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Lista de los episodios - Gran Bretaña / USA Gran Bretaña / USA Número de episodios : 48 Modificar
01 - Masaru and Beards
02 - Masaru and the Red-white Caps
03 - Masaru and the Proof of a Man
04 - Masaru and the Contract
05 - Masaru and Beauties
06 - Masaru and the Masked Man (Part 1)
07 - Masaru and the Masked Man (Part 2)
08 - Masaru and the Trendy Boys
09 - Masaru and the Ultra Price Sale
10 - Masaru and Isobe and the Strange Dudes
11 - Masaru and That Bastard
12 - Masaru, Susan, and the Mysterious Inventor Group
13 - Masaru and the Boss
14 - Masaru and the Moustache Soul
15 - Masaru and the Guts
16 - Masaru and the Teacher with the Nice Glasses
17 - Masaru and Those People
18 - Masaru and the True Hero
19 - Friendly Graduation Ceremony !
20 - Masaru and the Operation Flower Viewing Party (Part 2)
21 - Susan Sensei
22 - Masaru and the Held-back-a-year-Hell-celebration-by-train-Meso...
23 - Masaru and the Held-back-a-year-Hell-celebration-by-train-Meso ?
24 - Masaru and the Startling House Meso
25 - Masaru and the Like-a-rolling-jersey
26 - Masaru and the Skinny Secret Weapon
27 - Masaru and KDz
28 - Masaru and Slugger Corps
29 - Masaru and the Deadly Battle
30 - Masaru and Doki ! ! All-man Baseball Match
31 - Masaru and Dangerous Meso
32 - Masar and the new member without personal traits
33 - Masaru's After-shool Lessons in Uniqueness
34 - Masaru and Ah-hah. I get it ! The Sexy Summer Festival
35 - Masaru and the Victor
36 - Masaru and the Creepy Friendship
37 - Masaru and the Disappearance
38 - Masaru and the Afro Soul
39 - Masaru and the Fake Muscle Man
40 - Fuumin and the Cat Expert
41 - Violent Fight ! Wild Backbone
42 - Those who Walk their Own Paths
43 - Monotarou
44 - Rumble ! Newspaper Man !
45 - Diet Impossible
46 - Masaru and the Potion Festival
47 - Masaru and the Study Party
48 - Masaru and Night Fever
Lista de los episodios - Japón Japón Número de episodios : 48 Modificar
01 - Masaru to hige
02 - Masaru to akashirobō
03 - Masaru to otoko no akashi
04 - Masaru to seiyakusho
05 - Masaru to bijo
06 - Masaru to fukumen otoko (pāto 1)
07 - Masaru to fukumen otoko (pāto 2)
08 - Masaru to torendi bōizu
09 - Masaru to urutora puraisu sēru
10 - Masaru to Isobe to ayashii yatsura
11 - Masaru to nikui anchikushō
12 - Masaru to Sūzan ato nazo no hatsumei shūdan
13 - Masaru to bosu
14 - Masaru to hige souru
15 - Masaru to gattsu gassen
16 - Masaru to naisu megane kyōshi
17 - Masaru to ano Okatatachi
18 - Masaru to shinhīrō
19 - Masaru to ohanami daizakusen (Zenpen)
20 - Masaru to ohanami daizakusen (Kōhen)
21 - Sūzaan Sensei
22 - Masaru to ryūnen kettei kinen, jigoku no densha de otekakemeso...
23 - Masaru to ryūnen kettei kinen, odekake kinen no densha meso... ?
24 - Masaru to dokkiri hausu meso
25 - Masaru to Raiku a rōringy jāji
26 - Masaru to hosoi himitsu heiki
27 - Masaru to K.Dzu
28 - Masaru to suraggā gundan
29 - Masaru to hissatsu gassen
30 - Masaru to doki ! ! Otoko darake no yakyū daikai
31 - Masaru to abunai meso
32 - Masaru to bokkosei shinjin
33 - Masaru to hōkago gojin jugyō
34 - Masaru to naru hodo za sekushī natsu no saiten supeshiaru
35 - Masaru to hisshō otoko
36 - Masaru to ayashii yūjō
37 - Masaru to yukuefumei
38 - Masaru to Afuro Souru
39 - Masaru to nisenikuman
40 - Fūmin to neko no tatsujin
41 - Gekimabu ! Abarenbō chūken
42 - Waga ga michi o yuku hitobito
43 - Monotarō
44 - Todoke ! Shinbun otoko
45 - Daietto Inposshiburu
46 - Masaru to kusuri matsuri
47 - Masaru to benkyō pātī
48 - Masarū naito fīvā


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