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Geneworld.net>Manga / Animas / Comics>Alvin et les chipmunks


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Genéricos (1)
Letras (2)
Episodios (2)
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Avatares (3)
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Lista de los episodios - Francia Francia Número de episodios : 70 Modificar
01 - La fiancée de Dave
02 - Vive la solitude
03 - Le robot magique
04 - Il était une fois
05 - Le fantôme
06 - Monsieur Muscle
07 - La visite de Vinny
08 - Tonton casse cou
09 - Théodore et Juliette
10 - Le mur
11 - La reine du bal
12 - Alvin au pays des médiums
13 - L'étoffe d'un champion
14 - Obsession d'Alvin
15 - Le cauchemar de Dave
16 - Cookie Champker
17 - Panique à la maison
18 - Trop hanché pour Dave
19 - Détective privé
20 - Exposition scientifique
21 - Voyage à l'interieur de Dave
22 - Le retour de Tonton casse cou
23 - Joyeux Noël Mr Carol
24 - Alvin au pays imaginaire
25 - Eau de rêve
26 - Ventre plein, tête pleine
27 - Elémentaire mon cher Simon
28 - Chipmunkmania vidéo hits
29 - Alvin en analyse
30 - L'île au trésor
31 - Vacances à Siesta Grande
32 - Drôles de dames
33 - Un Noël de Chipmunk
34 - La Saint Valentin
35 - L'amour d'une mère
36 - Kong
37 - Sploosh
38 - Le voyageur de l'espace
39 - Robomunk
40 - Bat munk
41 - Les vacances européennes d'un bouffon
42 - Hey on a retréci les adultes
43 - L'absolu au delà des frontières
44 - Plus grand
45 - Daytona Jones et la perle de sagese
46 - Gremlionis
47 - Chip tracy
48 - Quelle vie de chien
49 - A la recherche d'un foyer
50 - A bientôt Georges
51 - Tel père tel fils
52 - Lully assise
53 - Retour vers notre futur
54 - Le procès
55 - Une journée de fous
56 - Alvin aux armées
57 - Une étrange babysitter
58 - Shamus le lutin
59 - Quaterback en jupon
60 - Etonnants Chipmunks
61 - Commandant de l'espace
62 - Drôle de métier
63 - Y'a t il un génie
64 - Un jour de la vie
65 - Docteur Simon et monsieur Séducteur
66 - Vive l'été
67 - Cher journal intime
68 - Fantôme du rock opéra
69 - Princesse et le cochon
70 - Arbre généalogique
Lista de los episodios - Gran Bretaña / USA Gran Bretaña / USA Número de episodios : 102 Modificar
001 - The C-Team/The Chipettes
002 - Uncle Harry/Rock 'n' Robot
003 - The Television Stars/The Cruise
004 - The Chipmunk Story
005 - Mr. Fabulous/Grandma and Grandpa Seville
006 - Unidentified Flying Chipmunk/Mother's Day
007 - The Chip Punk/From Here to Fraternity
008 - Urban Chipmunk/The Incredible Shrinking Dave
009 - Angelic Alvin/The Trouble with Nanny
010 - Bully Ballet/Alvin and the Chipmunk
011 - Swiss Family Chipmunks/Santa Harry
012 - A Dog's Best Friend Is a Chipmunk/Curse of Lontiki
013 - Baseball Heroes/May the Best Chipmunk Win
014 - The Chipmunk Who Bugged Me/Rich and Infamous
015 - Don't Be a Vidiot/A Horse of Course
016 - The Camp Calomine Caper/Lights, Camera, Alvin
017 - Some Entrancing Evening/Match Play
018 - The Picture of Health/The Victrola Awards
019 - Royally Received/Gone Fishin'
020 - Setting the Record Straight/Father's Day Muffins
021 - Alvin on Ice/Operation Theodore
022 - The Gang's All Here/Snow Job
023 - Maids in Japan/My Fair Chipette
024 - New, Improved Simon/The Greatest Show-Offs on Earth
025 - Guardian Chipmunks/Car Sick
026 - Hat Today, Gone Tomorrow/Snow Wrong
027 - Flim Flam/The Secret Life of David Seville
028 - Who Ghost There ?/Romancing Miss Stone
029 - A Chip Off the Old Tooth/Three Alarm Alvin
030 - Sisters/Tell It to the Judge
031 - Good Old Simon/The Chipmunks Go to Washington
032 - Soccer to Me/Every Chipmunk Tells a Story
033 - A Little Worm in the Big Apple/Staying Afloat
034 - The Chipette Story
035 - The Prize Isn't Right/The Gold of My Dreams
036 - Mind Over Matterhorn/Alvin's Oldest Fan
037 - Help Wanted: Mommy
038 - A Rash of Babies/Miss Miller's Big Gamble
039 - Teevee or Not Teevee/Simon Seville Superstar
040 - Whatever Happened to Dave Seville ?/Sweet Smell of Success
041 - Cinderella ? Cinderella !
042 - Experiment in Error/How You Gonna Keep 'Em Down on the Farm ?
043 - Middle-Aged Davey/I Love L.A.
044 - Chipmunk Vice/Hooping It Up
045 - Back to Dave's Future/Court Action
046 - Sincerely Theodore/My Pharaoh Lady
047 - Simon Says/When the Chips Are Down
048 - Alvin, Alvin, Alvin !/Dave's Dream Cabin
049 - Old Friends/The Secret of Seville Manor
050 - Ask Alvin/Theodore Lucks Out
051 - Big Dreams/Island Fever
052 - Just One of the Girls/Goin' Down to Dixie
053 - Dreamlighting
054 - Elementary, My Dear Simon
055 - The Brunch Club
056 - Food for Thought
057 - Wings Over Siesta Grande
058 - Treasure Island
059 - Chipmunkmania
060 - Grounded Chipmunk
061 - Alvey's Angels
062 - Cadet's Regets
063 - Alvin and the Analyst
064 - Dave's Getting Married
065 - No Chipmunk is an Island/Babysitter Fright Night
066 - Going For Broke
067 - Once Upon a Crime
068 - The Phantom/Mad About Alvin
069 - Vinny's Visit
070 - Uncle Adventure/Luck O' The Chipmunks
071 - Theodore and Juliet/Quarterback In Curlers
072 - The Wall/The Amazing Chipmunks
073 - Theodore's Life as a Dog/Queen of the High School Ballroom
074 - Psychic Alvin/Special Kind of Champ
075 - Alvin's Obsession/Alvin's Not So Super Hero
076 - Dave's Wonderful Life
077 - Cookie Chomper III
078 - Home, Sweet Home/All Worked Up
079 - Nightmare on Seville Street/Thinking Cap Trap
080 - Bye George/A Day in the Life
081 - Life Father, Like Son/Dr. Simon and Mr. Heartthrob
082 - Too Hip to be Dave/Hearts and Flowers
083 - Maltese Chipmunk/Dear Diary
084 - Unfair Science/Shaking the Family Tree
085 - Inner Dave/The Legend of Sleeping Brittany
086 - Three Chipmunks and a Puppy/Phantom Of The Rock Opera
087 - The Return Of Uncle Adventure/The Princess and the Pig
088 - Alvin In Neverland
089 - Merry Christmas, Mr. Carroll
090 - Back to Our Future
091 - Bigger !
092 - Kong !
093 - Batmunk
094 - Daytona Jones and the Pearl of Wisdom
095 - Star Wreck: The Absolutely Final Frontier
096 - Robomunk
097 - S.T. The Space Traveler
098 - Irrational Buffoon's European Vacation
099 - Chip Tracy
100 - Gremlionis
101 - Sploosh
102 - Funny, We Shrunk the Adults


0 miembro tiene esta serie 0 miembro tiene esta serie


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Sweat à capuche - Ichigo


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
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