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opening - Japonés Japonés Título : The Realm of Athena
Intérprete : Eurox
Para descargar genérico debe ser un miembro del sitio Modificar
I just wanna know what my life is for
Winning every match, I have to play?
I haven’t felt like this before
The truth is gonna be revealed today

I really don’t have anyone to slay
No need to live this way
Love will fill the world and it will reign (supreme)

We just wanna know what our lifes are for
Beating every hostile who stand in the way?
Have you ever felt like this before?
A secret’s gonna be unfolded today

We really don’t have any foes to slay
No more need to live this way
Love will fill the world and it will reign

Saint Seiya
We’re calling out for you
Saint Seiya
Help us to come through

The nebulae of confusion
The clusters of trepidation
The whirlpools of indecision
Lead us to the realm of Athena

Fight for peace and fight for love
The inconsistence is ironed out
Now we see the black clouds above
Breaking up
Halt all the bouts

We really don’t have any foes to slay
No more need to live this way
Love will fill the world and it will reign

Saint Seiya
We’re calling out for you
Saint Seiya
Help us to come through

The nebulae of confusion
The clusters of trepidation
The whirlpools of indecision
Lead us to the realm of Athena

Saint Seiya
We’re calling out for you
Saint Seiya
Help us to come through

Saint Seiya
We’re calling out for you
Saint Seiya
Help us to come through

The nebulae of confusion
The clusters of trepidation
The whirlpools of indecision
Lead us to the realm of Athena
ending - Japonés Japonés Título : Hana no Kusari
Intérprete : Maki Ikuno & Marina del Ray
Para descargar genérico debe ser un miembro del sitio Modificar
Nakushita iro wa tooi hi no kioku
Furui e no gu no hako sotto akereba
Osanai tomo ga / Itsumo ita yo ne kawaru koto nai / Ano egao
Futari de yume egaita / Kokoro no kyanbasu mada / Iro / Asenai
Kimi no te to boku no te wo kasaneta hi no nukumori
Hito wa naze itoshisa to nikushimi wo awasemotte itsumo / Ikiru no darou
Yorokobi to kanashimi wo / Karamasetsumuida seishun no towa no kizuna hana no kusari yo

Sugisatta uta wa tooi hi no kioku
Chirabatta hotonoha hiroiatsume / Me mo kuramu you na toki wo sugoshita
Soba ni itsumo / Kimi ga ita ne
Futari de oto wo kasaneta mune no gosenfu wa towa ni kienai
Futatsu no koe ga hibikiaukokoro no haamonii
Kami wa naze / Meguriai wakareyuku sadame wo hito ni ataeta no darou
Afurederu kono namida / Kawa to nari hana no hitsugi nosenagarete yuku
Towa no merodii

Hito wa naze itoshisa to nikushimi wo awasemotte itsumo / Ikiru no darou
Yorokobi to kanashimi wo / Karamasetsumuida seishun no towa no kizuna hana no kusari yo
Kami sae mo kirenai tamashii no hana no kusari


22 miembros tienen esta serie 22 miembros tienen esta serie


Sweat à capuche - Ichigo
Sweat à capuche - Ichigo


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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