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Geneworld.net>Manga / Animas / Comics>Sharivan


Ediciones (5)
Genéricos (2)
Letras (3)
Episodios (4)
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Lista de los episodios - Francia Francia Número de episodios : 51 Modificar
01 - Rêves et illusions
02 - La ville des démons
03 - La promesse envers Kumiko
04 - Ordinateurs recherchés pour crime
05 - Sharivan contre l'empire des Burlocks
06 - Le piège mortel
07 - Cauchemars à la demande
08 - Les pollueurs de la nuit
09 - Les faux monnayeurs
10 - Le canon Burlock
11 - Les pirates de l'espace
12 - Nos amis venus de l'espace
13 - Combats truqués
14 - L'héritière du royaume de Denimos
15 - L'enlèvement
16 - Mort en sursis
17 - Le mystère du tunnel d'Izu
18 - Alerte aux météores
19 - Le cristal Iga
20 - Le cristal magique
21 - L'intrus
22 - La championne
23 - Les sosies
24 - Les scarabées maléfiques
25 - Au secours papa
26 - Le parc d'attractions mortelles
27 - L'évadé de la prison noire
28 - Panique sur la campus
29 - Trafic d'armes
30 - Les mères indignes
31 - Où est le cristal Iga ?
32 - Les oranges empoisonnées
33 - Téléportation
34 - L'envoyé du monde des esprits errants
35 - La force retrouvée
36 - Le commando d'Iga
37 - Les fleurs magiques
38 - Complots chez les Burlocks
39 - La poupée maudite
40 - Tremblements de terre
41 - La menace des Burlocks
42 - Hélène
43 - Des larmes entre une mère et sa fille
44 - Démonia au service
45 - Le piège
46 - La famille avant tout
47 - Les épées
48 - Mimmy
49 - Le combat pour le cristal Iga
50 - Le monstre venu des mers
51 - Le retour vers Iga
Lista de los episodios - Gran Bretaña / USA Gran Bretaña / USA Número de episodios : 51 Modificar
01 - Visions
02 - Spirit World New Town
03 - A Promise With Kumiko
04 - The Microcomputer Investigation
05 - Yohko of the Harbor Doesn't Forget the Melody of Love
06 - The Small Life Flying Through the Forest of the Battlefield
07 - Who is the Me Floating in the Mirror ! ?
08 - The Comeback Salmon Revived by the Lutaceous River
09 - The Surprise House is at Vision Town, Address 0
10 - Vision Castle - Chase the Shadow of the Tokyo Express
11 - He Came From the Dark Nebula, the Strongest Villain, Fighter
12 - An Alien's Smile; Operation My Friend
13 - Strength is Love; The Heroes Set Off
14 - The Grandmother Who's Scared of Recurring Nightmares
15 - The Device Island of the Sea's Rumbling
16 - The Dangerous Hit Song Sung by the Pretty Girl
17 - The Wondrous Extradimensional Trip of the New Model Double-Decker Bus
18 - It's Summer ! It's the Sea ! The Meteor Group Who Attacks Izuhantou
19 - The Mysterious Girl Who Stands Alone on the Cape Wicked Men Visit
20 - The Prism Desert Island That Calls the Stormy Seas
21 - The Secret Room's Fang - Lily Likes a Mystery
22 - The Temptation to Heaven That the Tennis Player Attacks
23 - Fear of the Copy Era; Big Gathering of All Humans
24 - The Japan Lazy Person Disease Transported by the Insect Hurricane
25 - Tears in a Demon's Eye - An Angel's Tears - Papa's Help is Coming
26 - The Trap of Anger; The Great Makeup War
27 - The Treacherous Skies; The Fugitive From the Dark Jail
28 - The Campus is an 80m Wind Speed Violent Storm
29 - Who is the Enemy ? The Hot-Blooded Man Who Targets the Wilderness
30 - The Abandoned Children; Transforming Mama
31 - Miyuki, Now ? The Wandering Illusion Crystal
32 - The Vision Dream Device Orange and a Lullaby !
33 - An Instant Trip ! Inside the Vision Castle are Bizarre Flowers in Full Bloom
34 - The Hair-Raising Spirit is the Guide to the Ghost World
35 - If You Fall, Stand up, Den ! Love is the Radiance of Life
36 - The Iga Warrior Team's Z Flag Rises in the Cloudy Space Sky
37 - The Bear-Hunting Grandpa Saw the Wondrous Poison Flower
38 - Crazy Whispering Coup d'Etat, Visions of Dark Clouds
39 - The Doll Knows the Wounds of the Iga Warrior's Heart
40 - The Fiery Car Chase, the Great Promise to Tear Bonds of Love
41 - Phoenix ! ! Return to the Crazy Vision World
42 - The Crimson Youth of the Female Warrior Who Ran Through the Battlefield
43 - The Tears of a Mother and Child's Love Flow Down the Road to Heaven
44 - The Midnight Cinderella is Full of the Aroma of Roses
45 - The Audition's Trap; The Big Little Child Star
46 - The Birthday Promise; The Sky Cloud That Draws a Dream to the Heavens
47 - The Older Brother and Younger Sister Who Wish For Happiness; Sparks Fall, Holy Sword, Evil Sword
48 - Mimi
49 - Gamagon
50 - Sea Monster
51 - Sekisha - Jouchaku
Lista de los episodios - Japón Japón Número de episodios : 51 Modificar
01 - Genmu
02 - Makai Nyū Taun
03 - Kumiko to no Yakusoku
04 - Maikon Shimeitehai
05 - Minato no Yōko wa Ai no Merodi o Wasurenai
06 - Senjō no Mori o Kakeru Chiisa na Inochi
07 - Kagami no Naka ni Ukabu Watashi wa Dare ! ?
08 - Dorono Kawa wa Yomegaeru Kamubakku Sāmon
09 - Bikkuri Hausu wa Genmu Machi Zero Banchi
10 - Genmu Shiro - Tōkyō Ekisupuresu no Kage o Oe
11 - Ankoku Seiun Kara Kita Saikyō no Akuyaku Faitā
12 - Iseijin no Hohoemi Mai Furendo Sakusen
13 - Tsuyosa wa Ai da Eiyū-tachi no Tabidachi
14 - Obachan Renzoku Muma ni Obieru Okumanchōja
15 - Uminari no Shikake Shima
16 - Bishōjo Kashu ga Utau Kiken na Hitto Songu
17 - Shingata Nikai Date Basu no Fushigi na I-jigen Ryokō
18 - Natsu da ! Umi da ! Izuhantō o Osō Meteo no Gun
19 - Makyō Misaki ni Hitori Tatsu Shinpi no Shōjo
20 - Aranami ga Yobu Shichishoku Suishō no Kotō
21 - Misshitsu no Kiba - Ririi wa Misuterī ga O-suki
22 - Tenisu Purēyā o Osō Tengoku e no Yūwaku
23 - Kopī Jidai no Kyōfu Sokkuri Ningen Dai Shūgō
24 - Konchū Harikēn ga Hakonda Nihon Namakemono Byō
25 - Oni no Me ni Namida - Tenshi no Namida - Papa Tasuke ni Kite
26 - Nikushimi no Wana Meikuappu Dai Sensō
27 - Uragiri no Sora Ankoku Keimusho Kara no Tōbōsha
28 - Kyanpasu wa Sōsoku Hachijū Mētā no Mōretsu Sutōmu
29 - Teki wa Dare da ? Areno o Mezasu Nekketsuji
30 - Suterareru Kodomo-tachi Henshin Suru Mama
31 - Miyuki wa Ima ? Samayoeru Maboroshi no Kurisutaru
32 - Genmu Jikake no Orenji to Komoriuta !
33 - Shunkan Ryokō ! Genmu Jōnai wa Kaiki no Hanazakari
34 - Sōkedatsu Yūki wa Shiryō Kai e no Annai Hito
35 - Taoretara Tachiagare Den ! Ai wa Seimei no Kagayaki
36 - Fūun no Uchū Umi ni Iga Senshi Dan no Zetto Hata Agaru
37 - Fushigi na Doku Hana o Kumagari Jiisan wa Mita
38 - Ranshin Sasayaki Kūdetā An'un no Genmu
39 - Ningyō wa Shitte Iru Iga Senshi no Kokoro no Kizu o
40 - Honō no Kā Cheisu Ai no Kizuna o Saku Dai Kanegoto
41 - Fushichō yo ! Gyakufunsha no Genmu Kai e Maimodore
42 - Senjō o Kakenuketa Onna Senshi no Makka na Seishun
43 - Haha to Ko no Ai no Namida ga Tengoku e no Michi ni Nagareru
44 - Bara no Kaori ni Michita Mayonaka no Shinderera
45 - Ōdishon no Wana Chibikko Dai Sutā
46 - Tanjōbi no Yakusoku Ōzora ni Yume o Egaku Hikō Kumo
47 - Kōfuku o Negau Ani to Imōto Hibana Chiru Seiken Jaken
48 - Mimī
49 - Gamagon
50 - Umibōzu
51 - Sekisha - Jōchaku
Lista de los episodios - Portugal Portugal Número de episodios : 51 Modificar
01 - Alucinação
02 - A Nova Cidade
03 - A Promessa
04 - O Plano My Com
05 - A Melodia de Yoko
06 - A Floresta Ameaçada pela Destruição
07 - Quem Sou Eu ?
08 - A Poluição do Rio
09 - A Casa Fantasma
10 - O Castelo da Alucinação
11 - Os Seres da Estrela do Mal
12 - Operação Meus Amigos
13 - A Verdadeira Força é o Amor
14 - Enigmática Herança
15 - A Ilha da Fortaleza
16 - A Perigosa Melodia
17 - A Estranha Viagem Pelo Túnel
18 - O Ataque do Míssil Meteorito
19 - A Misteriosa Ilha
20 - A Descoberta do Cristal Iga
21 - O Ataque ao Grand Bus
22 - Ameaça de Morte à Tenista
23 - A Cópia do Ser Humano
24 - Os Insetos Nocivos
25 - Na Marca dos Poderosos
26 - A Volta da Paz no Parque
27 - O Fugitivo
28 - A Violência Contra os Gênios
29 - O Contrabando de Armas Secretas
30 - A Transformação das Mães
31 - Onde andam Miyuki e o Cristal Iga ?
32 - Operação Laranja
33 - A Viagem Relâmpago
34 - Convite ao Mundo Espiritual
35 - O Amor é a Luz da Vida
36 - Os Dois Guerreiros Espaciais
37 - A Estranha Flor Venenosa
38 - Traição no Castelo da Alucinação
39 - A Boneca Amaldiçoada
40 - A Grande Vidência, a Explosão do Universo
41 - A Fortaleza Subterrânea
42 - A Partida da Guerreira Espacial
43 - As Lágrimas de Amor de Mãe e Filha
44 - Cinderela dos Sonhos
45 - Convite aos Mini-Astros
46 - A Promessa do Pai no Dia do Aniversário do Filho
47 - A Espada Demoníaca
48 - Mimi
49 - Gamagon
50 - Maoh Psycho é imortal
51 - Raio Solar, Super Energia


2 miembros tienen esta serie 2 miembros tienen esta serie


Débardeur dos nageur - Hauru
Débardeur dos nageur - Hauru


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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