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Geneworld.net>Manga / Animas / Comics>Zenki


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Lista de los episodios - Gran Bretaña / USA Gran Bretaña / USA Número de episodios : 51 Modificar
01 - The fierce guardian spirit awakens
02 - Karuma the demon and her three demon disciples
03 - Shut in by the shutter
04 - The pot filled with desire
05 - Tastes like fresh Zenki
06 - The boy and the telephone
07 - Run for the finish line of desire
08 - Welcome to Hotel Mummy
09 - A demon in he basement and the fire spell
10 - A boy and his dogs
11 - The night song of the samurai
12 - Memories buried in the snow
13 - The challenge of the wishing plaques
14 - The legendary guardian spirit. Reveal Zenki's secret
15 - The plan of sealing up the guardian spirit
16 - The spell of darkness. Souma vs Anju
17 - The servant of evil falls. Anju's longest day
18 - The golden dragon awakens. The mythical immortal mountain
19 - The two Chiakis. 800-year promise
20 - Heian capital up in flames. Come, golden axe !
21 - Rush to the future. The pentagram shrines in the ancient capital
22 - Guardian village destroyed. Water formation
23 - Goula the traitor. Gold formation and earth formation
24 - Come back to life Zenki ! Flame formation
25 - The last battle ! The end of Karuma
26 - Eve of the guardian spirit festival. Lulupapa appears
27 - A new enemy. I am the Prince of the Realm of the Dead
28 - The awakening of the heartbeat ! Akira's secret
29 - Rear out ! The ultimate guardian spirit Vajura Mahar Samskara
30 - Stolen faces. Beware of the pick-up artist !
31 - The hands that create souls. The night of the dolls
32 - Terror by the lake. Listen ! The spirit's song
33 - Fragments of desire. Chiaki in big trouble !
34 - Jukai runs for office ! Daruma power, cast your honest vote !
35 - An arrow that pierces the full moon. Ichiko's secret
36 - Forbidden garden. Let's put flowers on our heads
37 - A star is born. Got the punch line ?
38 - The nightmare of the lost pool. Souma returns
39 - Hirumaki's scheme. The shadow of death creeps
40 - Dangerous Encounter, Sayaka's Crush
41 - Kokutei Gets Kidnapped, Assassinate the Dog Deity !
42 - Akira is the Target. Attacker from the Realm of the Dead
43 - Darkness Approaches, Chiaki Gets Tested,
44 - The Miracle of Mother mary, The Memory of an Ancient Jewel.
45 - Kaze Dies at Dawn, Kill the Phantom Karuma Beast
46 - Beautiful Beast, Negation Power
47 - Enno Shrine Under Attack. Come, Earth Dragon Staff !
48 - The Fate of the Moon and the Wolf. Beyond the White and Silver.
49 - The Guardian Spirit versus the Dog Deity. The Last Battle of Destiny.
50 - The God of Destruction Arrives. Fight, Courageous Ones !
51 - Go Guardian Spirit ! Golden Axe Ludora !


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