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ending - Japonais Japonais Titre : Ketsui no asa ni
Interprète : Aqua Timez
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Douse nara mou
Hetakuso na yume wo egaite ikou yo
Douse nara mou
Hetakuso de akaruku yukai na ai no aru yume wo
"Kidon nakute ii
Kakkotsuke nai hou ga omaerashii yo"

Isshoukenmei ni nareba naru hodo
Karamawari shite shimau bokura no tabiji wa
Shougakusei no
Te to ashi ga issho ni dechau koushin mitai
Sore mo mata iin ja nai?
Ikite yuku koto nante sa
Kitto hito ni warawareru kurai ga
Choudo iin da yo

Kokoro no oku no oku
Tojikometeta hontou no boku
Namami no san-juu-roku do gobun
Kazarazu ni iza we don't stop
Kedo mada tsuyogatterun da yo
Mada baria wo hatterun da yo
Itami to tatakatterun da yo

Tsurai toki tsurai to ietara ii no ni naa
Boku-tachi wa tsuyogatte warau yowamushi da
Sabishii no ni heiki na furi wo shite iru no wa
Kuzure ochite shimai sou na
Jibun wo mamoru tame na no sa

Boku dake ja nai hazu sa
Ikiba no nai kono kimochi wo
Ibasho no nai kono kodoku wo
Kakaete iru no wa...

Hito no itami ni wa mukanshin
Sono kuse jibun no koto to naru to fuan ni natte
Hito wo kiratte
Fukou na no wa jibun dakette omottari
Ataerare nai koto wo tada nageite
San sai ji no you ni wameite
Ai toiu na no oyatsu wo suwatte matteru boku wa
ASUFARUTO no terikaeshi ni mo makezu ni
Jibun no ashi de aruiteku hitotachi wo mite omotta
Ugokaseru ashi ga aru nara
Mukaitai basho ga aru nara
Kono ashi de aruite yukou

Mou nido tohontono egao wo torimodosu koto
Dekinai kamoshirenai to omou yoru mo atta kedo

Taisetsu na hito-tachi no atatakasa ni sasaerare
Mou ichido shinjite miyou ka na to omoi mashita

Tsurai toki tsurai to ietara ii no ni naa
Boku-tachi wa tsuyogatte warau yowamushi da
Sabishii no ni heiki na furi wo shite iru no wa
Kuzure ochite shimai sou na
Jibun wo mamoru tame dakedo

Ayamachi mo kizuato mo tohou ni kure
Besokaita hi mo
Boku ga boku toshite ikitekita akashi ni shite
Douse nara korekara wa isso dare yori mo
Omoikiri hetakuso na yume wo egaite yukou
Ii wake wo katadukete doudou to mune wo hari
Jibun toiu ningen wo utai tsuduke you


in any case, let's go on painting our awkward dreams
in any case, our awkward dreams of bright, joyful love
"no need to put on airs, you're more like you when you aren't pretentious"
the harder we toil the more our fruitless journey seems like the progress of a grade-schooler, hands and feet aflailing
but that's fine too, isn't it, what it means to live
surely, to be laughed at is exactly what I intended

deep, deep in my heart is the hidden, true me
flesh and blood of 36.5 degrees celsius, unembellished, come now, we don't stop
but we're still pretending to be strong, still putting up barriers,
still battling pain

When in pain, I wish we were able to confess that it hurts
we are but weaklings pretending to be tough
to pretend that I'm all right when I'm lonely is to protect my self that threatens to crumble
I'm sure I'm not the only one, that embraces these feelings that have no destination, this loneliness that has no whereabouts

Uncaring for the pains of others
yet growing uncertain with regards to myself
disliking people, thinking that I'm the only one who's unfortunate
at things I'm not granted I only sigh,
cry like a three-year-old infant
sitting waiting for this thing called love
I shan't lose to the reflection of asphalt,
I thought, watching those who walk by their own feet
if there are feet that you can move
if there are places where you want to go
let's walk there with these very feet

there are nights when I thought, we might not be able to reclaim our true smiles, but,
supported by the warmth of those who are dear to us,
I had thought that I'd like to try believing once more

When in pain, I wish we were able to confess that it hurts
we are but weaklings pretending to be tough
to pretend that I'm all right when I'm lonely is to protect my self that threatens to crumble, however
mistakes, scars, days when the way darkens, days of childish tear-stained faces,
these things will be the proof of my existence
in any case, from now on, with more, much more resolution than anyone else,
let's carry on painting our awkward dreams
put away our excuses, puff out our chests with pride,
let's carry on singing songs of the people we call ourselves


4 membres possèdent cette série 4 membres possèdent cette série


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