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You’re not alone
You and I have this bond between us
That bond has made me want to take a step forward
Let’s link the colors of ours dreams
And create a bright rainbow up in the sky
I had no forte
I lived back to back with inferiority
Nor did I have confidence
But you said to me with a smile
“What’s so fun about that ?”
And you went ahead of me
When I’m alone inside (Flash back)
Is synchronize with you (Mash up)
With you, I feel confident (Right now)
Ready set go
From the minute I felt you in my heart
I was sure my dream will come true
I see your everlasting smile
You firmly took my hand
With you, nothing is impossible
You’re the one who made
Me feel this way
You make up for the strength that I lack
I will cover the powers that you lack
Let’s fly away
Don’t stand still (Don’t stop)
I’ll be there for you (Don’t cry)
You’re not alone anymore