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Ediciones (4)
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opening - Japonés Japonés Título : Everlasting love
Intérprete : SeYUN
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itoshisa de afureru mirai o mitsuketa ne
dakiatta mama de chiisaku waratta
tatoeba ne yasashii ude no naka de nido to
hoshi o mizu nemuru koto mo aru deshou

sukoshi dake mimi o sumashite tsutaetai koto ga aru no

tatta hitotsu no chikai dake ga
emotional ties, true my love
soshite umareta kagayaki o anata ni ageru
atsui kodou wa iroasenai omoi
tsuyoku nando mo nando mo kurikaeshite
eien ni suru

uchiyoseru shizuka na kotoba no nukumori wa
sono te ni todoite yagate imi o motsu

kawarazuni hohoende ite hoka ni nani mo iranai no

tatta hitotsu no chikai dake ga
emotional ties, true my love
takaku rasen o egaku kara hitomi hiraite
motto chikaku ni ite to negau yoru wa
fukaku nando mo nando mo sono namae o
mune ni kasaneta

anata igai subete yeah
kasunde mo kokoro wa sakebu yo
everlasting love
ima tadoritsuku kotae

tatta hitotsu no chikai dake ga
emotional ties, true my love
soshite umareta kagayaki o anata ni ageru
atsui kodou wa mezamete yuku kizuna
tsuyoku nando mo nando mo kurikaeshite
eien ni suru
1o ending - Japonés Japonés Título : Prism
Intérprete : T.L. Signal
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Kokoro tada utsusu hikari konna ni tayorinai nante
Doko ni mukatte iku Windless days ushinau kowasa kanjite
Shinjitai owaranai hontou no jibun tsunagetai ashita no sora

Hirogeta yume no iro sagasenai sorezore ni
Utsushidasu mirai ha KISEKI wo inotte
Yakusoku no sono toki (kanji: junkan) wo te ni suru made
Kono omoi fukaku mitsumetai...

Mabayui tsuioku no Rainbow Prism ni sui komarete ita
Hateshinaku sukitooru hikari wo hanatsu sono saki wo shinjiru tsuyosa

Hirogeta yume no iro sagashiteru sorezore ni
Ugokidasu kimochi ha doko ka de hibiiteru
Mezame (kanji: kakusei) nagara sono toki (kanji: junkan) ni kawatte iku
Kono sora kirameku sekai he...

Deep in my soul I feel it
Onde iru sakende iru Your slight Vibration
Ima kanjite iru

Hirogeta yume no iro sagashiteru sorezore ni
Utsushidasu mirai ha KISEKI wo inotte
Mezame (kanji: kakusei) nagara sono toki (kanji: junkan) ni kawatte iku
Kono sora kirameku sekai he
Kono omoi fukaku mitsumetai...
2o ending - Japonés Japonés Título : Unseen ties
Intérprete : SeYUN
Para descargar genérico debe ser un miembro del sitio Modificar
Lying in your arms, I feel so calm
I'm falling deeper into you
To a world, I'm only water
A place that we can call our own

As I close my eyes, my spirit flies
I'm soaring higher every moment
Through the clouds, two worlds an hour
On the heavy gravity

Oh, open up your hurt
Feel the joy around us
Everything, a new beginning

There's an everlasting love
A love that never dies
Unseen ties bind us there
Far across space and time
The stronger here we grow
These ties that bind us

There's an everlasting flame
A flame that never dies
If we run, if we shine
Eternally, for you and me
Until the end of time
It's an everlasting love

Never been so sure
This love is pure
Than the hours that I met you
Possibilities are endless
All the gifts that fate has sent us

Open up your hurt
Happiness surrounds us
Everyday, a new beginning

There's an everlasting love
A love that never dies
Unseen ties bind us there
We made a promise that
We'd never ever break
These ties that bind us

There's an everlasting light
A light that never dims
If we shine, let it in
Eternally, for you and me
Til the end of time
It's an everlasting love

Although they ask me how we're out of time, oh yeah
Although the universe may fade away, oh yeah
Our love will still remain
Forever and a day
Come what may

(guitar instumental)

There's an everlasting love
A love that never dies
Unseen ties bind us there
Far across space and time
The stronger here we grow
These ties that bind us

There's an everlasting flame
A flame that never dies
If we run, if we shine
Eternally, for you and me
Until the end of time
It's an everlasting love
opening - Kanji japonés Kanji japonés Título : Everlasting love (kanji)
Intérprete : SeYUN
愛しさであふれる 未来を見つけたね
抱き合ったままで 小さく笑った
例えばね優しい 腕の中で二度と
星を見ず眠る こともあるでしょう


たった一つの 誓いだけが
emotional ties, true my love
そして生まれた輝きを 貴方にあげる
熱い鼓動は 色褪せない想い
強く 何度も何度も繰り返して

打ち寄せる静かな 言葉の温もりは
その手に届いて やがて意味を持つ

変わらずに 微笑んでいて ほかに何もいらないの

たった一つの 誓いだけが
emotional ties, true my love
高く螺旋を描くから 瞳開いて
もっと近くに いてと願う夜は
深く 何度も何度もその名前を

貴方意外すべて yeah
everlasting love

たった一つの 誓いだけが
emotional ties, true my love
そして生まれた輝きを 貴方にあげる
熱い鼓動は 目覚めていく絆
強く 何度も何度も繰り返して
1o ending - Kanji japonés Kanji japonés Título : Prism (kanji)
Intérprete : T.L. Signal
心ただ映す光 こんなにたよりないなんて
何処に向かっていくWindless days 失う怖さ感じて
信じたい終わらない本当の自分 繋げたい明日の空

広げた夢の色探せない それぞれに
写し出す未来は キセキを祈って
約束のその瞬間を 手にするまで

まばゆい追憶のRainbow Prismに吸い込まれていた
果てしなく透き通る 光りを放つ その先を信じる強さ

広げた夢の色探してる それぞれに
動き出す気持ちは 何処かで響いてる

Deep in my soul I feel it
呼んでいる 叫んでいる Your slight Vibration
今 感じてる

広げた夢の色探してる それぞれに
写し出す未来は キセキを祈って


5 miembros tienen esta serie 5 miembros tienen esta serie


Coque galaxy S4 - Mononoke
Coque galaxy S4 - Mononoke


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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