Lista de los episodios - Gran Bretaña / USA  |
Número de episodios : 40 |
01 - Destiny 1: Country of witches
02 - Destiny 2: Hundred Sprites
03 - Destiny 3: Magic broomstick
04 - Destiny 4: Sprite-war
05 - Destiny 5: Demon led book
06 - Destiny 6: Griffon's feather
07 - Destiny 7: Pisky's tusk
08 - Destiny 8: Forest of No Return
09 - Destiny 9: Petrification spell
10 - Destiny 10: Large flood
11 - Destiny 11: Witch Tradition
12 - Destiny 12: Happy Birthday
13 - Destiny 13: Witch Sigma
14 - Destiny 14: Sheela's Doubt
15 - Destiny 15: Cursed Magic
16 - Destiny 16: Eva's Courage
17 - Destiny 17: Infiltration ! Demon World
18 - Destiny 18: The Truth of the Wizards
19 - Destiny 19: Desperate situation
20 - Destiny 20: Magical Girl Squad
21 - Destiny 21: Interdimensional Sea
22 - Destiny 22: Pirate Renon
23 - Destiny 23: Witch of Betrayal
24 - Destiny 24: Light of Hope
25 - Destiny 25: Doubt
26 - Destiny 26: Broken Heart
27 - Destiny 27: Omen of Destruction
28 - Destiny 28: Full Attack
29 - Destiny 29: The True Magic Book
30 - Destiny 30: Lennon's True Character
31 - Destiny 31: Painful Thoughts
32 - Destiny 32: One Should Protect the Truth
33 - Destiny 33: Papa is Alive
34 - Destiny 34: Promise
35 - Destiny 35: Collapse
36 - Destiny 36: Escape
37 - Destiny 37: Demise
38 - Destiny 38: Dark Magic
39 - Destiny 39: Magic of Light
40 - Destiny 40: Hope |
Lista de los episodios - Japón  |
Número de episodios : 40 |
01 - Destiny 1 : majo no kuni
02 - Destiny 2 : hyaku hiki no yousei
03 - Destiny 3 : maho no houki
04 - Destiny 4: Yousei ekuu
05 - Destiny 5: madousho
06 - Destiny 6: Gurifon no Hane
07 - Destiny 7: Pisuki no Kiba
08 - Destiny 8: Mayoi no Mori
09 - Destiny 9: majo kentei
10 - Destiny 10: Daikouzui
11 - Destiny 11: majo no dentou
12 - Destiny 12: Happii Baasudei
13 - Destiny 13 : majo SHIGUMA
14 - Destiny 14 : SHIIRA no mayoi
15 - Destiny 15 : norowareta mahou
16 - Destiny 16 : EBA no yuuki
17 - Destiny 17 : sennyuu ! mazokukai
18 - Destiny 18 : shino UiZAADO
19 - Destiny 19 : zettaizetsumeii
20 - Destiny 20 : mahou shoujo tai
21 - Destiny 21 : ijigen no umi
22 - Destiny 22 : kaizoku RENON
23 - Destiny 23 : uragiri no majo
24 - Destiny 24 : kibou no hikari
25 - Destiny 25 : kiwaku
26 - Destiny 26: barabara na kokoro
27 - Destiny 27 : metsubou no zenchou
28 - Destiny 28 : soukougeki
29 - Destiny 29 : shin no madoushou
30 - Destiny 30 : RENON no shoutai
31 - Destiny 31 : setsunai omoi
32 - Destiny 32: hontounimamoru bekimono
33 - Destiny 33 : PAPA wa ikideiru
34 - Destiny 34 : yakusoku
35 - Destiny 35 : houkai
36 - Destiny 36 : dasshutsu
37 - Destiny 37 : shuuen
38 - Destiny 38 : kuro mahou
39 - Destiny 39 : hikari no mahou
40 - Destiny 40 : kibou |
Lista de los episodios - Alemania  |
Número de episodios : 40 |
01 - Schicksal 1: "Land der Hexen"
02 - Schicksal 2: "Hundert Sprites"
03 - Schicksal 3: "Magischer Besenstock"
04 - Schicksal 4: "Sprite-Krieg"
05 - Schicksal 5: "Führendes Dämonenbuch"
06 - Schicksal 6: "Griffon's Feder"
07 - Schicksal 7: "Piskys Fangzahn"
08 - Schicksal 8: "Wald ohne Rückkehr"
09 - Schicksal 9: "Versteinerungsbann"
10 - Schicksal 10: "Große Flut"
11 - Schicksal 11: "Hexen Tradition"
12 - Schicksal 12: "Alles Gute zum Geburtstag"
13 - Schicksal 13: "Hexe Sigma"
14 - Schicksal 14: "Sheela's Zweifel"
15 - Schicksal 15: "Verfluchte Magie"
16 - Schicksal 16: "Eva's Mut"
17 - Schicksal 17: "Infiltration ! Dämonen Welt"
18 - Schicksal 18: "Die Wahrheit der Zauberer"
19 - Schicksal 19: "Hoffnungslose Situation"
20 - Schicksal 20: "Magische Mädchen Gruppe"
21 - Schicksal 21: "Interdimensionales Meer"
22 - Schicksal 22: "Pirat Renon"
23 - Schicksal 23: "Hexe des Verrats"
24 - Schicksal 24: "Licht der Hoffnung"
25 - Schicksal 25: "Zweifel"
26 - Schicksal 26: "Gebrochenes Herz"
27 - Schicksal 27: "Omen der Zerstörung"
28 - Schicksal 28: "Voller Angriff"
29 - Schicksal 29: "Das wahre Magische Buch"
30 - Schicksal 30: "Lennon's wahrer Charakter"
31 - Schicksal 31: "Schmerzliche Gedanken"
32 - Schicksal 32: "Einer sollte die Wahrheit schützen"
33 - Schicksal 33: "Papa ist lebendig"
34 - Schicksal 34: "Versprechung"
35 - Schicksal 35: "Einsturz"
36 - Schicksal 36: "Entkommen"
37 - Schicksal 37: "Ende"
38 - Schicksal 38: "Schwarze Magie"
39 - Schicksal 39: "Magie des Lichtes"
40 - Schicksal 40: "Hoffnung" |