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Geneworld.net>Manga / Animas / Comics>ダンボール戦機


Ediciones (6)
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Episodios (2)
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Lista de los episodios - Japón Japón Número de episodios : 44 Modificar
01 - Chiisa na Mashin to no Deai
02 - Ubawareta Akiresu
03 - Kōrin - Jigoku no Hakai-gami
04 - Norowareta Ōgon no Senshi
05 - yami no ansatsusha
06 - taiketsu sogekishu VS sogekishu
07 - sono na wa inobeutaa
08 - daimeikyuu enjieru sutaa
09 - koutetsu no kaibutsu ijiteusu
10 - nazo no tenkousei kaidou JIN
11 - hako no naka no majutsushi
12 - yami no senjou ANGURABISHIDASU
13 - JOUKAA ma no bunshin kougeki
14 - kessen JI . ENPERAA
15 - sekai wo sukuu chikara
16 - sennyuu kuroi yousai
17 - unmei no saikai
18 - ARUTEMISU kaimaku
19 - gekitou JIN to REKKUSU
20 - haran no TOUNAMENTO
21 - sakuretsu chou PURAZUMABAASUTO
22 - nazo no PUREIYAA hai hara YUUYA
24 - shougeki no RASUTOBATORU
25 - aratanaru tatakai no hajimari
26 - senkou no LBX PANDORA
27 - mezame yo aratanaru MASHIN
28 - OUDIIN shutsugeki
29 - densetsu no chou HAKKAA OTAKUROSU
30 - totsunyuu GODDOGEETO
33 - gouda VS sendou
34 - gekitotsu BAN VS JIN
35 - shougeki taiyoushin APOROKAIZAA
36 - jinrui no kibou ETAANARUSAIKURAA
37 - yousai sensha BARUDOUMA
38 - SHIIKAA saisei no toki
39 - tachiagare BAN
40 - abakareta inbou
41 - akuma tobitatsu toki
42 - subete wo kaketa saishuu MISSHON
43 - oozora no dai kessen
44 - sekai wo kaeru mono
Lista de los episodios - Gran Bretaña / USA Gran Bretaña / USA Número de episodios : 44 Modificar
01 - Meeting the Tiny Machine
02 - The Stolen Achilles
03 - Descend ! The Destroyer of Hell
04 - The Cursed Golden Knight
05 - The Assassin of Darkness
06 - Clash ! Sniper VS. Sniper
07 - The Name is Innovator
08 - The Great Labyrinth, Angel Star
09 - The Iron Monster, Ishideus
10 - Mysterious Transfer Student, Jin Kaidou
11 - The Magician in the Box
12 - The Dark Battlefield, Angra Visdas
13 - Joker, Attack of the Devil Clones
14 - Finals,The Emperor
15 - The Power to Save The World
16 - Infiltrate Black Fortress
17 - Reunion of Fate
18 - The Opening of Artemis
19 - Clash,Jin and Lex
20 - The Dramatic Tournament
21 - Explosive ! Super Plasma Burst
22 - The Mysterious Player, Haibara Yuuya
23 - Decisive Battle,Battle Royale
24 - The Shocking Last Battle
25 - The Start of a New Battle
26 - The Flash LBX, Pandora
27 - Awaken ! A New Machine
28 - Odin's Sortie
29 - The Legendary Super Hacker, Otacross
30 - Break In,God Gate
31 - Aim For Akihabara Kingdom
32 - The Opening of Akihabara Kingdom
33 - Gouda VS. Sendou
34 - Clash ! Ban VS. Jin
35 - Shock,The Sun God Apollo Kaiser
36 - Humanity's Hope,Eternal Cycler
37 - Fort Tank Bardoma
38 - When The Seekers Revive
39 - Stand Up, Ban !
40 - Exposed Ambition
41 - When the Devil Ascends
42 - The All-to-Stake Final Mission
43 - The Great Battle in the Sky
44 - Those Who Change the World


1 miembro tiene esta serie 1 miembro tiene esta serie


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3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
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5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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