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Lista de los episodios - Gran Bretaña / USA Gran Bretaña / USA Número de episodios : 26 Modificar
01 - Right, From That Time On, The Switch is Turned On Already
02 - Do You Believe In Encounters Scheduled Long Before ?
03 - Hand to Hand, Shoulder to Shoulder, Back to Back, And Then. It is Fine Even With Clothing
04 - There are times you feel a mutual understanding more than you can ever imagine. Yet, the reverse is just as frequent.
05 - The one who stands in the way may not only be the ones close to you. The people whom you do not know are to a greater extend, much more difficult to handle.
06 - A Good Way to Forget Your Own Problems. How About Sticking Your Head into Other People's Troubles ?
07 - An Image Must Always Be Built Upon. Because It is Something That Falls Apart From the Beginning.
08 - The less time we have, the more we accomplish, the more we end up doing. Love, as well.
09 - There's No Need For Clever Scenarios In Memories. The Second They Come Out, Everyone Speaks Nonsense of Them.
10 - The reason a one person fight feels hollow isn't just because it's one person. The eyes of the audience hurt.
11 - Time Does Not Solve the Thorns In Our Heart. It Just Puts A Label of Oblivion On It.
12 - To bind. To deceive. To take away. To give. What's most painful is to wait.
13 - The vase was leaning toward one side, yet you didn't notice ? Because there was not even a drop of water left.
14 - There was never an instance where the tuning matched. I have come to think that there exists a better spot out there.
15 - The things hidden from view are destroying everything around it. Since it was never there, nothing can be done to deal with it.
16 - I do writhe in embarrassment when I reminisce my childhood. Moreover so if I make comparisons.
17 - I have lies that I want to expose. I have truths that I do not wish to believe. I have one of these each.
18 - Aren't you taking too much for granted ? Complaining that you are claustrophobic while you are hiding in your own shell.
19 - I move on as I am losing interest. Most of the time though, I seem to have already lost interest before I move on.
20 - Love is beyond reason. Lovers who say this to one another are poets, critics, philosophers.
21 - I think I want to return to the crossroad. Would have been better if I had chosen the right one. That journey filled only with regret.
22 - Having troubles expressing yourself ? Try to strike a conversation with your eyes and you'll soon find yourself in the mood for a chat.
23 - I have come to desire catching a cold in anticipation of the nursing and the home-cooked dishes. I didn't include the later part suffering in my imagination at all.
24 - Nightfall did not bring about anything at all. It was the fault of the sun that the colors faded.
25 - It's the fault of others. I'm not at fault. All the fault lies in others. Only I myself am―
26 - We were sitting together all night long, not even being able to move a single inch.
Lista de los episodios - Japón Japón Número de episodios : 26 Modificar
01 - Sou Ano Toki Wa Mou, Suicchi ga Haittetan Jyanai Kanaa
02 - Zutto Mae Kara Shikumareta, Sonna Deai tte, Shinjiru ?
03 - Te to Te, Kata to Kata, Senaka to Senaka, Sorekara. Fuku no Uekara Datte Iinda
04 - Sōzō wo Koete Wakariaeteru tte, Kanjiru Toki ga Aru. Gyaku no Toki mo Ooi kedo ne
05 - Jama wo Suru no ga, Chikashii Ningen Dake to wa Kagiranai. Shiranai Hito Hodo, Tekibishii.
06 - Nayami o Wasureru Ii Hōhō. Tanin no Toraburu ni Kubi o Tsukkon de Mirutte no Wa, Dō ?
07 - Imeeji wa Dondon Kōchiku Shinakya. Tada de Sae, Haji Kara Kuzureteku Mono Nan Dakara
08 - Jikan ga nai Toki hodo, Ooku no Koto ga Dekiru. Yatteshimau. Mochiron, Koi datte.
09 - Omoide ni Ki no Kiita shinario wa Iranai. Kuchi kara deta Shunkan, douse Minna Tawagoto.
10 - Hitorizumou ga Munashii no wa, Hitori dakara tte dake janai. Kankaku no Me ga, Itainda.
11 - Mune ni Tsukaeteiru Koto o, Toki wa Kaiketsu Shitekurenai. Boukyaku no Raberu wo Haru dake de
12 - Shibaru koto. Azamuku koto. Ubau koto. Ataeru koto. Dore yori Tsurai no ga, Matsu koto
13 - Utsuwa ga Katamuiteiru no ni, Kizukanakatta ? Mizu wa mou Itteki mo Nokottenakatta kara ne
14 - Chūningu ga atta tameshi ga nai. Motto ryōkō na basho ga aru to omotteshimau
15 - Mitsukaranai mono ga, mawari wo kowasu. Sore ni nai kara, te wo uchiyō ga nai
16 - Chīsai koro wo omotte, hazukashisa ni mimotae suru koto ga aru. Sore ni kurebereba
17 - Baretehoshī uso ga aru. Shinjitehoshikunai hontō ga aru. Hitotsu zutsu, aru
18 - Mushi ga yosugirun janai ? Kara ni tojikomotteru kuse ni, heishokyōbushō nante
19 - Akiru kara tsugi ni susumeru to iu. Taitei wa, susumeru mae ni mou akiteru mitai dakedo
20 - Ren'ai wa rikutsu janai. Sō takariau koibito-tachi wa, shijin, hyōronka, tetsugakusha
21 - Wakaremichi made modoritai to omou. Migi ni sureba yokatta tte. Kōkai dake no sonna michinori
22 - Kuchibeta de nayanderu ? Me de kaiwa shitemiru to ii, sugu ni shaberitakunaru kara
23 - Kanbyō ya teryōri wo kitai shite, kaze wo hikitakunaru. Ato no kurushimi wa sōzō mo shinai
24 - Yoru wa nani mo shitekurenai yo. Iroaseru no wa taiyō no sei da shi
25 - Tanin ga warui. Jibun wa warukunai. Tanin dake ga warui. Jibun dake ga―
26 - Bokutachi wa issho ni suwatteiru, hitobanchū, ugoku koto mo naku


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