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I can't remember why
We stayed up until 4AM
We talked about
Nothing important and then made love
The birds wake up we close our eyes
I love how she calls my name
Inside her dream
Kiss's me still half asleep
Don't I wish that we could stay like this
At 8AM
I stop the alarm to watch her sleep and think I'd anything
If I could make this time rewind forever
To 7:59
opening - Japonais
Titre : Hekireki Interprète : Last Alliance
Clean eyes ni utsuru henka nai robouno ue
Hashiri nikeru mahha gojuu no yume
Tsumujikaze ga tekubini karamitsuki
Kinou no boku kara kuratta kizu ni chikau
Aoi sora wa haiiro ni tsutsumare
Machiwabita kono kazega katao naderu
Ryou no teni nigiri tsudzukete kita
Siten no hekireki to iu nihiru na kibou
Hashiri tsudzukeruashi o tome
Uchi tsudzukeru kobushi o hiraita
Tenohira ni kizanda
Kyou ni tadoritsuku tame no ippo
Asuno wa asu no kaze ga fuku sa
Tasogaresora de namida koraete
Yagate otana ni naru bokurae
Seiten no hekireki