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Geneworld.net>Manga / Animas / Comics>Galaxy ange-lune


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opening - Japonés Japonés Título : Uchuu de koi wa rurun ruuuun
Intérprete : Lune Angel-tai
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Aishiteru? Aishitenai? (One Two Kiss, One Two Punch)
Butsukete kureaeba (OTOME kokoro)
Aasukkiri! O sora no TOBIRA ga
JYAAAAN~ Aitemo michadame

Mada konai? Kuru deshou? (Cherry Pie, Cherry Ice)
Amai hodo naka yoshi-san (OTONA shichatta)
Yaan battari! Hayasugiru mainichi
Motto ne rurun ru RU-N dakishimetai no yo

Haruka tooku ni wa RUN ENJERU mirai ga (odore Angel Dance)
Owaranai daiuchuu osawagase gomen (RUUUUN!)
Demo ne shiritai no kono mune atsukute (hoshi wa Angel Light)
Tomaranai wa... High Tension*(RAIRARAI We are right RUN RURUN RUUUUN!)
Ikimashou yo We Love You*

Matteru wa! Mattenai wa! (Come on boys, bye-bye boys)
IKEtenai henjinara (NANI MO irana-i)
O-i kiiteru? Atarashii RU-RU
NYAAAN~ amaenbou shoubu

Oi kakete! Oi koshite! (Hurry up, carry up)
Metsubou made sanjyu nichi (ARERE okashi-i)
Wa-n dokkiri! Chikyuu ni KURI-NA-
Yappa ne raran ra RA-N isshou ni kite yo ne

Naze ka wakaranai fushigi ga koi nara (koi no Angel Kiss)
Kowarete mo daijoubu? Kimi ga naoshite ne (RUUUUN!)
Dakara shiritai na ima watashi tachi no (FUTARI Angel Night)
Mukau toko wa... Fake Cosmos? (NAI NANAI sou janai RUN RURUN RUUUUN!)
Mayowanai wa We Need You*


Haruka tooku ni wa RUN ENJERU mirai ga (odere Angel Dance)
Owaranai daiuchuu osawagase gomen (RUUUUN!)
Demo ne shiritai no kono mune atsukute (hoshi wa Angel Light)
Tomaranai wa... High Tension*(RAIRARAI We're right RUN RURUN RUUUUN!)
Ikimashou yo We Love You*
ending - Japonés Japonés Título : Happy flight
Intérprete : Maho Tomita
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Chotto senobi shite asu nozoitara
Ano chiheisen hora chikaku aru desho?
Zutto kogareteta omoi hatameku
Te o hirogete sa maemuite HAMINGU!

For the angel's dreams, and the angel's wish
Kibou o kureru
For the angel's dreams, and the angel's wish
Kono RIZUMU ni nosete

Habatakou! Matteru yo
Oozora mau tsubasa ga
Hitori janai anata mo
Muteki na SHIGUNARU de
Nagareboshi no PAUDAA
Ochita sono mashita ni
Kirakira na yumetachi ga
Shinkokyuu shiteru yo happy flight

Motto ikeru kara kizutsukanai de
Te o tsunagou yo sou subete TAIMINGU!

Get on to your dreams, get on to your wish
Get on to your dreams, get on to your wish
ANAROGU de mo ii janai?

Tobitatou! Takanarou!
Hitori janai atashi wa
Yareru ki ga suru kara
Ikutsumono ryuushitachi
Sorezore ga kizuite
Sekai ookiku hitotsu
Sono kiseki hate made hyper flight

For the angel's dreams, and the angel's wish
Wakuwaku suru ne
For the angel's dreams, and the angel's wish
Kono FANTAJII It's All Light!

Habatakou! Matteru yo
Oozora mau tsubasa ga
Hitori janai anata mo
Muteki na SHIGUNARU de
Nagareboshi no PAUDAA
Ochita sono mashita ni
Kirakira na yumetachi ga
Shinkokyuu shiteru yo happy flight
Kagayaita mirai e happy flight


0 miembro tiene esta serie 0 miembro tiene esta serie


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