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Geneworld.net>Manga / Animas / Comics>Seven of nana


Ediciones (5)
Genéricos (1)
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Episodios (2)
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Lista de los episodios - Gran Bretaña / USA Gran Bretaña / USA Número de episodios : 25 Modificar
01 - Nana times Nana is Nana?
02 - Chaos! All seven of us go to school?
03 - Do seven Nanas make one Nana?
04 - The Birth of the Exam Hell Squadron, Nana Rangers?
05 - Decision Time! Yuichi's First-Choice High School?
06 - Examinee No, 623! Late-Night Radio Commotion?
07 - Midnight Snack Munchies! A Cook-off to Help Us Pass Our Exams?
08 - Confess Your Love in English! K,O. the American Tutor?
09 - Sweet Temptation! Love, Secrets and Crib Notes?
10 - The Dreaded F! Final Exams Are a Must-Win Battle?
11 - Have Your Cake and Eat It Too!
12 - Hot Summer Study Retreat! Heartstopping Test of Courage and Love?
13 - Love and English Conversation! A Mid-air Rendezvous with Yuichi?
14 - Overseas Study Program! Chaos in San Francisco?
15 - To Each Her Own Entrance Exam! Who Will Catch the Future?
16 - Cultural Festival Heartbreak! A 4-Handkerchief Tearjerker?
17 - The Day Nana Disappeared,.. and Reappeared?
18 - Confession in the Snow? Happy X'mas
19 - New Year's Eve With the Whole Family! Panic! Will They Be Seen Seven?
20 - Passing Grade Guaranteed! Charms Gone Awry?
21 - The Missing Pencil! There Are 8 Nanas?
22 - Showdown! Nana and Yuichi! Interview for Early Acceptance?
23 - Early Acceptance Retracted! My Love Life And My Exams Are Out Of Control?
24 - The Day Before the Exam!! The Last Battle, Nana vs, Nana?
25 - Acceptance Announcement!! Flowers Blossom on the Hill of Hearts?
Lista de los episodios - Japón Japón Número de episodios : 25 Modificar
01 - nana kakeru nana wa NANA
02 - daikonran ! shichinin sorotte gakkou he ?
03 - Shichinin minna de hitori no NANA ?
04 - Tanjou ! Juuken sentai NANA RENJAA ?
05 - kettei ! kamichika kun no shiboukou ?
06 - juken bangou 623 ! shinya rajio de dai soudou
07 - yashoku mogumogu ! ryouri shoubu mo juken no tame ni ?
08 - eigo de kokuhaku ! katei kyoushi o yattsukero ?
09 - amai yuuwaku ! koi to himitsu to kanningu
10 - kyoufu no aka ten ! ki matsu tesuto o toppa seyo ?
11 - nito ou mono ha nito o eyo ?
12 - manatsu no shuuchuu gasshuku ! dokidoki koi no kan tameshi ?
13 - koisuru eikaiwa ! kamichika kun to o sora no ue de randebuu ?
14 - hoomusutei de juken benkyou ! sanfuranshisuko ha oosawagi ?
15 - sorezore no juken ! mirai ha waga te ka dare no te ni ?
16 - koi chiru bunka sai ! namida mo kareru dai butai ?
17 - nana ga kieru hi, de te kuru hi ?
18 - yuki furu kokuhaku ? nana to minna no Happy X ' mas !
19 - kazoku sorotte oomisoka ! papa. mama kikoku de dai pinchi ?
20 - zettai goukaku ! omajinai de dai meisou ?
21 - kie ta shaa pen ! odoroki momo no ki 8 nin me no nana ?
22 - taiketsu ! nana to kamichika kun ! mensetsu shiken de suisen goukaku ?
23 - suisen torikeshi ! ! watashi no koi to juken ha dou naru no ?
24 - juken zenjitsu ! ! saigo no taiketsu nana VS nana ?
25 - goukaku happyou ! ! shin no oka ni hana no saku ?


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