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01 - Jū no Sekai
02 - Kōri no Sogeki Shu
03 - Senketsu no Kioku
04 - GGO
05 - Jū to Ken
06 - Kouya no kettō
07 - Kurenai no kioku
08 - Bullet of Bullets
09 - Desu· gan
10 - Shi no tsuigeki sha
11 - Tsuyosa no Im
12 - Maboroshi no jū kyō
13 - Fantomu Baretto
14 - Chisana Ippo
14.5 - Debriefing
15 - Mizūmi no joō
16 - Kyojin no Ō
17 - Ekusukyaribā
18 - Mori no Ie
19 - Zekken
20 - Sleeping Knights
21 - Kenshi no Hi
22 - Tabiji no Hate
23 - Yume no Hajimari
24 - Mother's Rosario
Lista de los episodios - Gran Bretaña / USA
Número de episodios : 25
01 - The World of Guns
02 - Ice Sniper
03 - Memories of Blood
04 - Gun Gale Online
05 - Gun and Sword
06 - Duel in the Wastelands
07 - Crimson Memories
08 - Bullet of Bullets
09 - Death Gun
10 - Pursuer of Death
11 - The Meaning of Strength
12 - Bullet of a Phanto
13 - Phantom Bullet
14 - A Small Step
14.5 - Debriefing
15 - The Queen of the Lake
16 - King of the giants
17 - Excalibur
18 - The Forest House
19 - Absolute sword
20 - Sleeping Knights
21 - The Monument of Swordsmen
22 - Journey's End
23 - Beginning of a Dream
24 - Mother's Rosario