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Genéricos (3)
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Episodios (2)
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Lista de los episodios - Gran Bretaña / USA Gran Bretaña / USA Número de episodios : 50 Modificar
01 - Erin's Green Eyes
02 - Soyon: Master of Medicine
03 - Animal Fight
04 - Secrets in the Fog
05 - Erin and the Egg Thief
06 - Soyon's Warmth
07 - A Mother's Whistle
08 - Joun the beekeeper
09 - Honey and Erin
10 - Dawn Bird
11 - Inside the Gateway
12 - Silver Feather
13 - Valley of the Beast King
14 - Mist People
15 - Their Past
16 - Iaru the Sezan
17 - The Targeted Queen
18 - Instructor Esal
19 - Kazarum's Friend
20 - The Beast King Called Lilan
21 - Disappearing Light
22 - Echo of the Harp
23 - Kazarum's Oath
24 - Song of Grief
25 - Their Errand
26 - Lilan's Heart
27 - Fallen To Hikara
28 - Joun's Death
29 - Beats's Fang
30 - The Fourth Winter
31 - Bright Sky
32 - Serious Crime
33 - Flying
34 - Ial And Erin
35 - New Life
36 - Final Exam
37 - Birth
38 - True Ruler Harumiya
39 - Touda Attack
40 - Darkening Country
41 - The Truth About The Ruler
42 - Seimiya's Tears
43 - The Beast Healer
44 - Akun-Meh-Chai
45 - Caged Bird
46 - Bond Between the Two
47 - Pure Night
48 - Daybreak of Ryoza
49 - Decisive Battle
50 - Beast Player
Lista de los episodios - Japón Japón Número de episodios : 50 Modificar
01 - Midori no meno erin
02 - Ijutsu shi no soyon
03 - Tatakau kemono
04 - Kiri no nakano himitsu
05 - Erin to tamago dorobou
06 - Soyon nonukumori
07 - Haha no yubi fue
08 - Hachi shi ( hachika ) ino joun
09 - Hachimitsu to erin
10 - Yoake no tori
11 - Tobira no naka ni
12 - Hakugin no Hane
13 - Ou Kemono no Tani
14 - Kiri no tami
15 - Futari no Kako
16 - Kataki tate ( se . zan ) no iaru
17 - Nerawareta Shin Ou
18 - Kyoudoushi Esal
19 - Kazarumu no Nakama
20 - Riran toiu mei no ou kemono
21 - Kie souna hikari
22 - Tategoto no hibiki
23 - Kazarumu no chikai
24 - Nageki no uta
25 - Futarinootsukai
26 - Riran no kokoro
27 - Hikara niochite
28 - Joun no shi
29 - Kemono no kiba
30 - Yonenme no fuyu
31 - Hikari no sora
32 - Taizai
33 - Hishou
34 - Iaru to erin
35 - Atarashii inochi
36 - Sotsu sha no tameshi
37 - Tanjou
38 - Shin ou harumiya
39 - Touda no shuugeki
40 - Kageriyuku kuni
41 - Shin ou no shinjitsu
42 - Seimiya no Namida
43 - Kemono no ijutsusha
44 - Akun . me . chai
45 - Kagono tori
46 - Futarino kizuna
47 - Kiyorakana yoru
48 - Ryoza no Yoake
49 - Kessen
50 - Kemono no Souja


0 miembro tiene esta serie 0 miembro tiene esta serie


Sweat à capuche - Ichigo
Sweat à capuche - Ichigo


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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