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Lista de los episodios - Gran Bretaña / USA Gran Bretaña / USA Número de episodios : 99 Modificar
01 - The Culinary Prodigy, Ajiyoshi Youichi
02 - A Spaghetti Match
03 - A Duel with Chef Marui
04 - The Curry Genius, Sakai Kazuma
05 - The Vital Pineapple Curry
06 - The Legendary Taste, the Ramen Match
07 - Heated battle, the Ramen Festival
08 - The Secret of the Tender Steak
09 - Conclusion of the Steak Contest
10 - The Sardine Gratin is the Taste of Mother's Cooking
11 - Challenge from General Aji
12 - The Ultimate Kebab Hamburger
13 - Best of Japan Okonomiyaki Match
14 - The Okonomiyaki Match, the Judge are Enemies
15 - Ajikko's Tough Battle, the Station Bento Match
16 - Makinouchi's Magical Warm Bento
17 - The Tempura Match with Upsized Cakiage
18 - A Good Fight ? Match of the Handmade Chocolates
19 - The Omelette Match and the Machine that breaks the dish
20 - Japan's Taste, the Tea Match
21 - The Culinary Grand Prix Final, the Frying Match
22 - The Culinary Grand Prix Final, the Curry War
23 - Clash ! The Gorgeous Seafood Curry
24 - A Duel with Kazuma, the Pizza Pie Match
25 - Youichi and Kazuma's Burning Passion ! The Pizza Pie Duel !
26 - Meet the Donburi Brothers ! Match in Osaka
27 - The Three-legged Contest ! Youichi and Kazuma's Curry Donburi
28 - Heated Battle ! The Curry Don lineup in Osaka
29 - Strong Rival ! Mister Pan appears
30 - A Battle of Taste ! Ajikko vs Mister Pan
31 - The Rotating Sushi Match ! Defend the Taste of the Shop
32 - The Rotating Sushi Match ! Defeat General Aji
33 - The Bento Wars ! Nichinode Canteen is in Danger
34 - The Bento Wars ! The Downtown Taste is Father's Taste
35 - An Overseas Challenge ! The Wine Shonen Cooking Gang
36 - The Highest Children Lunch
37 - The Cooling Chinese Match ! Yoichi in Nagoya
38 - The Cooling Chinese Match ! The Large Capital Reversal
39 - One Kitchen Knife ! Match of the Steamed Teacups
40 - The Don Match ! Search for the Golden Eel
41 - The Combined Takoyaki Fight, Battle against General Aji
42 - No need to ask ! A Dumpling Match
43 - The Seashore Match. Challenge from a Seafood Cook
44 - The Seashore Match. Youichi Style, Secret of the Roasted Fish
45 - The Farm Products Match. A Powerful Adversary, the Culinary Survival Match with Pan
46 - The Farm Products Match ! The Victory of the Specially-made Kitchen Culinary Set
47 - The Destined Duel ! Youichim and Kazuma's Mackeral Match
48 -A Challenge to Aji Senhito ! This is the Last Resort to Victory
49 - A Search for Tastes ! Marui vs Mister Ajikko
50 - Farewell Marui ! The Challenge to the Neverending Culinary Road
51 - A Mysterious Chinese Soup Challenge ! A Visitor from Hong Kong
52 - A Mysterious Chinese Soup Challenge ! The Secret of the Chinese Herb
53 - The Steaming Dumpling Challenge ! Ajikko goes to Hong Kong
54 - The Steaming Dumpling Challenge ! Ajikko vs Hu Foong
55 - The Ramen Match ! The Surprising 4000 years of Chinese History
56 - The Final Ramen Match ! White Soup vs Black Soup
57 - The Cinnamon Beancurd Match ! Appearance of the General Aji's Seven Knives
58 - The Cinnamon Beancurd Match ! The Road to Ryorin Temple's 36 Rooms
59 - Farewell, Hong Kong. Defend the Aji-ou Building
60 - The Dumpling Match Reversal ! The Ambition of General Aji
61 - New Year Soba Delivery Match ! Defend the Shopping Streets
62 - New Year Soba Delivery Match ! Mystery of the Speedy Hooded Youngster
63 - Kanezawa Sushi Contest. Janice Daigo's Challenge
64 - Kanezawa Sushi Contest ! Big Victory with the Sushi Device
65 - The Snow Festival Frankfurt Match ! The Devil from the South appears
66 - The Snow Festival Frankfurt Match ! Match with Sekiba
67 - The Alex Express Gourmet Event ! Another Challenge from Roborock
68 - The Alex Express Gourmet Event ! Aim for the Dessert Goal
69 - The Islandwide Pan Contest ! Seven Knives Mr Oishi appears
70 - The Islandwide Pan Competition ! Challenge from the Setouchi Youth Culinary Group
71 - The Relentless Hamburger Match ! Abe and Oikawa
72 - The Decisive Hamburger Match ! The Strongest Seven Knives, Abe Ichiro Appears
73 - The Tough Hamburger Match ! A Letter from Long-legged Uncle
74 - Japan's First Sukiyaki Match ! Search for the Ideal Taste
75 - The Sukiyaki Battle ! The Strongest Seven Knives vs Mister Ajikko
76 - The Takanoyama Beancurd Match ! Aji-ou Visits
77 - The Mysterious Aji-oh Grand Prix, the Beancurd Dish Challenge
78 - Match in Takanoyama ! Beancurd Steak vs Rubber Steak
79 - The Rice Dumpling and Rick Cake Match ! Challenge from Ninen Hanagumi Culinary Group
80 - The Rice Dumpling and Rick Cake Match ! A Comparison to the 5 May Taste
81 - The Curry Match that call upon a Storm ! Kamon and Moori's Counterattck
82 - Youichi and Kazuma's Crisis ! The Great Germany Curry Reversal
83 - The Cold Soba Challenge ! Saburo appears
84 - The School Delivery Competition ! Victory with the Specially-made Uson
85 - The Original Croquette Battle ! A Love Story
86 - The Original Croquette Battle ! A Taste Match on the Luxurious Cruise
87 - The Yakitori Match ! A Challenge to the Old Taste
88 - The Yakitori Drum Match ! Victory through Tare's Art
89 - An Afternoon at Nichinode Canteen, Search for the Missing Shop
90 - The Ice-cream Duel ! Mitsuko and Koorogi's Challenge
91 - The Ice-cream Duel ! The Midsummer Night's Match
92 - The Riceball Match ! Appearance of Japan's Most Irresponsible Cook
93 - The Riceball Battle ! The Irresponsible Dish vs Mother's Taste
94 - The Decisive Match of the Third Dish ! Abe Ichiro Challenges again
95 - Ajikko's Last Battle ! Match of the Biggest Sandwich of all times
96 - The Sounding Time of a Cook, Retrieve the Memory of Aji-ou
97 - Kazuma's Secret is revealed ! Pilgrimage to the Taste of Sadness
98 - The Path to a Distant Taste. Search for your very own Taste
99 - Thank you for the delicious meal ! Mister Ajikko
Lista de los episodios - Francia Francia Número de episodios : 78 Modificar
01 - Une rencontre providentielle
02 - Gaspard savoureux
03 - Le concours de spaghettis
04 - Le défi
05 - Un mystérieux ananas
06 - Le meilleur potage
07 - Une victoire bien méritée
08 - La passion du chocolat
09 - Prêt pour le concours
10 - Benjamin juge-arbitre
11 - Le grand défi
12 - Un match de haut niveau
13 - Concours pour un stand
14 - La trahison du jury
15 - Une boite à délice
16 - La dernière invention de Thomas
17 - Comment cuisiner un soufflé ?
18 - La passion du chocolat
19 - Le petit chef contre le robot
20 - Retour aux sources
21 - Le festival des toques
22 - Les finalistes
23 - Les sélections
24 - La pizza, c'est ma spécialité
25 - Suspens culinaire
26 - À la recherche de Mathieu
27 - L'union fait la force
28 - Une merveilleuse équipe
29 - Des gastronomes réunis
30 - Le chant de la nature
31 - Service rapide
32 - L'arc-en-ciel
33 - Prêt pour le duel
34 - La saveur retrouvée
35 - Cinq contre un
36 - Le goûter
37 - Première défaite de Thomas
38 - La page d'histoire
39 - Un fabuleux couteau de cuisine
40 - Les anguilles du chef
41 - La fête foraine
42 - La carte rouge
43 - Le roi de la mer
44 - Les secrets de la mer
45 - Le test de survie
46 - Randonnée en montagne
47 - La décision finale
48 - Association de gastronomes unis
49 - Les adieux de Mario
50 - Une superbe pièce montée
51 - Un mystérieux ingrédient
52 - Le secret du petit chef
53 - Premier voyage à l'étranger
54 - Concours à Hong Kong
55 - L'île sacrée
56 - Le traître
57 - Le temple de la grande tradition
58 - Les trente six cellules
59 - Le palais en péril
60 - Tricher n'est pas jouer
61 - Thomas contre les promoteurs
62 - La qualité paye toujours
63 - Un premier janvier en famille
64 - Un concours de circonstances
65 - La rencontre avec le Diable du Nord
66 - Le festival de la glace
67 - Le défit de Robot Cook
68 - Le second match
69 - Yuta et le club
70 - Le club lance un défi
71 - Livraison à domicile
72 - Le professeur au monocle
73 - La lettre de Mario
74 - Les aveux
75 - Le dernier match
76 - La fête du printemps
77 - Sésame ouvre-toi
78 - Rien ne sert de tricher


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