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Date de sortie : 21/03/2012 Type :CD Catégorie : Anime Genres : Fantastique, Aventure Auteur :HISAISHI Joe Editeur :Wasabi Records Public : 12+ Code EAN :3700091024899 Description : -
Résumé :1 - The legend of ashitaka
2 - The demon god
3 - The journey to the west
4 - The demon power
5 - The land of the impure
6 - The encounter
7 - Kodamas
8 - The forest of the gods
9 - Evening at the ironworks
10 - The demon god ii - the lost mountains
11 - Lady eboshi
12 - The tatara women work song
13 - The furies
14 - The young man from the east
15 - Requiem
16 - Will to live
17 - San and ashitaka in the forest of the deer god
18 - Princess mononoke theme song mononoke-hime instrumental version
19 - Requiem ii
20 - Princess mononoke theme song mononoke-hime performed by yoshikazu mera
21 - The battle drums
22 - The battle in front of the ironworks
23 - The demon power ii
24 - Requiem iii
25 - The retreat
26 - The demon god iii
27 - Adagio of life and death
28 - The world of the dead
29 - The world of the dead ii
30 - Adagio of life and death ii
31 - Ashitaka and san
32 - Princess mononoke theme song mononoke-hime performed by yoshikazu mera
33 - The legend of ashitaka theme end credit