| Lista de los episodios - Francia  |
Número de episodios : 370 |
 | 001 - La nuit du chevalier noir (What a Night for a Knight)
002 - Élémentaire mon cher Scooby-Doo (A Clue for Scooby Doo)
003 - Pagaille au château (Hassle in the Castle)
004 - Le mystère de la mine (Mine Your Own Business)
005 - L'appât (Decoy for a Dognapper)
006 - Coquin de sort (What the Hex Going On?)
007 - Malin comme un singe (Never Ape an Ape Man)
008 - Du rire aux larmes (Foul Play in Funland)
009 - Colère en coulisses (The Backstage Rage)
010 - Quel cirque sous le chapiteau ! (Bedlam in the Big Top)
011 - La cavalcade des fantômes (A Gaggle of Galloping Ghosts)
012 - La momie en folie (Scooby-Doo and a Mummy, Too)
013 - Sorcière, vous avez dit sorcière ? (Which Witch Is Which?)
014 - Arrière, vaisseau fantôme (Go Away Ghost Ship)
015 - Le fantôme de l'espace (Spooky Space Kook)
016 - Nuit de frayeur, quel terreur ! (A Night of Fright Is No Delight)
017 - L'effroyable fantôme des neiges (That's Snow Ghost)
018 - Dr Jekyll et le fantôme de Mr Hyde (Nowhere to Hyde)
019 - Bas les masques (Mystery Mask Mix-Up)
020 - Le show et l'effroi (Scooby's Night with a Frozen Fright)
021 - L'insaisissable passe-muraille (Jeepers It's the Creeper)
022 - Panique à la maison hantée (Haunted House Hang-Up)
023 - Hawaï, paradis des fantômes (A Tiki Scare Is No Fair)
024 - Qui a peur du grand méchant loup ? (Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Werewolf?)
025 - Un fantôme à la TV (Don't Fool with a Phantom)
026 - Regardez dehors, c'est le Willawaw ! (Watch Out! The Willawaw !)
027 - Ne vous approchez pas de la fortesse de la peur (Don't Go Near the Fortress of Fear)
028 - Scooby et la mante géante (The Creepy Creature of Vulture's Claw)
029 - Les Highlands et le monstre du Loch Ness (A Highland fling with a Monstrous Thing)
030 - Un terrifiant mystère dans le Triangle des Bermudes (A Creepy Tangle in the Bermuda Triangle)
031 - Le magicien de Wimbledon (The Warlock of Wimbledon)
032 - L'abominable homme des neiges (A Scary Night with a Snow Beast Fright)
033 - La baguette de la sorcière (To Switch a Witch)
034 - Episode inédit en France (The Tar Monster)
035 - Rock'n'Roll Scooby (The Diabolical Disc Demon)
036 - L'affaire terrifiante du masque de fer (The Creepy Case of Old Iron Face)
037 - Les diamants de la jungle (Jeepers, It's the Jaguaro)
038 - La créature chat doit rentrer dans le droit chemin (Make a Beeline Away from That Feline alias Who was that Cat Creature I saw you with Last Night ?)
039 - Scooby chez les chinois (Scooby's Chinese Fortune Kooky Caper)
040 - Une menace sur Venise (A Menace in Venice)
041 - La créature aquatique du lac Bottom (The Beast Is Awake in Bottomless Lake)
042 - Scooby-Doo rencontre les Trois Stooges (1re partie) (The Ghastly Ghost Town)
043 - Scooby-Doo rencontre Batman et Robin (1re partie) (The Dynamic Scooby Doo Affair)
044 - Scooby-Doo rencontre la Famille Adams (Scooby-Doo Meets the Addams Family alias Wednesday Is Missing)
045 - Scooby-Doo rencontre Jonathan Winters (The Frickert Fracas)
046 - Scooby-Doo rencontre Don Knotts (1re partie) (Guess Who's Knott Coming To Dinner)
047 - Scooby-Doo rencontre Phyllis Diller (A Good Medium Is Rare)
048 - Scooby-Doo rencontre Sandy Duncan (Sandy Duncan's Jekyll And Hydes)
049 - Scooby-Doo rencontre Sonny et Cher (The Secret Of Shark Island)
050 - Scooby-Doo rencontre Don Knotts (2e partie) (The Spooky Fog Of Juneberry)
051 - Scooby-Doo rencontre Laurel et Hardy (Scooby Doo Meets Laurel and Hardy alias The Ghost Of Bigfoot)
052 - Scooby-Doo rencontre les Trois Stooges (2e partie) (The Ghost Of The Red Baron)
053 - Scooby-Doo rencontre les Harlem Globe Trotters (1re partie) (The Ghostly Creeps From The Deep)
054 - Scooby-Doo rencontre Davy Jones (The Haunted Horseman Of Hagglethorn Hall)
055 - Episode inédit en France (The Phantom Of Country Music Hall)
056 - Scooby-Doo rencontre Batman et Robin (2e partie) (The Caped Crusader Caper)
057 - Scooby-Doo rencontre les Harlem Globe Trotters (2e partie) (The Lochness Mess)
058 - Scooby-Doo rencontre les Harlem Globe Trotters (3e partie) (The Mystery Of Haunted Isle)
059 - Scooby-Doo rencontre Josie et les Pussycats (The Haunted Showboat)
060 - La rencontre avec Jinny (Scooby-Doo Meets Jeannie alias Mystery in Persia)
061 - Scooby-Doo rencontre Tim Conway (The Spirited Spooks Sport Show)
062 - Scooby-Doo rencontre Don Adams (The Exterminator)
063 - Scooby-Doo rencontre Speed Buggy (The Weird Winds Of Winona)
064 - Scooby-Doo rencontre "Mama" Cass Eliot (The Haunted Candy Factory)
065 - Scooby-Doo rencontre Dick Van Dyke (Scooby-Doo Meets Dick Van Dyke alias The Haunted Carnival)
066 - Chantier d'épouvante · (High Rise Hair Raiser · Everyone Hyde!)
067 - Scooby-Doo et le roi Aztèque · (The Fiesta Host Is an Aztec Ghost · What Now, Lowbrow?)
068 - La recette du Gator · (The Gruesome Game of the Gator Ghoul · The Great Brain...Train Robbery)
069 - Le spectre branché · (Watta Shocking Ghost · The Day And Night Crawler)
070 - Le cavalier masqué · (The Headless Horseman of Halloween · The Harbor Robber)
071 - (Scared a Lot in Camelot · Sinister Symphony)
072 - Le médecin fou · (The Harum Scarum Sanitarium · Don't Bug Superthug)
073 - Le zombie sans visage · (The No-Face Zombie Chase Case · Factory Recall)
074 - Zombie attitude · (Mamba Wamba and the Voodoo Hoodoo · The Queen Hornet)
075 - La cité souterraine · (A Frightened Hound Meets Demons Underground · The Wizard Of Ooze)
076 - Le ranch dérangeant · (A Bum Steer for Scooby · Tin Kong)
077 - (There's a Demon Shark in the Foggy Dark · The Awful Ordeal With the Head of Steel alias Hang in There, Scooby-Doo ·)
078 - (Scooby-Doo, Where's the Crew? · The Blue Falcon vs. The Red Vulture)
079 - (The Ghost that Sacked the Quarterback · The Injustice League Of America)
080 - Spectres et boules de glace · (The Ghost of the Bad Humor Man · The Lighter Than Air Raid)
081 - Esprit es-tu là ? · (The Spirits of '76 · The Prophet Profits)
082 - (The Curse of Viking Lake)
083 - (Vampire Bats and Scaredy Cats)
084 - Scooby et les dinosaures (Hang in There, Scooby-Doo)
085 - Un come-back macabre (The Chiller Diller Movie Thriller)
086 - Samy fait de la formule 1 (The Spooky Case of the Grand Prix Race)
087 - (The Ozark Witch Switch)
088 - (The Creepy Cruise)
089 - (The Creepy Heap from the Deep)
090 - (Watch Out! The Willawaw!)
091 - (A Creepy Tangle in the Bermuda Triangle)
092 - (A Scary Night With a Snow Beast Fright)
093 - (To Switch a Witch)
094 - (The Tar Monster)
095 - (A Highland Fling With a Monstrous Thing)
096 - (The Creepy Case Of Old Iron Face)
097 - (Jeepers, It's the Jaguaro)
098 - (Who Was That Cat Creature I Saw You With Last Night? alias Make A Beeline Away From That Feline)
099 - (The Creepy Creature of Vulture's Claws)
100 - (The Diabolical Disc Demon)
101 - (Scooby's Chinese Fortune Kooky Caper)
102 - (A Menace in Venice)
103 - (Don't Go Near the Fortress of Fear)
104 - (The Warlock of Wimbledon)
105 - (The Beast is Awake in Bottomless Lake)
106 - Le scarabée bleu (The Scarab Lives!)
107 - Le fantôme de la nuit (The Night Ghoul of Wonderworld)
108 - (Strange Encounters of a Scooby Kind)
109 - Le fantôme électrique (The Neon Phantom of the Roller Disco!)
110 - Le serpent démoniaque (Shiver and Shake, That Demon's A Snake)
111 - (The Scary Sky Skeleton)
112 - Le dragon sacré (The Demon of the Dugout)
113 - L'ours du diable (The Hairy Scare of the Devil Bear)
114 - Le monstre de la mer (Twenty Thousand Screams Under the Sea)
115 - La femme vampire de San Francisco (I Left My Neck in San Francisco)
116 - (When You Wish Upon a Star Creature)
117 - La créature de l'ombre (The Ghoul, the Bat, and the Ugly)
118 - Le fantôme des neiges (Rocky Mountain Yiiiii!)
119 - (The Sorcerer's a Menace)
120 - Le minotaure (Lock The Door, It's a Minotaur!)
121 - (The Ransom of Scooby Chief)
122 - Rencontre d'un genre étrange (A Close Encounter With A Strange Kind)
123 - La nuit des vampires (A Fit Night Out For Bats)
124 - Usine d'aliment chinois (The Chinese Food Factory)
125 - Le magicien du désert (Scooby's Desert Dilemma)
126 - Au jeu du chat et de la souris (The Old Cat and Mouse Game)
127 - Les passagers clandestins (Stowaways)
128 - Ne dérangez pas la momie (Mummy's the Word)
129 - Tiens bon Scooby (Hang in There, Scooby)
130 - Scooby-Doo superstar (Stuntman Scooby)
131 - Scooby fait son cirque (Scooby's Three Ding-A-Ling Circus)
132 - Scooby sur l'île fantastique (Scooby's Fantastic Island)
133 - Le pirate (Long John Scrappy)
134 - Jour de corrida (Scooby's Bull Fright)
135 - Scooby-Doo chez les fantômes (Scooby Ghosts West)
136 - Le chasseur de papillons (A Bungle in the Jungle)
137 - Scooby à la fête (Scooby's Fun Zone)
138 - La sorcière des marécages (Swamp Witch)
139 - Sir Scooby et le chevalier noir (Sir Scooby and the Black Knight)
140 - Le musée de cire (Waxworld)
141 - Scooby-Doo au pays des merveilles (Scooby in Wonderland)
142 - Joyeux anniversaire Scrappy-Doo (Scrappy's Birthday)
143 - Le monstre des mers du sud (South Seas Scare)
144 - Scooby à la montagne (Scoobys Swiss Miss)
145 - Le chapardeur du Pôle Nord (Alaskan King Coward)
146 - Scooby-Doo en Italie (Et Tu, Scoob?)
147 - Scooby à la pêche (Soggy Bog Scooby)
148 - Maître patissier (Scooby Gumbo)
149 - Scooby sur orbite (Way Out Scooby)
150 - Le malabar du gymnasium (Strongman Scooby)
151 - Gare au loup-garou (Moonlight Madness)
152 - Scooby au régiment (Dog Tag Scooby)
153 - Scooby au centre de la Terre (Scooby at the Center of the World)
154 - Scooby et le magicien d'Ahz (Scooby's Trip to Ahz)
155 - La fantôme des catacombes (A Fright At the Opera)
156 - Robot ranch (Robot Ranch)
157 - Une histoire d'espion (Surprised Spies)
158 - Ces clones venus d'ailleurs (The Invasion of the Scooby Snatchers)
159 - Scooby roi du Bengale (Scooby Dooby Guru)
160 - Scooby contre le Bandito (Scooby and the Bandit)
161 - Scooby nocchio (Scooby Nocchio)
162 - Le gardien du phare (Lighthouse Keeper Scooby)
163 - Les racines de Scooby (Scooby's Roots)
164 - Scooby s'échappe de l'Atlantide (Scooby's Escape From Atlantis)
165 - L'histoire d'Excalibur (Excalibur Scooby)
166 - (Scooby Saves the World)
167 - Scooby Dooby Bouh ! (Scooby Dooby Goo)
168 - Scooby en pousse-pousse (Rickshaw Scooby)
169 - La chance de Scooby en Irlande (Scooby's Luck of the Irish)
170 - Scooby derrière la scène (Backstage Scooby)
171 - (Scooby's House of Mystery)
172 - (Sweet Dreams Scooby)
173 - Voyage dans le futur (Scooby-Doo 2000)
174 - Scooby-Doo connaît la musique (Punk Rock Scooby)
175 - Scooby-Doo fait du secrétariat (Canine to Five)
176 - Scooby-Doo bâtisseur (Hardhat Scooby)
177 - Des fleurs pour Scooby-Doo (Hothouse Scooby)
178 - Scooby au foot (Pigskin Scooby)
179 - Scooby et les vieux coucous (Sopwith Scooby)
180 - Scooby-Doo et le Yeti (Tenderbigfoot)
181 - Scooby-Doo et le haricot magique (Scooby and the Beanstalk)
182 - (The Maltese Mackerel)
183 - (Dumb Waiter Caper)
184 - (Yabba's Hustle Rustle)
185 - (Catfish Burglar Caper)
186 - (The Movie Monster Menace)
187 - (Mine Your Own Business)
188 - (Super Teen Shaggy)
189 - (Basketball Bumblers)
190 - (Tragic Magic)
191 - (Beauty Contest Caper)
192 - (Stakeout at the Takeout)
193 - (Runaway Scrappy)
194 - (Who's Scooby-Doo?)
195 - (Double Trouble Date)
196 - (Slippery Dan the Escape Man)
197 - (Cable Car Caper)
198 - (Muscle Trouble)
199 - (The Low-Down Showdown)
200 - (The Comic Book Caper)
201 - (The Misfortune Teller)
202 - (The Vild Vest Vampire)
203 - (A Gem of a Case)
204 - (From Bad to Curse)
205 - (Tumbleweed Derby)
206 - (Disappearing Car Caper)
207 - (Scooby-Doo and Genie-Poo)
208 - (Law and Disorder)
209 - (Close Encounters of the Worst Kind)
210 - (Captain Canine Caper)
211 - (Alien Schmalien)
212 - (The Incredible Cat Lady Caper)
213 - (Picnic Poopers)
214 - (Go East Young Pardner)
215 - (One Million Years Before Lunch)
216 - (Where's the Werewolf?)
217 - (Up a Crazy River)
218 - (The Hoedown Showdown)
219 - (Snow Job Too Small)
220 - (Bride And Gloom)
221 - (Scooby the Barbarian)
222 - (No Sharking Zone)
223 - (Scoobygeist)
224 - (The Quakmire Quake Caper)
225 - (The Hound of the Scoobyvilles)
226 - (The Dinosaur Deception)
227 - (The Creature from the Chem Lab)
228 - (No Thanks Masked Manx)
229 - (Scooby of the Jungle)
230 - (Scooby-Doo and Cyclops, Too)
231 - (Scooby-Roo)
232 - (Scooby's Gold Medal Gambit)
233 - (Wizards and Warlocks)
234 - (Scoobsie 8)
235 - (The Mark of Scooby)
236 - (Crazy Carnival Caper)
237 - (Scooby and the Minotaur)
238 - (Scooby Pinch Hits)
239 - (The Fall Dog)
240 - (The Scooby Coupe)
241 - (Who's Minding the Monster?)
242 - (Scooby a La Mode)
243 - (Where's Scooby Doo? [1/2])
244 - (Where's Scooby-Doo? [2/2])
245 - (Wedding Bell Boos [1/2])
246 - (Wedding Bell Boos [2/2])
247 - (Happy Birthday, Scooby-Doo [1/2])
248 - (Happy Birthday, Scooby-Doo [2/2])
249 - (The Hand of Horror)
250 - (Scooby's Peephole Pandemonium)
251 - (Scoo-Be or Not Scoo-Be?)
252 - (The Stoney Glare Scare)
253 - (Mission Un-Doo-Able)
254 - (The Bee Team)
255 - (Doom Service)
256 - (A Code in the Nose)
257 - (Ghosts of the Ancient Astronauts [1/2])
258 - (Ghosts of the Ancient Astronauts [2/2])
259 - (South Pole Vault)
260 - (The Night of the Living Toys)
261 - (A Halloween Hassle at Dracula's Castle [1/2])
262 - (A Halloween Hassle at Dracula's Castle [2/2])
263 - (A Night Louse at the White House [1/2])
264 - (A Night Louse at the White House [2/2])
265 - (Showboat Scooby)
266 - (The 'Dooby Dooby Doo' Ado)
267 - (Sherlock Doo [1/2])
268 - (Sherlock Doo [2/2])
269 - (A Scary Duel With a Cartoon Ghoul)
270 - (E*I*E*I*O)
271 - (A Nutcracker Scoob [1/2])
272 - (A Nutcracker Scoob [2/2])
273 - (To All the Ghouls I've Loved Before)
274 - Soubra Kadabra (Scoobra Kadoobra)
275 - Moi et mon ombre spectrale (Me and My Shadow Demon)
276 - Reflet dans un œil noir (Reflections in a Ghoulish Eye)
277 - Un divertissement monstre (That's Monstertainment)
278 - (Ship of Ghouls)
279 - Un effrayant petit monstre (A Spooky Little Ghoul Like You)
280 - Sortilèges et maléfices (When You Wish Upon a Scoob)
281 - Scooby-Doo tu es merveilleux (It's a Wonderful Scoob)
282 - Scooby-Doo au pays des bulles (Scooby in Kwackyland)
283 - Vent de vampires (Coast to Ghost)
284 - Le plus grand show du monde (The Ghouliest Show on Earth)
285 - Drôle d'horreur scope (Horror-Scope Scoob)
286 - Le Voleur de vélo (A Bicycle Built For Boo!)
287 - L'Œil monstrueux (The Sludge Monster from the Earth's Core)
288 - Quel fromage Scooby-Doo (Wanted: Cheddar Alive)
289 - Le Docteur Croquetout (The Schnook Who Took My Comic Book)
290 - Au pied de la lettre (For Letter Or Worse)
291 - Les Zombies sont là (The Babysitter From Beyond)
292 - Le Monstre des neiges (Snow Place Like Home)
293 - Le Fantôme du musée (Now Museum, Now You Don't)
294 - L'Ami Scooby-Doo (Scooby Dude)
295 - Scooby-Doo bouh (Ghost Who's Coming For Dinner?)
296 - Scooby-Doo le grand Manitou (The Story Stick)
297 - Robot chien (Robopup)
298 - Un cinéma, monstre, moteur (Lights...Camera...Monster)
299 - Le Collier maudit (Curse of the Collar)
300 - Le Retour du Commandant Cool (The Return of Commander Cool)
301 - (The Spirit of Rock 'n' Roll)
302 - Poulestein fait la une (Chickenstein Lives!)
303 - La Nuit des Burger vivants (Night of the Living Burger)
304 - Un robot au poil (The Computer Walks Among Us)
305 - Scooby-Doo fait une fugue (Dog Gone Scooby)
306 - (Terror, Thy Name is Zombo)
307 - (Night of the Boogey Biker)
308 - (Dawn of the Space Shuttle Scare)
309 - (Horror of the Haunted Hairpiece)
310 - (Wrestle Maniacs)
311 - (The Mayhem of the Moving Mollusk)
312 - (The Were-Doo of Doo Manor)
313 - Le Fantôme de la bibliothèque (The Ghost of Mrs. Shusham)
314 - Comment échapper à la fourrière en 10 leçons ? (Catcher of the Sly)
315 - Monsieur Mauvais Goût (The Wrath of Waitro)
316 - L’Abominable Créature des Neiges (There's No Creature Like Snow Creature)
317 - 3-D Destruction (3-D Struction)
318 - Le Singe de l'Espace (Space Ape at the Cape)
319 - Panique chez les Cajuns (Big Scare in the Big Easy)
320 - Le Mystère de la Machine à Mystère (It's Mean, It's Green, It's the Mystery Machine)
321 - Viva Las Vegas (Riva Ras Regas)
322 - Les Rails de l'Enfer (Roller Ghoster Ride!)
323 - Le Safari (Safari, So Goodie!)
324 - Le monstre des océans (She Sees Sea Monster at the Sea Shore)
325 - Spécial Noël - Le bonhomme de neige sans tête (Scooby-Doo Christmas)
326 - Les Jouets destructeurs (Toy Scary Boo)
327 - Le Fantôme de l'Opéra de Pékin - (Lights! Camera! Mayhem)
328 - Le Gladiateur de Pompéi (Pompeii and Circumstance)
329 - Le Base-Balleur Fantôme (The Unnatural)
330 - La Légende de L'Ancien (Big Appetite In Little Tokyo)
331 - Le Réveil de la Momie (Mummy Scares Best)
332 - Scooby-Doo au Pays des Lombritropiens (The Fast and the Wormious)
333 - La Maison du Futur (High-Tech House of Horrors)
334 - Le Vampire Contre-attaque (The Vampire Strikes Back)
335 - Spécial Halloween - L'Halloween de la prophétie (Scooby-Doo Halloween)
336 - Le Concours Canin (Homeward Hound)
337 - Le San Franpsycho (The San Franpsycho)
338 - Sale plan pour les Simples Plans (Simple Plan and the Invisible Madman)
339 - Le Scooby monstre (Recipe for Disaster)
340 - Le Dragon de Glasborough (Large Dragon at Large)
341 - Tonton Scoubi en Antarctique (Uncle Scooby and Antarctica)
342 - L'aigle maléfique (New Mexico, Old Monster)
343 - La Porte de l'Atlantide (It's All Greek to Scooby)
344 - Le Phare de l'angoisse (Fright House Of A Lighthouse)
345 - Scooby-Doo au Far-West (Go West, Young Scoob)
346 - Spécial Saint Valentin - La Saint-Valentin (A Scooby-Doo Valentine)
347 - Combats Déments (Wrestle Maniacs)
348 - A Vos Marques... Pleurez ! (Ready To Scare)
349 - Le Démon de la Ferme (Farmed And Dangerous)
350 - Les Monstres préfèrent les Diamants (Diamonds Are A Ghouls Best Friend)
351 - Une partie de golf infernal (A Terrifying Round With A Menacing Metallic Clown)
352 - Le Camp viensdoncquejetefassepeur (Camp Comeoniwannascareya)
353 - Les Tribulations de Sammy et Scooby-Doo en Chine (Block-Long Hong Kong Terror)
354 - A fond le ballon (Gentlemen, Start Your Monsters)
355 - Midas chez les bidasses (Gold Paw)
356 - Des griffes sous le récif (Reef Grief!)
357 - Frayeur Virtuelle (E-Scream)
358 - L'héritage de Sammy (Shags to Riches)
359 - Pas de fondue pour Scooby-Doo (More Fondue for Scooby-Doo!)
360 - (High Society Scooby)
361 - La foudre frappe (Lightning Strikes Twice)
362 - (Party Arty)
363 - (Smart House)
364 - Les rois des fourneaux (Chefs of Steel)
365 - Les invincibles invisibles (Mystery of the Missing Mystery Solvers)
366 - Ouistiti Chéri (Don't Feed the Animals)
367 - (Almost Ghosts)
368 - Pile Pôle (Pole to Pole)
369 - Dans le corps de Phineus Phibes (Big Trouble)
370 - Bonne surprise pour Phibes (Operation Dog and Hippy Boy) |
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