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Final fantasy VII - Game Original soundtrack
Data de salida : 26/08/2005
Tipo : CD
Categoría : Anime
Géneros : Acción, Ciencia ficción
Autor : Nobuo Uematsu
Editor : Miya Records Francia
Público : 3+
Codifica a EAN : 4719314017715
Descripción :
Coffret de 4 cds comprenant toutes les musiques tirées du jeu vidéo
Precio : 59,99

Comprar Final fantasy VII - Game Original soundtrack en Amazon
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Resumen : • Disque 1: 01 - The prelude 13 - Turk's theme 02 - Opening ~Bombing mission 14 - Underneath the rotting pizza 03 - Mako reactor 15 - Oppressed people 04 - Anxious heart 16 - Honeybee manor 05 - Tifa's theme 17 - Who are you ? 06 - Barret's theme 18 - Don of the Slums 07 - Hurry ! 19 - Infiltrating the Shinra building 08 - Lurking in the darkness 20 - Fighting again 09 - Shinra compagny 21 - Red XIII's theme 10 - Fighters 22 - Crazy motorcycle 11 - Fanfare 23 - Holding my thoughts in my heart 12 - Flowers blooming in the church • Disque 2: 01 - FFVII main theme 12 - It's difficult standing on both feet, isn't it ? 02 - Ahead on your way 13 - Trail of blood 03 - Rest, until tomorrow 14 - J-E-N-O-V-A 04 - That day, 5 years ago 15 - Continue ? 05 - Ranch boy 16 - Costa del sol 06 - Waltz de chocobo 17 - Mark of the traitor 07 - Electric de chocobo 18 - Coal mine town 08 - Cinco de chocobo 19 - Gold saucer 09 - Chasing the black-caped man 20 - Cait sith's theme 10 - Fort condor 21 - Sandy badlands 11 - Rufus' welcoming ceremony • Disque 3: 01 - Valley of the fallen star 13 - A great success 02 - Flow of life 14 - Tango of Tears 03 - Great warrior 15 - Debut 04 - Descendent of Shinobi 16 - Interrupted by fireworks 05 - Those choosen by the planet 17 - Forested temple 06 - The nightmare's beginning 18 - Hearing the cry of the planet 07 - Cid's theme 19 - Aerith's theme 08 - Steal the tiny Bronco ! 20 - Buried in the snow 09 - Wutai 21 - The great northern cave 10 - Stolen materia 22 - Reunion 11 - Racing chocobos - Place your bets 23 - Who am I ? 12 - Fiddle de chocobo • Disque 4: 01 - Shinra's full-scale attack 10 - The countdown begins 02 - Weapon raid 11 - If you open your heart... 03 - Highwind takes to the skies 12 - The Mako Cannon is fired ~Shinra explodes 04 - A secret, sleeping in the deep sea 13 - Judgment day 05 - Parochia village 14 - Jenova absolute 06 - From the edge of despair 15 - The birth of god 07 - On the other side of the mountain 16 - One-winged angel 08 - Hurry faster ! 17 - Crisis of the planet 09 - Sending a dream into the universe 18 - Staff roll


Coque galaxy S3 - Mononoke
Coque galaxy S3 - Mononoke


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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