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Title Category Genre Public Rating
A 25:00 à Akasaka Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
A 4 mètres du sol BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
A abelhinha guerreira Anime Comedy, Adventure 3+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
A abelhinha hutch Anime Comedy, Adventure 3+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Aâma BD-Comics Science fiction 10+ -----
Aa megami-sama Seinen Comedy, Fantasy 12+ 3.78/53.78/53.78/53.78/53.78/5
Aa megami-sama : chicchai tte koto wa benri da ne Anime Comedy, Fantasy 12+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Aa megami-sama : sorezore no tsubasa Seinen Fantasy, Comedy 12+ 3.50/53.50/53.50/53.50/53.50/5
Aa megami-sama : tatakau tsubasa Seinen Comedy, Fantasy 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Aathon BD-Comics History, Adventure 12+ 2.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/5
Ab absurdo BD-Comics Social, Humor 10+ -----
A baby and I Shojo Comedy, Drama 12+ 1.50/51.50/51.50/51.50/51.50/5
Les abandonnés BD-Comics Action, Fantasy 16+ 1.00/51.00/51.00/51.00/51.00/5
Abara Seinen Action, Fantasy 14+ 1.50/51.50/51.50/51.50/51.50/5
Abarenbo honey Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Abarenbo honey & kakurenbo honey Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Abashiri family Shonen Comedy, Action, Ad... 12+ -----
Abashiri ikka Shonen Comedy, Action, Ad... 12+ -----
Abba cherche Frida BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
L'abbaye de Clairvaux BD-Comics History 10+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
ABC warriors BD-Comics Science fiction, War 14+ -----
A beautiful sunny day Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Lesbian gay 16+ -----
Abeja maya Anime Adventure, Youth 6+ -----
A bela adormecida Anime Tale, Youth 6+ -----
A bela e o monstro Anime Tale, Youth 6+ -----
Abélard BD-Comics Adventure, Graphic... 10+ -----
Abenobashi Seinen Adventure, Fantasy 12+ 3.50/53.50/53.50/53.50/53.50/5
Abenobashi il quartiere commerciale di magia Seinen Adventure, Fantasy 12+ 3.50/53.50/53.50/53.50/53.50/5
Abenobashi mahou shotengai Seinen Adventure, Fantasy 12+ 3.50/53.50/53.50/53.50/53.50/5
Abenteuer eines kleinen prinzen -----
Abenteuer im maulwurfsland Kodomo Comedy, Adventure -----
Abenteuer in den weiden -----
Abenteur am regenbogenteich Anime Comedy, Action 3+ -----
Aberzen BD-Comics Fantasy, Adventure 14+ -----
Abe sapien BD-Comics Action, Fantasy 12+ -----
Abîmes Yaoi-Yuri Erotic -----
Ab Irato BD-Comics Science fiction 10+ -----
Abnormal physiology seminar Seinen Comedy, School -----
Abnormal physiology seminar - OAV Seinen Comedy, School -----
A boire et à manger BD-Comics Gastronomy, Humor 8+ -----
A boire et à manger avec Sonia Ezgulian BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
L'abolition - le combat de Robert Badinter BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
L'abominable Charles Christopher BD-Comics Adventure, Humor 10+ -----
L'abominable chevalier Seinen Fantasy, Adventure 14+ -----
L'abominable monsieur Seabrook BD-Comics Independent 12+ -----
L'abomination de dunwich Seinen Fantasy, Suspense 14+ -----
A bord de l'Aquarius BD-Comics Documentary 10+ -----
A bord de l'étoile Matutine BD-Comics Slices of life, Gr... 10+ -----
A boring man Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Lesbian gay 16+ -----
About a love song Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 14+ -----
à bout de bras - la folle saga des frères Acariès BD-Comics Slices of life, Bi... 14+ -----
A bout portant - zero in Shonen Policeman, Martial... 14+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Abraham Lincoln, l'homme qui a aboli l'esclavage a... BD-Comics History 10+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
A bridge to the starry skies Seinen Comedy, Romance 12+ -----
A brief history of robosapien Seinen Science fiction, S... 14+ -----
Absconcités BD-Comics Humor 14+ -----
Absolument normal BD-Comics Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Absolute boyfriend Shojo Comedy, Fantasy 12+ 4.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/5
Absolution BD-Comics Fantasy, Super-hero 10+ -----
Absolutus delirium BD-Comics Humor 12+ -----
Abstraction et bande-dessinée BD-Comics Independent 12+ -----
A buma true story BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Abus & plaisirs Ecchi-Hentai Erotic, Short stor... 18+ -----
T'abuses ikko Seinen Fantasy, Humor 14+ 3.33/53.33/53.33/53.33/53.33/5
A business proposal Webtoon-Webcomic Romance, Slices of... 14+ -----
Abyss Shonen Suspense, Fantasy 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Abyss azure Seinen Fantasy, Adventure 14+ -----
Abyss azure no zainin Seinen Fantasy, Adventure 14+ -----
Les abysses en manga Kodomo Adventure, Youth 8+ -----
L'académie alice Shojo Comedy, Fantasy 10+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
L'académie des dames BD-Comics Erotic 18+ -----
L'academie des ninjas Shonen Adventure, Humor 10+ 3.50/53.50/53.50/53.50/53.50/5
L'académie musicale Alice Shojo Romance, Fantasy 10+ 2.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/5
A casa de mickey mouse Kodomo Comedy, Youth 3+ -----
Acca 13 - brigade de contre espionnage Seinen Policeman, Suspense 14+ -----
Acca 13-ku kansatsuka Seinen Policeman, Suspense 14+ -----
Accel world Anime Action, Science fi... 12+ 3.67/53.67/53.67/53.67/53.67/5
L'accessoiriste BD-Comics Policeman 10+ -----
Acchi kocchi Seinen Comedy, Slices of ... 14+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
L'accordeur BD-Comics Erotic 18+ -----
Accords parfaits Shojo Action, Romance 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Accouche ! BD-Comics Documentary 10+ -----
Accroche-toi nakamura !! Yaoi-Yuri Comedy, Romance 14+ -----
Ace attorney Seinen Suspense, Drama 14+ 3.75/53.75/53.75/53.75/53.75/5
Ace attorney - phoenix wright Seinen Suspense, Drama 14+ 3.75/53.75/53.75/53.75/53.75/5
Ace of hearts Shonen Fantasy, Suspense 12+ -----
Ace of the diamond Shonen Sport, Slices of l... 12+ -----
A certain magical index Shonen Adventure, Fantasy 12+ 4.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/5
A certain scientific railgun Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
A certain scientific railgun S Seinen Comedy, Action 14+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
A certain scientific railgun sisters Seinen Comedy, Action 14+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Ace ventura - détective animalier Anime Comedy, Adventure 6+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Ace ventura - pet detective Anime Comedy, Adventure 6+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Ace wo nerae Anime Slices of life, Sp... 9+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Ace wo nerae ! 2 Shojo Sport, Drama 8+ -----
Ace wo nerae ! final stage Shojo Sport, Drama 8+ -----
A-channel Seinen Comedy, Slices of ... 10+ 3.50/53.50/53.50/53.50/53.50/5
A-Channel + smile Anime Comedy, Slices of ... 10+ -----
A-channel the animation Seinen Comedy, Slices of ... 10+ 3.50/53.50/53.50/53.50/53.50/5
A chef of nobunaga Seinen Gastronomy, History 14+ -----
A cheval ! BD-Comics Sport, Youth 8+ -----
Achille BD-Comics 10+ -----
Achille BD-Comics Erotic 16+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Achille talon BD-Comics Humor 6+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Acid town Yaoi-Yuri Drama, Thriller 16+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
à coeur ouvert BD-Comics Slices of life, Bi... 14+ -----
A comme Eiffel BD-Comics Documentary 10+ -----
A coucher dehors BD-Comics Graphic roman -----
A couple of cuckoos Shonen Comedy, Romance 12+ -----
Acrobunch, la leggenda del paese magico Anime Fantasy 8+ -----
A crocs et à sang BD-Comics Fantasy 16+ -----
A croquer ? Kodomo Tale 3+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Act-Age Shonen Drama, Slices of l... 10+ -----
Acte de dieu BD-Comics Independent 12+ -----
Actes de malveillance BD-Comics Super-hero 10+ -----
Action man Anime Action, Adventure 12+ -----
Action man Anime Action, Adventure 12+ -----
Action man atom Anime Action, Adventure 10+ -----
Action man - missions extrêmes Anime Action, Adventure 12+ -----
Actium BD-Comics Adventure, History 10+ -----
Actor's studio BD-Comics Policeman, Suspense 14+ -----
L'actu en patates BD-Comics Humor, Politics 10+ -----
Ada BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Ada & Rosie - Mauvais esprit de famille BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Adabana Seinen Fantasy, Thriller 16+ -----
Adachi et shimamura Seinen Romance, Slices of... 14+ -----
Adachi to shimamura Seinen Romance, Slices of... 14+ -----
A.D. - after death BD-Comics Science fiction 10+ -----
A dama e o vagabundo Kodomo Adventure, Youth 3+ -----
A dama e o vagabundo 2 : as aventuras de banzé Kodomo Adventure, Youth 3+ -----
Adam Clarks BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 10+ -----
Adam et Eve Seinen Action, Suspense 16+ -----
Adam l'attraction du pire BD-Comics Independent 12+ -----
Adam - l'ultime robot Shonen Suspense, Science ... 12+ -----
Adam quichotte BD-Comics Adventure, Youth 6+ -----
Adam Sarlech BD-Comics Adventure, Fantasy 10+ -----
Adam to Eve Seinen Action, Suspense 16+ -----
A dark rabbit has seven lives Shonen Comedy, Fantasy 14+ -----
Ad astra - scipion l'africain & hanibal barca Seinen Adventure, History 14+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Ad astra - scipio to hannibal Seinen Adventure, History 14+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Addiction BD-Comics Graphic roman 10+ -----
Addio galaxy express 999 - capolinea andromeda Anime Drama, Science fic... 12+ 4.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/5
Addio giuseppina Anime Fantasy, Adventure 6+ -----
Adekan Shojo Fantasy, Suspense 14+ -----
Adèle Blanc-Sec BD-Comics Fantasy, Adventure 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Adeu's legend Anime Action, Science fi... -----
Adibou : aventure dans le corps humain Anime Youth 6+ -----
Adidas manga fever Seinen Sport, Action 12+ -----
Adieu eri Shonen Drama, Slices of l... 14+ -----
Adieu galaxy express 999 Anime Drama, Science fic... 12+ 4.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/5
Adieu Kharkov BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Adieu midori Seinen Action, Slices of ... 16+ -----
Adieu monde cruel ! BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Adieu mon utérus Josei Slices of life, Me... 16+ -----
Les adieux du rhinocéros BD-Comics Adventure, Animals 8+ -----
Adiós josefina, adiós Anime Fantasy, Adventure 6+ -----
A distant neighborhood Seinen Fantasy, Slices of... 14+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Adler, l'aigle à deux têtes BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Adobento Seinen Suspense, Horror 14+ -----
ADO-KA-FRÈ BD-Comics Youth 8+ -----
Adolescence boy & it Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Adoleschiante BD-Comics Humor, Comedy 14+ -----
Adolf Seinen History, Drama 14+ -----
Adolf ni tsugu Seinen History, Drama 14+ -----
Adolphus Claar BD-Comics Humor, Fantasy -----
Adonis Webtoon-Webcomic Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
L'adoption BD-Comics Slices of life, Gr... 10+ -----
AD police Seinen Policeman, Science... 16+ -----
AD police files Seinen Science fiction, P... 16+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Adrastée BD-Comics Mythology, Fantasy 10+ -----
Adrenalin Sonyun Fantasy, Adventure 12+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Adriatica BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Adrien le sauveur du monde Anime Adventure, Comedy 12+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Ad romam BD-Comics History 14+ -----
Les adultes n'existent pas BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Adult privilege Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Lesbian gay 16+ -----
Aduna - monde visible/monde invisible BD-Comics Tale -----
Advancer tina Ecchi-Hentai Science fiction, E... 18+ -----
Advent Seinen Suspense, Horror 14+ -----
Adventure kid Ecchi-Hentai Adventure, Erotic 16+ -----
Adventure kid Ecchi-Hentai Adventure, Erotic 16+ -----
Adventure king beet Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 10+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Adventure king beet excellion Shonen Action, Fantasy 10+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Adventureman BD-Comics Fantasy, Super-hero 8+ -----
Adventure of korobokkuru Kodomo Comedy, Adventure 6+ -----
Adventures in sir arthur conan doyle's the lost world Anime Science fiction, A... 10+ -----
Adventures of little el cid Anime History, Action 8+ -----
Adventures of puss-in-boots Anime Fantasy, Adventure 6+ -----
Adventures of the gummi bears Anime Comedy, Adventure 6+ -----
Adventures of the Little Koala Anime Fantasy, Animals 6+ -----
Adventure time Anime Comedy, Adventure 10+ -----
Aege-kai wo wataru hana-tachi Seinen History, Slices of... 12+ -----
Aeka Seinen Fantasy 14+ -----
Aeon flux BD-Comics Action, Science fi... 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
L'aéropostale BD-Comics Adventure, Biography 10+ -----
A escola de susto do gasparzinho Anime Fantasy, Adventure 6+ -----
A espada era a lei Anime Fantasy, Adventure 6+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Aesthetica of a rogue hero Seinen Adventure, Action 16+ -----
Ævintýri Tinna BD-Comics Action, Adventure 8+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
A fake affair Webtoon-Webcomic Romance, Slices of... 14+ -----
A fake story BD-Comics Social, Science fi... 14+ -----
A falsified romance Seinen Suspense, Social 14+ -----
A fantasy Lazy life Seinen Comedy, Fantasy 14+ -----
L'affaire des affaires BD-Comics Policeman 10+ -----
L'affaire des affaires - Clearstream BD-Comics Policeman 10+ -----
Une affaire d'états - le juge Borrel BD-Comics History 10+ -----
Affaires d'état BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 10+ -----
L'affaire sugaya BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 12+ -----
Les affamés Seinen Fantasy, Horror 14+ -----
Affreux vilains martiens Anime Action, Comedy 12+ -----
Aflame inferno Sonyun Fantasy, Adventure 16+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
A fleur de peau Shojo Romance, Slices of... 12+ -----
A fleur de peau BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
A fool's love song Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 14+ -----
A fox in time Shonen Heroic-fantasy, Ad... 12+ -----
Africa dreams BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Afrika korps BD-Comics War, History 10+ -----
Afro samouraï Shonen Action, Martial arts 14+ 2.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/5
Afro samurai Shonen Action, Martial arts 14+ 2.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/5
After all,he melts with love to me Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Lesbian gay 14+ -----
After a storm Yaoi-Yuri Drama, Lesbian gay 18+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
After death BD-Comics Science fiction 10+ -----
After god Shonen Fantasy, Suspense 14+ -----
Afterimage Slow Motion Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
After school Ecchi-Hentai Slices of life, Er... 18+ -----
Afterschool charisma Seinen Suspense, Adventure 14+ -----
After-school hanako-kun Shonen Comedy, Fantasy 10+ -----
After school love affairs Seinen Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
After school midnighters Anime Fantasy, Humor 10+ -----
After school nightmare Shojo Romance, Fantasy 14+ -----
After war gundam X Anime Science fiction, A... 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Afterz BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
+ Again Manhwa Fantasy, Adventure 10+ -----
A game of thrones - la bataille des rois BD-Comics Fantasy, Adventure 14+ -----
A game of thrones - le trône de fer BD-Comics Heroic-fantasy, Ad... 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Agapê BD-Comics Erotic 18+ -----
Agaruta Seinen Action, Fantasy 14+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Agata BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 10+ -----
Agatha Christie BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 10+ -----
Agatha christie no meitantei poirot to marple Anime Policeman, Adventure 10+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Agatha christie's great detectives poirot and marple Anime Policeman, Adventure 10+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
L'age bleu Anime Comedy, Romance 12+ -----
L'age de bronze BD-Comics History 14+ -----
L'age de déraison Seinen Suspense, Short st... 14+ -----
L'age de glace Anime Comedy, Adventure 6+ 3.80/53.80/53.80/53.80/53.80/5
L'age de glace 2 Anime Comedy, Adventure 6+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
L'age de glace 3 Anime Comedy, Adventure 6+ 2.67/52.67/52.67/52.67/52.67/5
L'age de glace 4 Anime Comedy, Adventure 6+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
L'âge de glace : la dérive des continents Anime Comedy, Adventure 6+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
L'âge de pierre BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
L'âge d'or BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
L'age du verseau Anime Action, Fantasy 12+ -----
Ageha 100% Shojo Comedy, Slices of ... 12+ -----
Ageku no hate no kanon Seinen Romance, Fantasy 14+ -----
L'agence de détectives Layton - Katrielle et les enquê... Shojo Adventure, Suspense 10+ -----
L'agent BD-Comics Fantasy 10+ -----
L'agent 212 BD-Comics Humor 10+ 3.50/53.50/53.50/53.50/53.50/5
L'agent Jean BD-Comics Humor, Youth 6+ -----
Agent of my heart Josei Comedy, Romance 14+ -----
Agents du mossad BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 10+ -----
Age of Conan BD-Comics Fantasy, Heroic-fa... 10+ -----
Age of ultron BD-Comics Action 12+ -----
L'âge tendre et impitoyable BD-Comics 10+ -----
Agharta Seinen Action, Fantasy 14+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
A-girl Shojo Romance, Slices of... 12+ -----
A girls Josei Romance, Drama 14+ -----
Agito cosmos BD-Comics Adventure, Youth 8+ -----
Aglae et sidonie Anime Humor, Comedy 8+ -----
L'agneau innocent et le loup effronté Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Lesbian gay 16+ -----
L'agneau mystique BD-Comics History, Documentary 10+ -----
Agnès BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
A god somewhere BD-Comics Fantasy, Super-hero 14+ -----
A goofy movie Kodomo Comedy, Youth 3+ -----
Agora BD-Comics Independent 12+ -----
Agrippine Anime Comedy 12+ -----
A guerra dos palmatas Anime Adventure, Youth 3+ -----
Ah, ça ira BD-Comics History, Biography 10+ -----
A hercegnő és a béka Anime Comedy, Adventure 6+ -----
Ah harimanada Shonen Sport, Martial arts 10+ -----
Ahira kochira de aimashou Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Fantasy 16+ -----
Ahiru no quack Anime Comedy, Youth 10+ 2.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/5
Ahiru no sora Shonen Sport, Slices of l... 12+ -----
A history of violence BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 14+ -----
Ah ! My goddess ! Seinen Comedy, Fantasy 12+ 3.78/53.78/53.78/53.78/53.78/5
Ah ! My goddess : everyone has wings Seinen Fantasy, Comedy 12+ 3.50/53.50/53.50/53.50/53.50/5
Ah ! My goddess : fighting wings Seinen Comedy, Fantasy 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Ah ! my goddess : flights of fancy Seinen Fantasy, Comedy 12+ 3.50/53.50/53.50/53.50/53.50/5
Ah ! My goddess ! - le film Anime Comedy, Fantasy 12+ 4.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/5
Ah ! My goddess ! - OAV Anime Comedy, Fantasy 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Ah ! My goddess : the movie Anime Comedy, Fantasy 12+ 4.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/5
Ah ! My mini goddess Anime Comedy, Fantasy 12+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Ai city Seinen Suspense, Science ... 14+ -----
Ai city Fantasy, Science f... -----
Ai city - la notte dei cloni Fantasy, Science f... -----
Ai dake sagashite irarenai Josei Comedy, Romance 14+ -----
Ai ga nakutemo ecchi wa dekiru ! Ecchi-Hentai Erotic, Short stor... 18+ -----
AI ga tomaranai Shonen Comedy, Romance 10+ 3.75/53.75/53.75/53.75/53.75/5
L'Aigle des mers BD-Comics History 10+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
L'aigle écarlate et le yéti - vie de chasseurs dans le... Shojo History, Romance 14+ -----
L'aigle et la salamandre BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Les aigles décapitées BD-Comics History 10+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Les aigles de Rome BD-Comics History, Adventure 10+ -----
A.I hunter Manhwa Adventure, Science... 12+ -----
Aijin incubus Yaoi-Yuri Comedy, Lesbian gay 16+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Aijin mensetsu Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Lesbian gay 16+ -----
Aika Anime Action, Ecchi 16+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Aika R-16 : virgin mission Anime Action, Ecchi 16+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Aika zero Anime Ecchi, Action 16+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Ai kora Shonen Comedy, Romance 14+ -----
Ailefroide BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Les ailes de plomb BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Les ailes d'honneamise Anime Comedy, Drama 12+ -----
Les ailes du dragon Anime Adventure 12+ -----
Les ailes du phenix Manhwa Fantasy, Adventure 10+ 3.50/53.50/53.50/53.50/53.50/5
Les ailes du singe BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Ailes grises Anime Fantasy, Drama 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
L'aimant BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 10+ -----
Aime moi jeune fille Josei Romance, Erotic 16+ 3.50/53.50/53.50/53.50/53.50/5
Aimé pansu BD-Comics Humor 12+ -----
Aimer pour deux BD-Comics History, Slices of... 10+ -----
Aime ton prochain Shonen Suspense, Thriller 14+ -----
Ai mi ! moe can change ! Anime Slices of life, Co... 12+ -----
Ai ni iku yo Shonen Drama, Slices of l... 14+ -----
Ai no gakkô kuore monogatari Shonen School, History -----
Ai no jikan Josei Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Ai no joô Shojo Romance, Drama 12+ -----
Ai no kotoba mo shiranaide Yaoi-Yuri Comedy, Lesbian gay 16+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Ai no kusabi Yaoi-Yuri Drama, Science fic... 18+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Ai non stop ! Shonen Comedy, Romance 10+ 3.75/53.75/53.75/53.75/53.75/5
Ai no seikatsu Josei Social, Slices of ... 16+ -----
Ai nostri giorni ! Shojo Comedy, Romance 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Ai no wakakusa monogatari Anime Drama 8+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Ai no wakakusa yama monogatari Anime Comedy, Slices of ... 10+ -----
Ainsi parlait iwata-san Essay-Novel Documentary 14+ -----
Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra Seinen Social, Philosophy 16+ -----
Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra Seinen Philosophy, Social 16+ -----
Ainsi soient-ils - journal d'un inventaire BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Aiôn BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Aiore ! - danshikô no hime to joshikô no ôji 2 Shojo Music, Romance 12+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Air Shojo Drama, Slices of l... 10+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Aïr BD-Comics History, Graphic r... 10+ -----
Air academy, les pilotes de l'extrême Anime Action, Adventure 12+ -----
Air america BD-Comics Adventure, War 10+ -----
Airborne 44 BD-Comics Romance, War 10+ -----
Airboy BD-Comics Adventure, Super-h... 10+ -----
Un air de paradis BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
L'air de rien BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Aire libre BD-Comics Social, Slices of ... 14+ -----
Airen no kazoku Seinen Drama, Humor 16+ -----
Air gear Shonen Sport, Action 10+ 3.46/53.46/53.46/53.46/53.46/5
Air heads Ecchi-Hentai Erotic, Science fi... 18+ -----
Air in summer Anime Comedy, Drama 10+ -----
Air master Seinen Action, Martial arts 10+ -----
Airsoft Tim BD-Comics Humor, Youth 8+ -----
Airu Seinen Action, Fantasy 16+ -----
Aisare seiaku love bitch Ecchi-Hentai Erotic, Adventure 18+ -----
Ai shimai ~futari no kajitsu~ Ecchi-Hentai Erotic 18+ -----
Ai shite night Shojo Romance, Music 12+ -----
Aishiterutte itte mo ii yo Shojo Romance, Slices of... 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Aishiteruze baby Shojo Comedy, Romance 10+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Aishiteruze beibe Shojo Comedy, Romance 10+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Ai shoujo pollyanna monogatari Josei History, Action, S... 10+ -----
Aishû Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Lesbian gay 16+ -----
Aiso tsukashi Yaoi-Yuri Lesbian gay, Drama 16+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Aisu eiji Seinen Social, Slices of ... 12+ 4.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/54.50/5
Ai suru hito Shojo Comedy, Humor 14+ -----
Aisyu Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Lesbian gay 16+ -----
Ai tenshi densetsu wedding peach Comedy, Romance -----
Ai tenshi densetsu wedding peach dx Comedy, Romance 12+ -----
Ai to yuuki no pig girl tonde buurin Anime Comedy, Adventure 10+ -----
Aitsu ni koishita 4 tsunowake Shojo Romance, Short sto... 12+ -----
Aitsu no daihon mei Yaoi-Yuri Comedy, Lesbian gay 16+ -----
Aiura Anime Comedy, Slices of ... 10+ -----
Aïvali : une histoire entre Grèce et Turquie BD-Comics History 10+ -----
Ai wa kane nari Yaoi-Yuri Comedy, Fantasy 16+ -----
Ai wo misero Shojo Drama, Slices of l... 14+ -----
Ai wo utau yori ore ni oborero Shojo Comedy, Romance 13+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Ai yori aoshi Seinen Comedy, Romance 14+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Ai yori aoshi [azul] Seinen Comedy, Romance 14+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Ai yori aoshi ~enishi~ Seinen Comedy, Romance -----
Ajax BD-Comics 10+ -----
Ajimu beach story Anime Comedy, Romance 10+ -----
Ajin Seinen Suspense, Horror 14+ -----
Ajnehat al-kandam Shonen Science fiction, A... 12+ 4.67/54.67/54.67/54.67/54.67/5
A journey beyond heaven Seinen Fantasy, Adventure 14+ -----
Akaboshi Shonen Comedy, Adventure 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Akaboshi - ibun suikoden Shonen Comedy, Adventure 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Akachan ga yatte kita Kodomo Comedy, Slices of ... 3+ -----
Akachan to boku Shojo Comedy, Drama 12+ 1.50/51.50/51.50/51.50/51.50/5
Akagame ga kill Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Akagami no shirayuki hime Shojo Romance, Fantasy 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Akagari Seinen History, Suspense 14+ -----
Akage no anne Anime Comedy, Youth 10+ -----
Akage no anne Shojo History, Slices of... 12+ -----
Akagi Shonen Sport, Thriller 10+ -----
Akai hana Seinen Drama, Slices of l... 16+ -----
Akai hito Shojo Romance, Slices of... 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Akai imôto Seinen Suspense, Horror 14+ -----
Akai ito no shikkou yuuyo Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 14+ -----
Akai kiri no naka kara Shonen Fantasy, Suspense 12+ -----
Akai kodan zillion Anime Action, Science fi... 10+ -----
Akai mi kagayaku Kodomo Slices of life, Yo... 3+ -----
Akairo elegy Social 16+ -----
Akai tsuki Seinen History, Slices of... 14+ -----
Akakishi no eleven Shonen Sport 10+ -----
Akamatsu (et) Seven Yaoi-Yuri Comedy, Slices of ... 16+ -----
Akame ga Kiru ! Zero Shonen Adventure, Fantasy 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Akane-banashi Shonen Comedy, Slices of ... 12+ -----
Akanebanashi Shonen Comedy, Slices of ... 12+ -----
Akane-chan Anime Comedy, Slices of ... 8+ -----
Akane-iro ni somaru saka Shojo Romance, Comedy 10+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Akanesasu Ecchi-Hentai Erotic, Slices of ... 18+ -----
Aka no grimoire Shonen Fantasy, Suspense 12+ -----
Aka no haikyo Shojo Fantasy, Horror 12+ -----
Aka no theatre Yaoi-Yuri Comedy, Romance 16+ -----
Akari Kodomo Tale, Youth 6+ -----
Akari Shojo Comedy, Romance 12+ -----
Akari wo kudasai Shojo Romance, Fantasy 14+ -----
Aka to kuro Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Suspense 16+ -----
Akatsuki Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 10+ -----
Akatsuki no yona Shojo History, Adventure 12+ 4.33/54.33/54.33/54.33/54.33/5
Akazukin Kodomo Tale, Youth 3+ -----
Akazukin cha cha Shojo Comedy, Romance 8+ -----
Akazukin cha cha - OAV Shojo Comedy, Adventure -----
AKB0048 Shonen Comedy, Music 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
AKB0048 first stage Shonen Comedy, Music 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
AKB0048 next stage Shonen Comedy, Music 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
AKB0048 second stage Shonen Comedy, Music 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Akegarasu yume koiuta Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Fantasy 16+ -----
Akete mo kurete mo - zoku itsuka koi ni naru made Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 14+ -----
Akiba-chan Comedy, Slices of ... -----
Akihabara @ deep Seinen Philosophy, Slices... 14+ -----
Akihabara dennou gumi Shojo Science fiction, A... -----
Akihabara fall in love Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Akihito ten'nô monogatari Seinen History, Slices of... 14+ -----
Akikan ! Anime Comedy, Fantasy 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Akiko BD-Comics Slices of life, Yo... 8+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Akiko - Petit conte zen Kodomo Tale, Youth 3+ -----
Akira Seinen Science fiction, S... 16+ 3.25/53.25/53.25/53.25/53.25/5
A kis hableány Anime Romance, Youth 3+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
A kis jegesmedve Anime Adventure, Youth 6+ -----
Aki sora Ecchi-Hentai Ecchi -----
Aki sora : within a dream Ecchi-Hentai Ecchi -----
Aki sora : yume no naka Ecchi-Hentai Ecchi -----
Akissi BD-Comics Adventure, Humor 10+ -----
A kiss to the prince Sunjung Comedy, Romance 10+ -----
Akkan baby Shojo Comedy, Drama 10+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Akkanbe ikkyu Seinen History, Adventure 14+ -----
Akkey - le jugement des animaux BD-Comics Adventure 14+ -----
Akkinen - zone toxique BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 10+ -----
Akubi girl Comedy, Fantasy -----
Aku dai-sakusen srungle Anime Action, Science fi... -----
Akuheki Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Akujo kôsatsu Ecchi-Hentai Erotic, Short stor... 18+ -----
Akû - le chasseur maudit Seinen History, Thriller 14+ -----
Akuma de soro Shojo Comedy, Romance 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Akuma-kun Seinen Fantasy, Suspense 10+ -----
Akuma-kun Shonen Adventure -----
Akuma na eros Shojo Romance, Fantasy 14+ -----
Akuma to love song Shojo School, Romance 14+ 3.75/53.75/53.75/53.75/53.75/5
Akumetsu Shonen Action, Fantasy 16+ 3.67/53.67/53.67/53.67/53.67/5
Akunin no koi Essay-Novel Romance, Fantasy 16+ -----
Aku no hana Shonen Adventure, School 14+ -----
Aku no hana Shonen Fantasy, Thriller 14+ -----
Aku no hana Seinen Erotic, Slices of ... 16+ -----
Aku no higan - beyond evil Seinen Fantasy, Thriller 14+ -----
Aku no kyôten Seinen Suspense, Thriller 14+ -----
Akusaga Shojo Suspense, Science ... 14+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Akuyaku reijô level 99 Shojo Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Akuyaku reijo nano de last boss wo kattemimashita Shojo Comedy, Fantasy 12+ -----
Alabaster Shonen Action, Adventure 12+ -----
Aladdin Anime Romance, Adventure 12+ 3.33/53.33/53.33/53.33/53.33/5
A la découverte du japon Seinen Comedy, Slices of ... 12+ -----
A la découverte du saké japonais Seinen Slices of life, Ga... 14+ -----
A la dérive BD-Comics Policeman 10+ -----
A ladra meimi Shojo Comedy, Fantasy 12+ -----
À la folie ... pas du tout ! Seinen Romance, Slices of... 14+ -----
A la lettre près BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
A lâmina do imortal Seinen Action, Samurai 14+ -----
Alam simsim Youth -----
A l'ancienne BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
à la recherche de l'amazonie oubliée BD-Comics Knowledge 14+ -----
A la recherche de l'amour - serious love Yaoi-Yuri Comedy, Romance 14+ -----
A la recherche de l'ultimate mix BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
A la recherche de Moby Dick BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
A la recherche de notre comète Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
A la recherche du monstre BD-Comics Fantasy 10+ -----
A la recherche du nouveau père BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
A la recherche du temps perdu Seinen Social, Short stor... 14+ -----
A l'assaut du roi Shonen Sport, Slices of l... 12+ -----
L'Alat BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
A la vie a la mort BD-Comics History 10+ -----
Alba ca zǎpada şi cei şapte pitici Anime Adventure, Youth 6+ -----
Alban Dmerlu BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Albany & Sturgess BD-Comics Policeman 10+ -----
Albator 78 Shonen Science fiction, A... 10+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Albator 84 Anime Science fiction, A... 12+ 4.33/54.33/54.33/54.33/54.33/5
Albator 84 : l'atlantis de ma jeunesse Anime Adventure, Science... 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Albator, corsaire de l'espace Anime Science fiction, A... 12+ 4.33/54.33/54.33/54.33/54.33/5
L'albatros Anime Adventure 12+ -----
Albert 1er de Monaco BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Albert Einstein : la poésie du réel BD-Comics 10+ -----
Albert, le 5ème mousquetaire Anime Adventure, Youth 10+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Alchimia Romance, Fantasy 10+ -----
L'alchimiste Seinen Philosophy, Tale 14+ -----
Alcibiade Anime Comedy, Youth -----
Alcyon BD-Comics Adventure, Mythology 10+ -----
Alderamin on the sky Seinen Adventure, Fantasy 14+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Aldnoah.Zero Anime Action, Science fi... -----
Aldobrando BD-Comics Heroic-fantasy 10+ -----
Alé alé alé o-o Shonen Sport, School -----
Ale e Cucca Shojo Romance, Slices of... 14+ -----
Ale et Cucca Shojo Romance, Slices of... 14+ -----
Alef-thau BD-Comics Heroic-fantasy 10+ -----
Alegre juventud Shojo Comedy, Romance 10+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Aleister and Adolf BD-Comics War 10+ -----
Alejandro Jodorowsky - 90ème anniversaire BD-Comics 10+ -----
Alena BD-Comics Horror -----
A lenda do demônio Ecchi-Hentai Erotic, Action 18+ -----
A lenda do trovão Comedy, Adventure -----
Alerte rouge BD-Comics Independent 12+ -----
Alerte rouge - 4 ☆ town forever Shonen Music, Slices of l... 10+ -----
Alésia BD-Comics History 14+ -----
A letter to momo Anime Drama, Adventure 12+ -----
Alex + Ada BD-Comics Super-hero 10+ -----
Alex & Ani BD-Comics Adventure, Youth 8+ -----
Alexander Anime Action, Adventure 12+ -----
Alexander senki Anime Action, Adventure 12+ -----
Alexandra David-Néel BD-Comics History, Slices of... 10+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Alexandra Kim Manhwa History, Social 16+ -----
Alexandre Jacob BD-Comics Graphic roman 10+ -----
Alexandre le grand Anime Action, Adventure 12+ -----
Alexandre le grand BD-Comics History 10+ -----
Alexandre : o grande Anime Action, Adventure 12+ -----
Alexandrine BD-Comics Youth 8+ -----
Alexandrin ou l'art de faire des vers à pied BD-Comics 10+ -----
Alfred hitchcock BD-Comics Documentary 10+ -----
Alfred j. kwak Anime Comedy, Youth 10+ 2.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/5
Alfred jodocus kwak Anime Comedy, Youth 10+ 2.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/5
Alfred jonatan kwak Anime Comedy, Youth 10+ 2.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/5
L'Algérie c'est beau comme l'Amérique BD-Comics Graphic roman 10+ -----
Algériennes : 1954-1962 BD-Comics 12+ -----
Algérie, une guerre française BD-Comics History, War 12+ -----
A l'horizon Manhua Social, Short stor... 14+ -----
Ali aarrass BD-Comics Independent 12+ -----
Alias BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 14+ -----
Alias, drôle de fou Anime Action, Adventure 12+ -----
Alias Nemo BD-Comics Action, Adventure 10+ -----
Alice 19th Shojo Romance, Fantasy 10+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Alice au pays des merveilles Anime Fantasy, Youth 10+ 2.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/5
Alice au pays des merveilles Shojo Tale, Fantasy 8+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Alice au pays des merveilles BD-Comics Adventure, Tale 8+ -----
Alice au pays des merveilles BD-Comics Fantasy, Graphic r... -----
Alice au pays des merveilles Shonen Comedy, Fantasy 8+ -----
Alice au pays des merveilles Manhwa Fantasy, Adventure 8+ -----
Alice au pays des singes BD-Comics Humor, Youth 8+ -----
Alice au pays du chaos BD-Comics Erotic, Ecchi 18+ -----
Alice au pays du réel BD-Comics Slices of life 10+ -----
Alice au royaume de coeur Shojo Adventure, Fantasy 15+ 3.80/53.80/53.80/53.80/53.80/5
Alice au royaume de Joker Shojo Fantasy, Adventure 14+ -----
Alice au royaume de Trèfle Shojo Romance, Fantasy 15+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Alice et Valentine BD-Comics Slices of life, Yo... 10+ -----
Alice im wunderland Anime Fantasy, Youth 10+ 2.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/5
Alice in borderland Shonen Action, Horror 12+ -----
Alice in borderland retry Shonen Fantasy, Suspense 12+ -----
Alice in kyoto forest Shojo Fantasy, Adventure 10+ -----
Alice in mechaland Manhua Fantasy, Tale 12+ -----
Alice in murderland Shojo Fantasy, Suspense 14+ -----
Alice in wonderland Anime Fantasy, Youth 10+ 2.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/5
Alice in wonderland Shonen Comedy, Fantasy 8+ -----
Alice Matheson BD-Comics Fantasy 12+ -----
Alice nel paese delle meraviglie Anime Fantasy, Youth 10+ 2.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/5
Alice on border road Shonen Fantasy, Suspense 14+ -----
Alice SOS Adventure -----
Alichino Shojo Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Alien 9 Seinen Fantasy, Adventure 10+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Alienated BD-Comics Science fiction 10+ -----
Alien bazar Anime Science fiction 10+ -----
Alien crash Seinen Action, Science fi... 14+ -----
Alien crash Seinen Action, Science fi... 14+ -----
L'alieniste BD-Comics Philosophy 10+ -----
Alien nine Seinen Fantasy, Adventure 10+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Aliénor Mandragore BD-Comics Fantasy, Comedy 10+ -----
Aliens BD-Comics Science fiction 14+ -----
Aliens - Absolution BD-Comics Fantasy 12+ -----
Aliens versus predator BD-Comics Science fiction 14+ -----
Aliens vs. predator BD-Comics Science fiction 14+ -----
Ali grigie Anime Fantasy, Drama 12+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
A l'image de Mona Lisa Seinen Romance, Slices of... 14+ -----
Alisik BD-Comics Fantasy 10+ -----
A literary girl Shonen Policeman, Drama -----
A little princess sara Shojo Drama, Adventure 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
A little snow fairy sugar Shojo Comedy, Heroic-fan... 12+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
A little snow fairy sugar summer special Shojo Comedy, Slices of ... 12+ 3.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/53.00/5
Alive ! BD-Comics Music 10+ -----
Alive Seinen Fantasy, Thriller 14+ -----
Alive last evolution Shonen Horror, Fantasy 14+ 2.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/5
Alive - saishū shinka teki shōnen Shonen Horror, Fantasy 14+ 2.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/52.00/5
Alix BD-Comics Adventure, History 10+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Alix origines BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Alix raconte BD-Comics History 10+ -----
Alix senator BD-Comics History 10+ -----
Al-kannas Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Allan Barte contre les zombies BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Allan Mac Bride BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Allargando Ecchi-Hentai Erotic, Short stor... 18+ -----
Alla ricerca del cristallo arcobaleno Kodomo Comedy, Adventure -----
Alla ricerca della valle incantata Anime Adventure, Youth -----
Alla ricerca di nemo Anime Adventure, Youth 3+ -----
All'arrembaggio ! - one piece Shonen Humor, Adventure 8+ 4.89/54.89/54.89/54.89/54.89/5
Alla scoperta di babbo natale Kodomo Fantasy, Tale -----
Alleen op de wereld Anime History, Drama 3+ -----
Allégeance sous les cerisiers Yaoi-Yuri History, Romance 16+ -----
Allegoria Shonen Suspense, Science ... 12+ -----
Alle meine freunde Drama -----
Aller au ciel pour voir BD-Comics 12+ -----
Allez, aime moi Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 14+ -----
Allez les barbares BD-Comics Sport, Humor 10+ -----
Allez Paris BD-Comics Humor 8+ -----
Allez raconte Anime Comedy, Youth 10+ -----
All free ! Seinen Sport, Martial arts 14+ -----
All guy's mixer Shonen Comedy, Romance 12+ -----
All in Shonen Comedy, Humor 12+ -----
Allison & lillia Seinen Romance, Adventure -----
Allison to lillia Seinen Romance, Adventure -----
All my darling daughters Seinen Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Allo la terre, ici les martin Anime Science fiction 12+ -----
All out !! Anime Sport, Slices of l... 12+ -----
All out !! Seinen Sport, Slices of l... 12+ -----
All out!! Seinen Sport, Slices of l... 12+ -----
All purpose cultural cat girl nuku nuku Seinen Comedy, Adventure 12+ -----
All purpose cultural cat girl nuku nuku dash ! Shojo Action, Comedy -----
All purpose cultural cat girl nuku nuku - OAV Shojo Comedy, Adventure -----
All rounder meguru Seinen Sport, Action 14+ -----
All rounder meguru Seinen Sport, Slices of l... 14+ -----
Les allumés du conseil Shonen Comedy, Slices of ... 12+ -----
L'allumeuse Ecchi-Hentai Erotic, Ecchi 18+ -----
All we need is love Yaoi-Yuri Lesbian gay, Romance 18+ -----
All you need is kill Seinen Action, Science fi... 14+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Alma Seinen Suspense, Science ... 14+ -----
Alma Cubrae BD-Comics Fantasy 10+ -----
L'almanach BD-Comics Fantasy, Humor 10+ -----
Alma, 11 histoires et légendes BD-Comics Fantasy 10+ -----
Almark Seinen Adventure 12+ -----
Almendrita Fantasy, Adventure -----
Alo du vent BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
A lollypop or a bullet Shonen Drama, Thriller 14+ -----
Alone in the dark Fantasy -----
Alors que j'essayais d'être quelqu'un de bien BD-Comics Graphic roman -----
A l'ouest de tokyo Seinen Action, Slices of ... 16+ -----
Alpha BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 10+ -----
Alpha, Abidjan-Gare du Nord BD-Comics -----
Alpha and Omega Anime Adventure 8+ -----
L'alphabet de la banlieu BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Alpha et Omega Anime Adventure 8+ -----
Alpha flight BD-Comics Action, Super-hero 14+ -----
Alpha, premières armes BD-Comics Action, Spying 10+ -----
Alpha teens on machines Anime Action, Adventure 10+ -----
Alphonse madiba dit daudet BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Alpi the soul sender Seinen Fantasy, Adventure 14+ -----
Alps monogatari watashi no annette Anime Adventure, Youth 6+ -----
Alps no shoujo heidi Kodomo Tale, Slices of life 8+ -----
Al-qawasa al-zarqa Anime Adventure, Science... -----
Al-rajul al-hadidi Super-hero -----
Alraune BD-Comics Erotic 18+ -----
Als die Tiere den Wald verließen Anime Adventure 8+ -----
Alta donna BD-Comics Comedy, Fantasy 10+ -----
Altair Shonen Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Alter Seinen Fantasy, Suspense 14+ -----
Alter BD-Comics Adventure, Science... 10+ -----
Alter ego BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 12+ -----
Alter Ego Shojo Romance, Slices of... 12+ -----
L'alternative BD-Comics History, Adventure 10+ -----
Alt-life BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Alto Plano BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 10+ -----
Altor BD-Comics Science fiction 10+ -----
A l'unisson Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Lesbian gay 16+ -----
Alvar mayor - les cités légendaires BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Alvin BD-Comics Graphic roman 10+ -----
Alvin and the chipmunks Anime Comedy, Music 12+ -----
Alvin et les chipmunks Anime Comedy, Music 12+ -----
Alwilda BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
Alyson Ford BD-Comics Action, Adventure 8+ -----
Alyssa BD-Comics Humor 10+ -----
Amaama to inazuma Seinen Comedy, Slices of ... 14+ -----
Amabilia BD-Comics Erotic 18+ -----
Amaenaideyo !! Seinen Fantasy, Humor 14+ 3.33/53.33/53.33/53.33/53.33/5
Amaenai de yo !! Seinen Fantasy, Humor 14+ 3.33/53.33/53.33/53.33/53.33/5
Amaenaideyo !! Katsu Comedy, Ecchi 14+ -----
Amaenbo honey Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Amaeru kedamono Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
Amaetai kemono Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Amagami-san chi no enmusubi Shonen Comedy, Romance 12+ -----
Amagami SS Anime Romance, School -----
Amai akuma ga warau Shojo Romance 12+ -----
à mains nues BD-Comics History, Biography 10+ -----
Amai shokutaku Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Amai wana - soshite dare mo ai o shiru Yaoi-Yuri Slices of life, Le... 16+ -----
Amaku kanadete Ecchi-Hentai Erotic, Slices of ... 18+ -----
Amakusa 1637 Shojo Fantasy, Adventure 12+ -----
Ama - le souffle des femmes BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Ama nama Ecchi-Hentai Erotic, Slices of ... 18+ -----
Amanchu ! Shonen Comedy, Slices of ... 12+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Les amandes vertes BD-Comics Slices of life 10+ -----
L'amant Josei Romance, Erotic 16+ -----
L'amant de la nuit Shojo Action, Romance 14+ -----
L'amant du jeudi Yaoi-Yuri Lesbian gay, Romance 18+ -----
Les amants sacrifiés Seinen Romance, Suspense 14+ -----
¡¡ Amasando !! JA-PAN Shonen Adventure, Gastron... 10+ -----
Amatsuki Shojo Action, Adventure 12+ 3.25/53.25/53.25/53.25/53.25/5
Amazing grace BD-Comics Science fiction, A... 10+ -----
Amazing nurse nanako Comedy, Science fi... 12+ -----
Amazona BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Amazonie BD-Comics Science fiction, A... 10+ 4.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/54.00/5
Ambassador magma Action, Science fi... -----
Ambassador Magma Shonen Action, Science fi... 12+ -----
Amber Blake BD-Comics Policeman, Thriller 10+ -----
Ambre flottant Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Ambre gris BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
L'ambulance 13 BD-Comics Slices of life, War 10+ 5.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/55.00/5
AM driver Adventure, Science... -----
L'ame du kyudo Seinen History, Samurai 16+ -----
L'âme du samouraï BD-Comics Adventure 16+ -----
Ameiro paradox Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Lesbian gay 16+ -----
A melancolia de haruhi suzumiya Shonen Comedy, Fantasy 12+ 3.67/53.67/53.67/53.67/53.67/5
Amélia - première dame du ciel BD-Comics Graphic roman, Bio... 10+ -----
A même le sol BD-Comics Independent 12+ -----
Amen BD-Comics Science fiction 12+ -----
Ame nochi hare Shojo Romance, Drama 14+ -----
Amenochi maru Yaoi-Yuri Romance, Slices of... 16+ -----
Ame no furu Shonen Comedy, Fantasy 10+ -----
Amer béton Seinen Social, Slices of ... 16+ -----
Amère patrie BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
Amère Russie BD-Comics Adventure 10+ -----
America BD-Comics History 14+ -----
America BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
America BD-Comics 10+ -----
America Seinen Social, Slices of ... 14+ -----
Americana BD-Comics Graphic roman 12+ -----
American dad ! Anime Comedy, Humor 14+ -----
American dragon - jake long Anime Comedy, Martial arts -----
American dream BD-Comics Humor, Independent 12+ -----
American Flagg BD-Comics Super-hero, Scienc... 12+ -----
American gods BD-Comics Horror, Adventure 10+ -----
American Jésus : L'élu BD-Comics Fantasy, Super-hero 10+ -----
American monster BD-Comics Fantasy 10+ -----
American ronin BD-Comics Action, Adventure 12+ -----