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Geneworld.net>Manga / Animas / Comics>Fraggle rock


Ediciones (1)
Genéricos (4)
Letras (2)
Episodios (2)
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Avatares (0)
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Lista de los episodios - Francia Francia Número de episodios : 26 Modificar
01 - Il était une fois
02 - Wembley et les Gorgs
03 - Rendez-nous l'eau !
04 - Pas la peine sans ta casquette
05 - Le sermon de Johnny Persuasion
06 - Je veux être toi
07 - L'horrible tunnel
08 - Le trésor perdu des Fraggles
09 - Prends la queue par le tigre
10 - Le doigt de lumière
11 - On t'aime, Wembley
12 - Le défi
13 - Je m'en fiche
14 - Décrocher la Lune
15 - L'isolement
16 - Les ménestrels
17 - La grande pénurie de radis
18 - Opération danger
19 - L'enterrement de Béa
20 - La bête de Roc Bleu
21 - Une remplaçante pour Germaine
22 - L'oeuf de Wembley
23 - La caverne de Boubeur
24 - La guerre des Fraggles
25 - L'école des explorateurs
26 - La caverne des rêves perdus
Lista de los episodios - Gran Bretaña / USA Gran Bretaña / USA Número de episodios : 96 Modificar
01 - Beginnings
02 - Wembley and the Gorgs
03 - Let the Water Run
04 - You Can't Do That Without a Hat
05 - The Thirty-Minute Work Week
06 - The Preachification of Convincing John
07 - I Want to Be You
08 - The Terrible Tunnel
09 - The Lost Treasure of the Fraggles
10 - Don't Cry Over Spilt Milk
11 - Catch the Tail by the Tiger
12 - The Finger of Light
13 - We Love You, Wembley
14 - The Challenge
15 - I Don't Care
16 - Capture the Moon
17 - Marooned
18 - The Minstrels
19 - The Great Radish Famine
20 - The Garden Plot
21 - Gobo's Discovery
22 - Mokey's Funeral
23 - The Beast of Blue Rock
24 - New Trash Heap in Town
25 - Wembley's Egg
26 - Boober Rock
27 - The Trash Heap Doesn't Live Here Anymore
28 - Red's Sea Monster
29 - Uncle Matt Comes Home
30 - Boober's Dream
31 - Mokey and the Minstrels
32 - All Work and All Play
33 - Sir Hubris and the Gorgs
34 - A Friend in Need
35 - The Wizard of Fraggle Rock
36 - The Doozer Contest
37 - Red's Club
38 - The Secret of Convincing John
39 - Manny's Land of Carpets
40 - Junior Sells the Farm
41 - Fraggle Wars
42 - The Day the Music Died
43 - Doomsday Soup
44 - A Cave of One's Own
45 - Wembley and the Great Race
46 - Doozer Is As Doozer Does
47 - Boober's Quiet Day
48 - The Invasion of the Toe Ticklers
49 - The Bells of Fraggle Rock
50 - Red-Handed and the Invisible Thief
51 - Boober and the Glob
52 - The Grapes of Generosity
53 - Blanket of Snow, Blanket of Woe
54 - Pebble Pox Blues
55 - Home Is Where the Trash Is
56 - Believe It or Not
57 - Wembley and the Mean Genie
58 - The Secret Society of Poobahs
59 - The Beanbarrow, the Burden and the Bright Bouquet
60 - Gobo's School for Explorers
61 - Scared Silly
62 - The Great Radish Caper
63 - Born to Wander
64 - The Battle of Leaking Roof
65 - Playing Till It Hurts
66 - Bored Stiff
67 - The Cavern of Lost Dreams
68 - The Incredible Shrinking Mokey
69 - A Dark and Stormy Night
70 - Gunge the Great and Glorious
71 - Sprocket's Big Adventure
72 - Wembley's Wonderful Whoopie Water
73 - Sidebottom Blues
74 - Uncle Matt's Discovery
75 - Junior Faces the Music
76 - A Tune for Two
77 - The Perfect Blue Rollie
78 - A Brush with Jealousy
79 - Wembley's Flight
80 - Red's Blue Dragon
81 - Wonder Mountain
82 - Space Frog Follies
83 - Boober Gorg
84 - Mirror, Mirror
85 - The Riddle of Rhyming Rock
86 - The Voice Inside
87 - The Trial of Cotterpin Doozer
88 - The River of Life
89 - Beyond the Pond
90 - Gone But Not Forgotten
91 - Mokey, Then and Now
92 - Ring Around the Rock
93 - Inspector Red
94 - The Gorg Who Would Be King
95 - The Honk of Honks
96 - Change of Address


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