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Geneworld.net>Manga / Animas / Comics>Ef - a tale of melodies


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opening - Japonés Japonés Título : Ebullient future
Intérprete : TENMON et ELISA
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Love, I've got to feel it
If you put your trust in me
I know what my life would be
Oh, you are all I ever need

I try to hear what you say
So I pray
But you're fading away
Don't go and break my fragile heart
We won't fall apart
'Cause you're my only star

I wonder why my tears come at night
Calling you, so like a little child
All the things you have in mind
I wish I could see your insides

I feel alone and empty
Your're far, that's why I can't bear to be
Move on, but it's not that easy
Oh, don't you know I still believe

No one can stand in your way
Here I stay
There'll be another day
Won't cry and get rid of scars
Always in my heart
Gotta find a way to start

How am I supposed to know what's right
Missing you, and I do lose my mind
Just wanna be by your side
I will wait for your love and smile

I've been thinking of you, my dream...
Every time I take a breath, feel brand new
Open up you heart with my key
Oh, can't you hear my heartbeat

My love, you've got to feel it
And if we put our trust in you and me
You know what our lives would be
Oh, you are the one I believe
1o ending - Japonés Japonés Título : Egao no chikara
Intérprete : Mai Goto
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Hikaru kaze odayaka ni
Kumoma kara yureru

Hibikiau oto ga kirameite
Nakushikaketa kibou sae
Kitto mitsukerareru hazu

Anata no oto gyutto dakishime
Tsunaida sono te o hanasanai
Wasurenaide taisetsu na koto
Egao wa mirai ni tsuzuiteru
Ochiru kage fureru te ni
Natsukashii nioi

Afuredasu namida oshikomete
Tooku tooku sora no mukou
Kiito tadoritsukeru hazu

Anata no koe mune ni idaite
Shinjiru tsuyosa ni kaete iku
Wasurenai wa ano hohoemi
Egao wa anata ni tsuzuiteru
Kanashii toki mo ureshii toki mo
Tsunaida kono te hanasanai
Issho ni yukou kono mirai o
Egao de futari arukidasou
2o ending - Japonés Japonés Título : Negai no kakera
Intérprete : Yumiko Nakajima
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Tooi hi no yume oikakete
Asa no hikari ni kiete yuku

Kurikaesu hibi no naka
Utsurou kisetsu ga tookute

Kanawanai negai nara
Kizukanai furishite

Shiroi kisetsu ni tsutsumarete
Towa no inori o tsumugidasu

Kanashimi o wakeatte
Togireta jikan ni samayou

Motomeai sakenderu
Negai no kakera dakishimeru

Yume o mite mezamete mo
Kienai ai o ima


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