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Título : Red Fraction IO drive mix Intérprete : Mell
I have a big gun
I took it from my Lord
Sick with Justice
I just wanna feel you
I'm your angel
Only a ring away
You make me violate you
No matter who you are
It's all up to you
No one lives forever
Been burn in the hell
By all those pigs out there
It's always been hell
From when I was born
They make me violate them
No matter who they are
Get down on your knees
Get a good head on your shoulders
If it's for your guys
Go to the end of the earth
Do what you think
Give it with dedication
I'll put out your misery
Weapon... I have it all
2o opening - Americano / Inglés
Título : This moment ~prayer in the light~ Intérprete : Minako Obata
Though my body is worn out and weak
Though the strength that I wanted is gone
Now my eyes have learned to cry happy tears
Now my heart is beating with yours
In the mist of the night I survived
Where the moon and stars could not be found
Now I see the brightest light on my way
In this moment I exist
In this moment I live
All because of the grace you bestowed on me