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Geneworld.net>Manga / Animas / Comics>ゴルゴ13


Ediciones (10)
Genéricos (4)
Letras (1)
Episodios (2)
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Lista de los episodios - Japón Japón Número de episodios : 50 Modificar
01 - AT PIN-HOLE !
02 - ROOM・No.909
03 - Kessaku・Asarutoraifuru
04 - Puriti・Uuman
05 - Suupaasutaa no kyouen
06 - Kami ni okura reshimono
07 - G senjou no sogeki
08 - Dousa・24 bunno 4
09 - Ori no naka no nemuri
10 - Kaette ki ta hyouteki (taagetto)
11 - Deddo・anguru
13 - Kurosu anguru
14 - Rakujitsu no shi kage
15 - Umi he mukau eba
16 - Shi shuu no seija
17 - Zan kou
18 - Sutainbekku san sei
19 - Garasu no Yōsai
20 - Merankorī Samā
21 - Garinpeiro
22 - Indian Samā
23 - Jetto Sutorīmu
24 - Santa・Ana
25 - Furorida・Cheisu
26 - Reiketsu Kyasarin
27 - Fearesu
28 - Byakuya wa ai no Umeki
29 - Haiyaku 〈Kyastingu〉
30 - Rabu wa Naifu
32 - Satsui no Kousa
33 - hokori takaki budou sake (wain)
34 - satsujin geki no yoru
35 - kettou no okite
36 - shini tae ta seisou
37 - kurisumasu . 24 awaazu
38 - shoujo sara
39 - asshu sairyou no nichi
40 - kichiku no utage
41 - pechikoutoreun no yogiri
42 - ooki na kuchi ( raaji . mausu ) no kojou
43 - kuuhaku no irai
44 - rokkufoudo no yabou
45 - 36000 byou fun no 1 byou
46 - seikimatsu hariuddo
47 - yoru ha kie zu
48 - kuroi hitomi EBONY EYES
49 - soukou hei SDR2
50 - tenshi to akuma no " ude "
Lista de los episodios - Gran Bretaña / USA Gran Bretaña / USA Número de episodios : 50 Modificar
01 - AT PIN-HOLE !
02 - ROOM No. 909
03 - A Masterpiece Assault Rifle
04 - Pretty Woman
05 - The Competition Between Star Players
06 - An Offering to God
07 - Snipe for the G String
08 - Action in 4/24 Second
09 - Sleeping in Cages
10 - A Target Returns
11 - Dead Angle
13 - Cross Angle
14 - Deadly Fate at Sunset
15 - Eva, Heading for the Sea
16 - The Saint with the Stench of Death
17 - Afterglow
18 - Alphonse Louis Steinbeck III
19 - The Glass Fortress
20 - Melancholy Summer
21 - Garimpeiro
22 - Indian Summer
23 - Jetstream
24 - St. Anna
25 - Florida Chase
26 - Cold-blooded Catherine
27 - Fearless
28 - Moaning for Love in the Night under the Midnight Sun
29 - Cast
30 - Love is a Knife
32 - Congestion of Murderous Intent
33 - Proud Wine
34 - The Night of a Murder Drama
35 - The Law of Pedigree
36 - Shinitaeta Seisō
37 - Christmas 24 Hours
38 - A Girl Named Sarah
39 - The Best Day of Ash's Life
40 - The Brutes' Banquet
41 - Night Fog in Petticoat Lane
42 - Rāji Mausu no Kojō
43 - The Lost Request
44 - Rockford's Ambition
45 - 1 Second out of 36,000 Seconds
46 - Hollywood at the End of the Century
47 - Unerasable Night
48 - Ebony Eyes
49 - Sōkōhei Esu-Dī-Āru-Tsū
50 - The Arms of the Angel,The Arms of the Devil


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