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Ciertas funcionalidades de sitios son reservados para el miembro Enelye.Con el fin de sacar provecho plenamente de éste no vacile en crear una cuenta ¡ es gratuito y rápido !
01 - The Talking Magpies
02 - The Uninvited Pests
03 - McDougal's Rest Farm
04 - Happy Go Lucky
05 - Cat Trouble
06 - The Intruders
07 - Flying South
08 - Fishing By the Sea
09 - The Super Salesman
10 - The Hitch Hikers
11 - Taming the Cat
12 - A Sleepless Night
13 - Magpie Madness
14 - Out Again in Again
15 - Free Enterprise
16 - Goony Golfers
17 - The Power of Thought
18 - The Lion Hunt
19 - The Stowaways
20 - Happy Landing
21 - Hula Hula Land
22 - Dancing Shoes
23 - The Fox Hunt
24 - A Merry Chase
25 - King Tut's Tomb
26 - Bulldozing the Bull
27 - The Rainmakers
28 - Steeple Jacks
29 - Sno Fun
30 - Rival Romeos
31 - Off to the Opera
32 - House Busters
33 - Moose on the Loose
34 - Movie Madness
35 - Hair Cut-Ups
36 - Pill Peddlers
37 - Ten Pin Terrors
38 - Bargain Daze
39 - Log Rollers
40 - Blind Date
41 - Satisfied Customers
42 - Blue Plate Symphony
43 - Miami Maniacs
44 - Pirate's Gold
45 - Wild Life
46 - Trapeze, Pleeze
47 - Mint Men
48 - Deep Sea Doodle
49 - Stunt Men
50 - Thousand Smile Checkup
51 - Sappy New Year
52 - Messed Up Movie Makers