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Ediciones (43)
Genéricos (3)
Letras (3)
Episodios (7)
Imágenes (29)
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Tarjetas (3)
opening - Americano / Inglés Americano / Inglés Título : Taiyo no Ko Esteban
Intérprete : Noam Kaniel
It is the 16th century.
From all over Europe great ships sale west to conquer the new world, the Americas.
These men eager to seek their fortune, to find new adventures in new lands.
They long to cross uncharted seas and discover unknown countries.
To find secret gold on a mountain trail high in the Andes.
They dream of following the path of the setting sun that leads to Eldorado,
and the Mysterious Cities Of Gold.

Children of the Sun, see your time has just begun,
Searching for your way through Adventures every day.

Every day and night with the condor in flight
With all your friends in tow we search for the Cities of Gold

(Ahhhh-ah-ah-ah-ah) Wishing for the Cities of Gold
(Ahhh-ah-ah-ah-ah) Someday we will find the Cities of Gold!

(Doo doo doo do doo - Ahh-ah-ah - Doo doo doo do doo) Cities of Gold

Children of the Sun, someday soon you're gonna find
That your destiny holds the secret, holds the key

(Ahhhh-ah-ah-ah-ah) Wishing for the Cities of Gold
(Ahhh-ah-ah-ah-ah) Someday we will find the Cities of Gold!

(Doo doo doo do doo - Ahh-ah-ah)
(Doo doo doo do doo) Cities of Gold

(Doo doo doo do doo) Cities of Gold
(Ahhh-ah-ah-ah) Someday we will find the Cities of Gold!
opening - Francés Francés Título : Título no informado
Intérprete : Apollo
Para descargar genérico debe ser un miembro del sitio Modificar
Enfant du soleil,
tu parcours la Terre le ciel.
Cherche ton chemin.
C'est ta vie, c'est ton destin.
Et le jour, la nuit
avec tes deux meilleurs amis.
A bord du Grand Condor,
tu recherches les Cités d'Or

aaaah ah ah ah ah
Esteban, Zia, Tao les Cités d'Or
aaaah ah ah ah ah
Esteban, Zia, Tao les Cités d'Or

Tou-dou-dou dou
Ah ah ah
Tou-dou-dou dou
Les Cités d'Or
Tou-dou-dou dou
Ah ah ah
Tou-dou-dou dou
Les Cités d'Or

Enfant du soleil,
ton destin est sans pareil.
L'aventure t'appelle.
N'attends pas et cours vers elle.

aaaah ah ah ah ah
Esteban, Zia, Tao les Cités d'Or.
opening - Japonés Japonés Título : Boukensha-tachi
Intérprete : Pal
Para descargar genérico debe ser un miembro del sitio Modificar
kokoro ga tsubasa wo motanakunareba
yume to iuzi ga kiete shimaudarou
wakasa no zishyo ni wa hukanouha nai
toki ni shikuziru koto ga aruto shitemo
hateshinaku hirogaru suiheisenno
kamome ga mizusakiannainin

TRY MY BEST higashihe nishihe
minamihe kitahe
TRY MY BEST dare mo mina boukenshya

karada ga yasei wo wasuretatoki ni
kimi no sekai wa semakunatteshmau
kiseki wa matte mo tazunetekonai
inorudakede mo nani mo okoranaisa
shinkirou ukanda suiheisenha
kibou ni hukuramu miraichizu

TRY MY BEST higashihe nishihe
minamihe kitahe
TRY MY BEST dare mo mina boukenshya


9 miembros tienen esta serie 9 miembros tienen esta serie


Coque iPhone 4/4s - Hauru
Coque iPhone 4/4s - Hauru


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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