachi no wakusei
38 - taiketsu ! reddogaisuto
39 - ubawa re ta biggurandaa
40 - mitsurin no saikai
41 - dai sekkin ! oo bosu boshi
42 - shutsugen ! densetsu no chikara
43 - taichou, meirei o !
44 - oo bosu boshi no kessen
45 - chikyuu zettaizetsumei
46 - kaze no mirai he


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Sac tissu - Hauru
Sac tissu - Hauru


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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