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List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 24 Modify
01 - The Day the Star and Moon of Sixteen Meet
02 - Tennyo's First Kiss
03 - One who fell from the heavens
04 - Stollen Hagoromo
05 - Tooya's Destiny
06 - C-project
07 - Awoken C-Genoma
08 - The Mikage Conspiracy
09 - Tennyo's Vow
10 - Chidori's Flight
11 - Heart Coming to Life
12 - Silver Choker
13 - A Mikage-God's Body
14 - Awoken Ancestor (Shiso)
15 - Tooya's Past
16 - Another Ceres
17 - Loves Being Drawn Together
18 - Brief Happiness
19 - Chidori's Public Notice
20 - The Death of Tooya
21 - Tennyo in Ancient Times
22 - Song of Revenge
23 - Mikagi Awoken
24 - Time of The End
List of the episodes - France France Number of episodes : 24 Modify
01 - La 16eme rencontre de l’étoile et de la Lune
02 - Le Premier Baiser de la Nymphe
03 - Celle qui tomba du Paradis
04 - La Robe de Plume Volée
05 - Le Destin de Tooya
06 - Projet C
07 - Réveil Céleste
08 - La Conspiration des Mikage
09 - Le Serment de la Nymphe
10 - Les Ailes de Chidori
11 - Sentiments Confus
12 - Le Collier d'Aya
13 - La Momie des Mikage
14 - Le Réveil de l’Ancêtre
15 - Le Passée de Tooya
16 - L’Autre Cérès
17 - Etre Conduit Par L’Amour
18 - Un Bref Instant de Bonheur
19 - La Confession de Chidori
20 - La Mort de Tooya
21 - L’Ancienne Nymphe
22 - La Voix de la Vengeance
23 - La Résurrection de Mikage
24 - Le Temps des Décisions
List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 24 Modify
01 - Juroku no Hoshi to Tsuki ga Meguru Hi
02 - Tennyo no Fāsuto Kisu
03 - Gekai he Orishi Mono
04 - Ubawareta Hagoromo
05 - Tooya no Shukumei
06 - C Purojekuto
07 - Mezameta C Genomā
08 - Go kei ka no Inbou
09 - Tennyo no Chikai
10 - Chidori no Hishou
11 - Ugokidasu Kokoro
12 - Gin no Chōkā
13 - Mikageke no Goshintai
14 - Kakuseishita Shiso
15 - Tooya no Kako
16 - Mou Hitori no Seresu
17 - Hikiyoserareru Chikara
18 - Tsukanoma no Shiawase
19 - Chidori no Kokuhaku
20 - Tooya Shisu
21 - Inishie no Tennyo
22 - Fukushū no Utagoe
23 - Yomigaetta Mikagi
24 - Saigo no Kecchaku o Tukeru Toki
List of the episodes - Spain Spain Number of episodes : 24 Modify
01 - Cumpleaños
02 - El primer beso de la mujer celestial
03 - La mujer que vino del cielo
04 - El chal robado
05 - El destino de Toya
06 - El proyecto "C"
07 - Los "C genomers se despiertan"
08 - La conspiración de los Mikage
09 - El compromiso de la mujer celestial
10 - La visita de Chidori
11 - Late el corazón
12 - La gargantilla plateada
13 - La reliquia secreta del clan mikage
14 - Se despierta "El fundador"
15 - El pasado de Tooya
16 - La otra Ceres
17 - La fuerza y el amor
18 - La felicidad efímera
19 - La confesión de Chidori
20 - Toya se muere
21 - La mujer celestial
22 - El canto de la venganza
23 - La resurrección de Mikagi
24 - Momento de la verdad
List of the episodes - Italy Italy Number of episodes : 24 Modify
01 - Il giorno in cui la luna e le sedici stelle si incontrano
02 - Il primo bacio della dea celeste
03 - La tennyo che scese sulla Terra
04 - L'hagoromo rubato
05 - Il destino di Toya
06 - Il C-Project
07 - Il risveglio della C-Genomer
08 - Il complotto della famiglia Mikage
09 - Il giuramento della Tennyo
10 - Il volo di Chidori
11 - Un sentimento che emerge
12 - La collana d'argento
13 - La reliquia della famiglia Mikage
14 - Il risveglio del capostipite
15 - Il passato di Toya
16 - Un'altra Ceres
17 - La forza dell amore
18 - Gioia fugace
19 - La dichiarazione di Chidori
20 - Toya muore
21 - La leggendaria tennyo
22 - Il canto della vendetta
23 - La resurrezione di Mikagi
24 - La fine di tutto
List of the episodes - Portugal Portugal Number of episodes : 24 Modify
01 - Juroku no Hoshi para Tsuki ga Meguru Hi
02 - Tennyo não Fasuto Kisu
03 - Aquele que desceu à terra
04 - The Stolen Celestial Robe
05 - O destino do Toya
06 - O C Project
07 - Celestial Awakening
08 - O Mikage Conspiracy
09 - A promessa do anjo
10 - Vôo do Chidori
11 - Stir of Emotions
12 - A gargantilha de prata
13 - Relíquia do Mikage
14 - O retorno do antepassado
15 - Passado de Toya
16 - Outra Ceres
17 - Afeto Feiticeira
18 - Felicidade passageira
19 - Confissão de Chidori
20 - A morte de Toya
21 - O Tennyo Antiga
22 - Song of Redemption
23 - Mikagi renascido
24 - Desenlace


9 members have this series 9 members have this series


Veste training homme - Kiki
Veste training homme - Kiki


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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