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01 - Orpheus Order
02 - Darkness of the Heart
03 - Perorin-Pororin's Trap
04 - Night of the Knights
05 - Wandering Galileo
06 - Battle is the Puzzle's Melody
07 - Promise
08 - Have Some Howawan
09 - The Truth of Smiles
10 - Puzzle Time Won't Start !
11 - Nonoha Wants to Solve Puzzles Too !
12 - The Lure of Minotaur
13 - The Forbidden Fruit
14 - The Demon Returns
15 - Atonement
16 - Piece of Malice
17 - Pinochle's Resolve
18 - About This Man, Herber
19 - Awakening
20 - Return of the Fool's Puzzle
21 - The Sad Clown
22 - Lord of the Board
23 - God's Miscalculation
24 - Closed Off World
25 - Unleash the Infinite Puzzle !
Lista de los episodios - Japón
Número de episodios : 25
01 - Orupeusu Ōdā
02 - Kokoro no Yami
03 - Perorin Pororin no Wana
04 - Kishitachi no Yoru
05 - Mayoeru Garireo
06 - Kettō wa Pazuru no Shirabe
07 - Yakusoku
08 - Howawan wo Agetai
09 - Egao no Shinjitsu
10 - Pazaru Taimu ga Hajimarinai !
11 - Nonoha Datte Tokitai !
12 - Minotaurosu no Yūwaku
13 - Kindan no Kajitsu
14 - Kaittekita Akuma
15 - Tsugunai
16 - Nikishimi no Pīsu
17 - Pinokuru no Kakugo
18 - Sono Otoko, Heruberuto Nitsuki
19 - Kakusei
20 - Gusha no Pazuru Futatabi
21 - Kanashiki Dōkeshi
22 - Banjō no Shihaisha
23 - Kami no Gossan
24 - Tojita Sekai
25 - Mugen no Pazuru wo Tokiharate