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Geneworld.net>Manga / Animas / Comics>ラーゼフォン


Ediciones (25)
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Letras (4)
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ending - Americano / Inglés Americano / Inglés Título : Yume no tamago
Intérprete : Ichiko Hashimoto
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Oshiete ai wa ima oshiete doko ni aruno
Oshiete hito wa itsu mezameru
Kotaete tsuki wa naze kotaete horobiyukuno
Kotaete maboroshi wa dokoni
Hibikiau uta ga toki no tobira wo
Ah Rahxephon Fly me to the music Ah Rah-Xephon, fly me to the music
Kanaete tume no hate kanaete hito no kokoro
Kanaete toki wa itsu kagayaku
Yuruginai tsubasa ni mirai no kotoba to
Aisurumono wo
Ah Rahxephon Fly me to the music
Ah Rahxephon Fly me to the music Ah, Rah-Xephon, fly me to the music
Ah, Rah-Xephon, fly me to the music
Kotaete maboroshi wa
Kotaete doko ni

English Traslation

Tell me, the love Tell me, where is it?
Tell me, when do a person open his eyes?
Answer, why do the moon Answer, wanes on?
Answer, where is the fantasy?
Song calling to each other, letting the door of time
Shake softly...
Ah Rahxephon Fly me to the music Ah Rah-Xephon, fly me to the music
Listen, the end of dreams Listen, the human heart
Listen, when do the time shines?
On unwavering wings, the words of the future
and the loved one
Ah Rahxephon Fly me to the music
Ah Rahxephon Fly me to the music Ah, Rah-Xephon, fly me to the music
Ah, Rah-Xephon, fly me to the music
Answer, the fantasy...
Answer, where is it?
- Americano / Inglés Americano / Inglés Título : Título no informado
Intérprete : Intérprete no informado
Even so
Just what in the world
Can someone like me do
The reality
Within the cramped miniature garden
To change it
What can I do

I still haven't even lived out half of my life
Rebelling and embracing each other
Tattoos of experience are chiseled in without my realizing it

When I am forced to stand at the edge of a cliff
Adversity grabs me by the arm
And I saw where I belonged for the very first time

To an even vaster field, to some place even deeper and bigger
I just defiantly face the utterly unpredictable world

I want to know about myself.
opening - Japonés Japonés Título : Hemisphere
Intérprete : Maaya Sakamoto
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sore demo ittai kono boku ni nani ga dekiru tte iun da
kyuukutsu na hakoniwa no genjitsu o kaeru tame ni nani ga dekiru no

jinsei no hanbun mo boku wa mada ikitenai
sakaratte dakiatte
muishiki ni kizamarete yuku keiken no TATUU

gakeppuchi ni tatasareta toki
kunan mo boku no ude o tsukami
jibun jishin no arika ga hajimete mietan da
motto hiroi FIIRUDO e motto fukai ookina doko ka e
yosou mo tsukanai sekai e mukatte yuku dake

oshiete "tsuyosa" no teigi
jibun tsuranuku koto kana
soretomo jibun sae sutete made mamorubeki mono mamoru koto desu ka

SABANNA no GAZERU ga tsuchikemuri o ageru
kaze nnaka aitsura wa shinu made tachitsuzukenakereba ikenai no sa

HITO wa arukitsuzukete yuku
tada ikite yuku tame ni
fukanzen na DEETA o nurikaenagara susumu
hajimari no kouya o hitori mou arukidashiteru rashii
boku wa hai ni naru made boku de aritsuzuketai

tooi mukashi doko kara kita no
tooi mirai ni doko e yuku no
shiranai mama nagedasare kizuku mae ni toki wa owaru no
hajimari no kouya o hitori mou arukidashiteru rashii
boku wa hai ni naru made boku de aritsuzuketai

gakeppuchi ni tatasareta toki
kunan mo boku no ude o tsukami
jibun jishin no arika ga hajimete mietan da
motto hiroi FIIRUDO e motto fukai ookina doko ka e
yosou mo tsukanai sekai e mukatte yuku dake

boku wa boku no koto ga shiritai
ending - Japonés Japonés Título : Yume no tamago
Intérprete : Ichiko Hashimoto et Mayumi Hashimoto
Para descargar genérico debe ser un miembro del sitio Modificar
Oshiete ai wa ima
Oshiete doko ni aruno
Oshiete hito wa itsu mezameru

Kotaete tsuki wa naze
Kotaete horobiyukuno
Kotaete maboroshi wa dokoni

Hibikiau uta ga toki no tobira wo

Ah Rahxephon Fly me to the music

[Break musical]

Kanaete tume no hate
Kanaete hito no kokoro
Kanaete toki wa itsu kagayaku

Yuruginai tsubasa ni mirai no kotoba to
Aisurumono wo

Ah Rahxephon Fly me to the music
Ah Rahxephon Fly me to the music

Kotaete maboroshi wa
Kotaete doko ni


5 miembros tienen esta serie 5 miembros tienen esta serie


Coque iPhone 5/5s - Mononoke
Coque iPhone 5/5s - Mononoke


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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