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Geneworld.net>Manga / Animas / Comics>Vandread


Ediciones (2)
Genéricos (4)
Letras (4)
Episodios (5)
Imágenes (18)
Avatares (21)
Vídeos (0)
Tarjetas (2)
1o opening - Japonés Japonés Título : Trust
Intérprete : Salia
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tatoeba kimi no sono ude ga
kusari ni tsunagaretemo
tatoeba itsuka kono sora ga
moetsukite shimau to shite mo
kibou dake wa shinjite

kagayaku hoshi no kage ni yami ga suberu sekai ga aru
tatta hitotsu no inochi soko ni tozashita mama ja lonely boy

koko ni bokura ga deatta wake wa
kanarazu aru no dakara ah-ah ah-ah

tatoeba kimi ga kanashimi ni
kuzuresou ni natte mo
tatoeba boku no kono mune ga
dakitomeru chikara ni nareba
asu mo kitto We can survive

kowareta toki o koete ikiru shinjitsu ga aru nara
todokanu omoi himete hiza o kakaeta mama ja lonely girl

kitto bokura mo tadoritsukeru sa
harukana YUUTOPIA e ah-ah ah-ah

tatoeba kimi no sono ude ga
kusari ni tsunagaretemo
tatoeba itsuka kono sora ga
moetsukite shimau to shite mo
kibou dake wa shinjite

tatoeba kimi ga kanashimi ni
kuzuresou ni natte mo
tatoeba boku no kono mune ga
dakitomeru chikara ni nareba
asu mo kitto We can survive
1o ending - Japonés Japonés Título : Himegoto
Intérprete : SiLC
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nee kizuite ita desho hontou ni hoshigatte ita kotoba
mitasareteru furi shitemo kokoro no fukaku ni sunderu
fuangena watashi ga

hitohada yori mo sukoshi dake nurui kaze kodou hayamatte iku
tooi mirai o katatteru yokogao o mite ita
issho ni yume no okuchi e to tsurete itte yo
nee kono karada goto

ai toiu na no PISUTORU ga mune no mannaka uchinuku no
kakebiki da to ka joushiki nante nan no imi mo motanai
ai toiu hikigane o hiite kootta kokoro uchinuite
yubi no saki made anata no ai o sosoide

nee wasurete iru desho imi mo naku kureta gin no KOIN
nibuku hikaru houseki namida no shizuku de omoku natte kagayaite itta
atashi dake shitteru HIMEGOTO datta

subete ushinatte shagamikomu tameiki yoake ni toketa
kono machi de wa nan no yaku ni mo tatanai
te no naka ni hikaru QUARTER DOLLAR
nokosareta omoi ga kureta yuuki o gyutto nigiri shimete
yureru kokoro de aketeku sora o waratta

namaiki na kuchibiru nejifuserareta

anata ga kureta nukumori dake ga mune no mannaka uchinuita
kakehiki da to ka joushiki nante nan no imi mo motanai
ai toiu na no hikigane o hiite yogoreta tsubami uchinuite
totte oki no IKAreta KISS o mou ichido
2o opening - Japonés Japonés Título : Justice
Intérprete : Aki Kudou
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Fight for your justice yuuki o dashite
Right! kono te ni shinjitsu o tsukamou
Fight for your justice mune o hatte
tatakainuku kimi ga hoshii

DAIYAMONDO migaite iru yori kagayakeru mirai o

nani wa naku to mo get up SUICCHI ON ga kanjin

yuzuritakunai something new motomeru sore ga

Fight for your justice honki ni natte
Right! massugu genjitsu ni mukae yo
Fight for your justice gyakuryuu demo akiramenai
kimi ga suki sa

amai yume idaite iru yori horonigai RIARU o ageyou

to ni mo kaku ni mo stand up
MANYUARU nashi demo ii janai

wakariaeru sa you & I shinjiru kimi ga seigi

Fight for your justice yuuki o dashite
Right! kono te ni shinjitsu o tsukamou
Fight for your justice mune o hatte
tatakai nuku kimi ga hoshii

Fight for your justice honki ni natte
Right! massugu genjitsu ni mukae yo
Fight for your justice gyakuryuu demo akiramenai
kimi ga suki sa
2o ending - Japonés Japonés Título : Yes together
Intérprete : Aki Kudou
Para descargar genérico debe ser un miembro del sitio Modificar
Show me the way
Now moving step by step to the shine lights
I wanna see the scenery reflecting your eyes
Why do I think. I think of you?
I wonder why am I cry?
Closer I get to you. Baby you
Woe. I want to gaze the all of you

Let's tale a dream yes together
Everytime forever
Let's make a smile yes together
Everytime I support you
I'm believing in you
So you please don't lose your shine heart
When we'll work it out
Maybe I'll find it's truly love

Show me the love. I don't know that
Still I don't know that
But, feeling you inside of me. Yes. It's a miracle

An honest boy. You're a Naughty boy
Sometime. I worry about you
But. We've only just begun to live
Maybe. We can change and find the way

Let's tale a dream yes together
Everytime forever
Let's make a smile yes together
Everytime I support you
I'm believing in you
So you please don't lose your shine heart
When we'll work it out
Maybe I'll find it's truly love

Let's tale a dream yes together
Everytime forever
Let's make a smile yes together
Everytime I support you
I'm believing in you
So you please don't lose your shine heart
When we'll work it out
Maybe I'll find it's truly love


3 miembros tienen esta serie 3 miembros tienen esta serie


Coque galaxy S3 - Ichigo
Coque galaxy S3 - Ichigo


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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