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List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 13 Modify
01 - Migite no koibito
02 - Futari no omoi
03 - Hakken no hibi
04 - Himitsu no hakkoku!?
05 - Ai no chikara
06 - Shiori no Love Love Daisakusen
07 - Hajimete no Date
08 - Migite no Seiji
09 - TAKKI no hibi
10 - Kokoro no kyori
11 - Unmei no saikai
12 - Totsuzen no Wakare
13 - Futari no Hibi
List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 13 Modify
01 - Right-Hand Girlfriend
02 - Two People's Feelings
03 - Discovery Days
04 - Secret's Exposure!?
05 - Love Strength
06 - Shiori's Love Love Battle
07 - First Date
08 - Right-hand Seiji
09 - Takki Days
10 - Distance of the Hearts
11 - Fated Reunion
12 - Sudden Parting
13 - The Days of the Couple
List of the episodes - France France Number of episodes : 13 Modify
01 - Une petite amie en guise de main droite
02 - Notre amour
03 - Jours de découvertes
04 - Notre secret dévoilé ?
05 - La Force de l'amour
06 - La stratégie amoureuse de Shiori
07 - Premier rendez-vous amoureux
08 - Seiji, ma main droite
09 - Takky Days
10 - Coeurs Distants
11 - Les retrouvailles du destin
12 - Une séparation soudaine
13 - Nos jours ensemble...
List of the episodes - Germany Germany Number of episodes : 13 Modify
01 - Meine Freundin, die rechte Hand
02 - Die Liebe zwischen uns
03 - Tag der Entdeckungen
04 - Ist unser Geheimnis entdeckt ?
05 - Die Macht der Liebe
06 - Shioris Liebesschlacht !
07 - Das erste Date
08 - Rechte Hand Seiji
09 - Takki no Hibi
10 - Ferne der Herzen
11 - Vom Schicksal bestimmtes Wiedersehn
12 - Plötzlicher Abschied
13 - Unsere Tage
List of the episodes - Spain Spain Number of episodes : 13 Modify
01 - Mi amante es mi mano derecha
02 - Nuestros recuerdos juntos
03 - El Día de Descubrimientos
04 - Nuestro secreto descubierto
05 - El poder del amor
06 - ¡La plan de Amor de Shiori !
07 - Primera cita
08 - Seiji mano derecha
09 - Dias de Takky
10 - La distancia de los Corazones
11 - La Reunión predestinada
12 - La Separación súbita
13 - Los Días pasados
List of the episodes - Portugal Portugal Number of episodes : 13 Modify
01 - Namorada no braço direito
02 - O sentimento dos dois
03 - Dias de descobrimentos
04 - A descoberta do segredo !
05 - A força do amor
06 - O super plano love love de Shiuri-chan
07 - O primeiro encontro
08 - Seiji na mão direita
09 - Os dias de Takki
10 - A distância do coração
11 - O rencontro do destino
12 - O adeus inesperado
13 - Os dias dos dois
List of the episodes - Russia Russia Number of episodes : 13 Modify
01 - Подружка на правой руке
02 - Наша память
03 - День открытий
04 - Секрет раскрыт ! ?
05 - Сила любви
06 - Сиори бьётся за любовь !
07 - Первое свидание
08 - Сэйдзи на правой руке
09 - День Такки
10 - Отдаление сердец
11 - Неотвратимое воссоединение
12 - Неожиданное разъединение
13 - Дни двух влюблённых
List of the episodes - Italy Italy Number of episodes : 13 Modify
01 - Un'amichetta come mano destra
02 - Il nostro amore
03 - Giorni di scoperto
04 - Il nostro segreto svelato ?
05 - La Forza dell'amore
06 - La strategia innamorata di Shiori
07 - Il primo appuntamento innamorato
08 - Seiji, la mia mano destra
09 - Takky Days
10 - Cuori distanti
11 - Ritrovarsi del sorte
12 - Una separazione improvvisa
13 - I nostri giorni insieme...


9 members have this series 9 members have this series


Tshirt contrast homme pseudo - Kiki
Tshirt contrast homme pseudo - Kiki


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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