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Lista de los episodios - Japón Japón Número de episodios : 13 Modificar
01 - Fuhen ronsha-tachi kara mita sekai no jijō ni kansuru kōsatsu
02 - Shoku to shikō kara miru kairaku yōsō ni kansuru kōsatsu
03 - Shakaiteki hikaku ni okeru teisō kannen ni kansuru kōsatsu
04 - Shūdan e no hōshisha to sore wo juyō suru kawa no kōfukukan no sai ni kansuru kōsatsu
05 - Kazoku kinō ga jinkaku keisei ni ataeru eikyō ni kansuru kōsatsu
06 - Kyokugen jōtai ni okeru shōdō kōi to kyōhaku kōi ni kansuru kōsatsu
07 - Tokutei no ningen kankei e mukeru izonsei to shinraisei no kankei ni kansuru kōsatsu
08 - Yōji taiken ga ataeru tokushitsuteki seishitsu to jiko seichōkan ni kansuru kōsatsu
09 - Shukanteki jiko kansatsu no kekka to jiko kaiji ni kansuru kōsatsu
10 - Kansetsuteki na sesshoku ni yoru shinriteki eikyō ni kansuru kōsatsu
11 - Yokuseisareta yokkyū ga oyobosu shinriteki oyobi shintaiteki kōka ni kansuru kōsatsu
12 - Tokutei no jinbutsu kara no aijō hyōgen e no taisho kōdō ni kansuru kōsatsu
13 - Fuhen ronsha-tachi ga idaku "ai" ni kansuru kōsatsu
Lista de los episodios - Gran Bretaña / USA Gran Bretaña / USA Número de episodios : 13 Modificar
01 - An inquiry on the world-view of the advocates of impartiality
02 - An inquiry on the pleasurable aspects perceived from one's diet and preferences
03 - An inquiry on the concept of chastity derived from sociological comparisons
04 - An inquiry on the differences in the happiness level between people who commit themselves to groups and the ones at the receiving end
05 - An inquiry on the effects the functionality of the family have on character development
06 - An inquiry on the instances of impulsive actions and threatening behaviour under extreme situations
07 - An inquiry on the connections between psychological dependence and sentiments of trust that is directed towards a specific relationship
08 - An inquiry on the characteristic qualities and the acknowledgment of the coming of age of self attributed by childhood experiences
09 - An inquiry on the conclusions derived from subjective self-observation and the subsequent act of self-disclosure
10 - An inquiry on the psychological impacts arising from indirect contact
11 - An inquiry on the physical and psychological effects of suppressed desires
12 - An inquiry on the coping mechanisms directed towards expressions of love originating from a specific individual
13 - An inquiry on the "Love" embraced by the advocates of impartiality


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Sac tissu - Mononoke
Sac tissu - Mononoke


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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