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Geneworld.net>Manga / Animas / Comics>Escuela de detectives


Ediciones (5)
Genéricos (7)
Letras (7)
Episodios (2)
Imágenes (15)
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Lista de los episodios - Gran Bretaña / USA Gran Bretaña / USA Número de episodios : 45 Modificar
01 - Awaken! The Best Detective in the World!!
02 - A First Step to Dreams - The Entrance Exam trap
03 - Final Exam! The Stretched-Around Trap
04 - An Intent to Kill at the School Entrance Ceremony! School Bomb Threat
05 - Crack the Code!? A Message from the Deceased
06 - The Perfect 1000-Witness Alibi
07 - The Jigsaw-Puzzle Will
08 - The Pretty-Boy Detective! He Appears at Last!!
09 - Showdown! The Cutthroat Who Crossed Through Time!!
10 - The Beautiful Boy Genius - Exposing the Perfect Mystery Room
11 - The Final Deciding Match! The Truth about Q Class!!
12 - A Curse Breaks Out!? The Seance Murder Case
13 - Evil Spirit in the Locked Room! The Unstopable Murders
14 - An Announcement From the Spiritual World! The Forbidden Truth!!
15 - 30 Meters Underwater. The Case of the Underwater Locked Room Murder
16 - Class Rivalry! Battle of the Vanishing Person
17 - Uncharted Waters that Lead to Death! The Legend of Kami Kakushi Village
18 - The Conclusive Moment! The Corpse that Disappears into the Sky
19 - The Revelation of Death! You're Next!!
20 - It Comes to Light! The Masked High Priest - Crimes and Lies!!
21 - The Last Mysterious Disappearance! There's Only One Answer
22 - Dinner of the Dead
23 - Alibi Train
24 - The Cursed Idol
25 - An Old Enemy! Pluto
26 - Meg Aimed
27 - The Dragon Goes Out
28 - SOS from an Underground Prison
29 - Murder Collector
30 - Broadcast of the Campus of Death
31 - Tragedy on the Net
32 - Detective Groupe of Beautiful Girls
33 - Mystery of the Home Economics Classroom
34 - The Curse that Disappeared
35 - Bomb of the Terrifying Gem
36 - The Murder Case of the Illusionary House
37 - Melody of the Death God
38 - Murder Concerto
39 - The Death March of Friendship
40 - Duel! The Headless Woman
41 - Murder Case of the Maya Princess
42 - The Home of the Betrayer
43 - Ryu's determination
44 - Dan Morihiko, Kidnapping!
45 - The Great Detective of the Future
Lista de los episodios - Japón Japón Número de episodios : 45 Modificar
01 - Mezase! Sekaiichi no Meitantei!!
02 - Yume no Daiippo - Nyuugaku Shiken no Wana
03 - Saishuu Shiken! Harimegurasareta Wana
04 - Nyuugakushiki no Satsui! Gakuen Bakuha Yokoku
05 - Angou Kaidoku!? Shisha no MESSEEJI
06 - Shougensha 1000-nin Kanzen na ARIBAI
07 - JIGUSOO PAZURU no Yuigonjou
08 - Ano Bishounen Tantei! Tsui ni Toujou!!
09 - Taiketsu! Toki wo Koeta Satsujinki!!
10 - Tensai Bishounen - Kanzen Mitsushitsu wo Abaku
11 - Saishuu Kessen! Q KURASU no Shinjitsu!!
12 - Tatari Hassai!? Koureijuu Satsujin Jiken
13 - Misshitsu no Akuryō! Tomara nai Satsujin
14 - Reikai ga Tsugeru! Kindan no Shinsō!!
15 - Suishin San-Jū Mētoru Kaitei Misshitsu Satsujin Jiken
16 - Kurasu Taikō! Ningen Shōjutsu Bator
17 - Shini Itaru Hikyō! Kamikakushi Mura Densetsu
18 - Ketteiteki Shunkan! Sora ni Kieru Shitai
19 - Shino Otsuke! Tsugi wa Omae da!!
20 - Hakkaku! Kamen no Kyōso - Sai to Uso!!
21 - Saigo no Kamikakushi! Kotae wa Hitotsu
22 - Shisha no dinna
23 - Aribai Ressha
24 - Noroi no aidoru
25 - Shukuteki! meiousei
26 - Nerawareta Megu
27 - Kieta Dragon
28 - Chika rougoku SOS
29 - Satsujin Collector
30 - Shi no kounai housou
31 - Netto no hibiki
32 - Bishojo tanteidan
33 - Kateika shitsu no nazo
34 - Kieta noroi
35 - Kyofu no houseki bakudan
36 - Gensoukan satsujin jiken
37 - Shinigami no senritsu
38 - Satsujin kyousoukyoku
39 - Yuujou no kesshikou
40 - Taiketsu! Kubinashi onna
41 - Maya hime satsujin jiken
42 - Uragirimono no sato
43 - Ryu no ketsui
44 - Dan Morihiko, yuukai!
45 - Mirai no meitantei


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