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List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 24 Modify
01 - Academy City
02 - The King of Witch Hunt (Innocentius)
03 - The Church of Necessary Evil (Necessarius)
04 - Perfect Memorization
05 - Twelve o'clock (Limit)
06 - Imagine Breaker
07 - Misawa Cram School (Science Worship)
08 - Golden Training (Ars Magna)
09 - Vampire Killer (Deep Blood)
10 - Misaka Mikoto
11 - Sisters
12 - Absolute Power (Level 6)
13 - One-way Traffic (Accelerator)
14 - Weakest vs Strongest
15 - Angel Fall
16 - Father (Kamijou Touya)
17 - Archangel (The Power of God)
18 - Impostor (Replica)
19 - The End (Last Order)
20 - Last Signal (Virus Code)
21 - Unidentifiable (Counter Stop)
22 - Stone Statue(Godem)
23 - Kazakiri Hyouka (Friend)
24 - Imaginary Number Area - Five Elements Facility
List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 24 Modify
01 - Gakuen Toshi
02 - Majo Gari No Ō (Inokentiusu)
03 - Hitsuyō Aku No Kyōkai (Nesesariusu)
04 - Kanzen Kioku Nōryoku
05 - Jyuniji (Rimitto)
06 - Gensō Goroshi (Imajin Bureikā)
07 - Misawa Juku (Kagaku Sūhai)
08 - Ōgon Rensei (Arusu Maguna)
09 - Kyūketsu Goroshi (Dīpu Buraddo)
10 - Onee-sama (Misaka Mikoto)
11 - Imōto Tachi (Shisutāzu)
12 - Zettai Nōryoku (Reberu 6)
13 - Ippō Tsūkō (Akuserarēta)
14 - Saikyō vs Saijaku
15 - Go Shi Dashi (Enzeru Fōru)
16 - Chichioya (Kamijō Tōya)
17 - Dai-tenshi (Kami no Chikara)
18 - Nisemono (Repurika)
19 - Uchidome (Rasuto Ōdā)
20 - Saishū Shingō (Virusu Kōdo)
21 - Shōtaifumei (Kauntāsutoppu)
22 - Sekizō (Gōremu)
23 - Kazakiri Hyōka (Tomodachi)
24 - Kyosū Gakku - Gogyō Kikan
List of the episodes - Spain Spain Number of episodes : 24 Modify
01 - Ciudad Academia
02 - Innocentius
03 - Necessarius
04 - Memorización Perfecta
05 - Límite
06 - Imagine Breaker
07 - Culto de Ciencia
08 - Ars Magna
09 - Deep Blood
10 - Mikoto Misaka
11 - Sisters
12 - Nivel 6
13 - Accelerator
14 - El más débil vs. El más fuerte
15 - Angel Fall
16 - Kamijou Touya
17 - El Poder de Dios
18 - Replica
19 - Last Order
20 - Código de Virus
21 - Cunter Stop
22 - Golem
23 - Amigo
24 - Sector Del Numero Imaginario Institucion De Los Cinco Elementos
List of the episodes - Germany Germany Number of episodes : 24 Modify
01 - Bildungs-Stadt
02 - INNOCENTIUS - Der Hexenjagende Papst
03 - Necessarius - Die Kirche des Notwendigen Übels
04 - Fotografisches Gedächtnis
05 - Limit - 12 Uhr
06 - Imagine Breaker
07 - Misawa Nachhilfeinstitut - Anbetung der Wissenschaft
08 - Ars Magna - Goldenes Training
09 - Deep Blood - Vampirtöter
10 - Misaka Mikoto - Onee-sama
11 - Sisters - Schwestern
12 - Level 6 - Grenzenlose Macht
13 - Accelerator - Einbahnstraße
14 - Schwächster gegen Stärkster - David gegen Goliath
15 - Angel Fall
16 - Kamijyo Touya - Vater
17 - Erzengel - Die Kraft Gottes
18 - Schwindler - Replikat
19 - Das Ende - Last Order
20 - Letztes Signal - Virus Code
21 - Unidentifizierbarkeit - Counter Stop
22 - Steinerne Statue - Golem
23 - Kazakiri Hyouka - Freund
24 - Fünf Elemente Institution - Imaginärer Nummernsektor
List of the episodes - France France Number of episodes : 24 Modify
01 - Cité Universitaire
02 - Innocentius
03 - Necessarius
04 - La mémoire absolue
05 - La Limite
06 - Imagine Breaker
07 - Le culte de la science
08 - Ars Magna
09 - Deep Blood, le Tueur de Vampires
10 - Misaka Mikoto, la Grande Sœur
11 - Sœurs
12 - Niveau 6, le Pouvoir Absolu
13 - Accelerator, Rue à sens unique
14 - Le plus fort VS le plus faible
15 - La Chute de l'Ange
16 - Kamijyo Touya
17 - L'Archange Gabriel, Le Pouvoir de Dieu
18 - La réplique, L'imposteur
19 - Last Order, La Fin
20 - Le code du virus, Le signal final
21 - Counter Stop, L'entité inconnue
22 - Le Golem
23 - L'Amie, Kazakiri Hyouka
24 - Le secteur du nombre imaginaire. L'Institution de Cinq Eléments
List of the episodes - Italy Italy Number of episodes : 24 Modify
01 - Città accademica
02 - l re della caccia alla streghe
03 - La chiesa del male necessario
04 - Memorizzazione perfetta
05 - Mezzanotte
06 - pezza incantesimi
07 - l culto della scienza
08 - La trasmutazione in oro
09 - L'ammazzavampiri
10 - Onee-sama
11 - Sorelle
12 - l potere assoluto
13 - Senso unico
14 - Il più forte vs il più debole
15 - La caduta di un angelo
16 - Padre
17 - Arcangelo
18 - Impostore
19 - Fine
20 - Ultimo segnale
21 - Non identificabile
22 - Statua di pietra
23 - Kazakiri Hyōka
24 - Settore i · Centro dei cinque elementi
List of the episodes - Russia Russia Number of episodes : 24 Modify
01 - Академ-сити
02 - Король охоты на ведьм — Иннокентий
03 - Церковь необходимого зла — Несессариус
04 - Абсолютная память
05 - Полночь — крайний срок
06 - Разрушитель Воображения
07 - Школа Мисава — культ науки
08 - Золотая алхимия — Арс Магна
09 - Убийца вампиров — Глубокая Кровь
10 - Старшая сестра — Микото Мисака
11 - Сёстры
12 - Абсолютная способность — уровень 6
13 - Движение в одну сторону — Акселератор
14 - Сильнейший против слабейшего
15 - Падение ангела
16 - Отец — Тоя Камидзё
17 - Архангел — Сила Бога
18 - Подделка — Реплика
19 - онец — Последний Заказ
20 - Конечный сигнал — код вируса
21 - Сущность неизвестна — остановка счётчика
22 - Статуя — Голем
23 - Хёка Кадзакири. Друг
24 - Сектор Комплексного Числа — Ведомство Пяти Элементов


8 members have this series 8 members have this series


Tshirt baseball homme - Mononoke
Tshirt baseball homme - Mononoke


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