| List of the episodes - France  |
Number of episodes : 128 |
 | 001 - La présentation
002 - La tentation
003 - Un drôle de match
004 - Le grand nettoyage
005 - Mademoiselle est malade
006 - L'examen de fin d'année
007 - La rentrée
008 - Le champion de basket
009 - Une course folle
010 - Une drôle de partie de cartes
011 - Un chien pas comme les autres
012 - Le loup garou
013 - Querelle
014 - Bagarre de boule de neige
015 - Le marathon
016 - Le cinéma
017 - A l'eau
018 - Les rivaux
019 - La Saint-valentin
020 - Laura est amoureuse
021 - Le retour du rival
022 - Un sacré match
023 - Le nouveau professeur
024 - L'amnésique
025 - Rendez-vous galant avec Melle Macaron
026 - Adieu Ted
027 - Mademoiselle Macaron se marie
028 - Des vacances agitées
029 - Au feu!
030 - Ted fait des siennes
031 - un élève peu ordinaire
032 - Au boulot Lassie
033 - Ennemi ou amoureux?
034 - Laura et les fous
035 - Une histoire de frères et de sœurs
036 - Jim le glouton
037 - Silence on travaille
038 - Ah! l'amour
039 - Une élève modèle
040 - Sauvetage héroïque
041 - Histoire gourmande
042 - Silence! hôpital...
043 - Les joyeux Loufoques au restaurant
044 - On ne discute pas les goûts et les couleurs
045 - Le pauvre petit chat
046 - Ray fait des propositions
047 - L'épreuve de natation
048 - Une histoire de cambriolage
049 - Ted est amoureux
050 - Tout est bien qui finit bien
051 - Les joyeux Loufoques à la mer
052 - Ray tient son journal de vacances
053 - Feu d'artifice
054 - Les joies du camping
055 - La fortune est au bout du chemin
056 - Attention! moteur!
057 - La déclaration
058 - En cas d'incendie
059 - Le match de volley
060 - Le café des joyeux Loufoques
061 - Pauvre Lassie
062 - N'est pas Loufoque qui veut
063 - Les Loufoques et la restauration
064 - Vive le sport
065 - Des élèves inoubliables
066 - Ray et la pêche a la ligne
067 - Le chagrin de Jeannot
068 - le concours de photographie
069 - Et si on partait en voyage
070 - Les joyeux Loufoques s'initient au base-ball
071 - La visite médicale
072 - Les os du dinosaure
073 - Ray se déguise en prêtre
074 - Une jeune fille à sa fenêtre
075 - La marmite tragique
076 - Tel est pris qui croyait prendre!
077 - les cigarettes
078 - la poule aux oeufs d'or
079 - les 17 ans
080 - un vendeur malchanceux
081 - le père-noël
082 - le concours de cerf-volants
083 - le cambrioleur
084 - la course d'endurance
085 - allons au restaurant
086 - meunier tu dors
087 - la partie de bowling
088 - vive les sports d'hiver
089 - le bourreau des cœurs
090 - un grand coiffeur
091 - les visions de dan
092 - concours de hamburger
093 - contes du fée pour Lassie
094 - un déjeuner original
095 - la maison de poupées
096 - un record dur à battre
097 - la remise des diplômes
098 - la compétition
099 - une bonne action
100 - une drôle de pièce
101 - cinglés de discipline contre loufoques
102 - courageux vous avez dit
103 - la grande kermesse
104 - le jour de la paie
105 - le roi du ping-pong
106 - je veux devenir un homme
107 - notre chère Laura
108 - pauvre Lassie
109 - les otages
110 - qui est le chef?
111 - la chute d'un héros
112 - les loufoques et le sport
113 - une amitié à toute épreuve
114 - bonne fête papa
115 - les résolutions de Julie
116 - Lassie va faire les courses
117 - Elza
118 - Lassie assure son rôle de père
119 - le billet de loterie
120 - le plus populaire des profs
121 - la maison fantôme
122 - les cambrioleurs
123 - le petit chat perdu
124 - le grand ménage
125 - il faut que ça change
126 - un choix difficile
127 - quand on aime on ne compte pas
128 - Lassie est amoureux | List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA  |
Number of episodes : 86 |
 | 01 - I Love Strange Faces. Come Forth ! Kimen Flash !
02 - Top Secret: A Test of Ikari's Sense of Justice
03 - Aim for Koushien ! ? Supermen Abnormal Baseball
04 - The Trial Before Winter Vacation / Making a Mid-winter Sick Visit
05 - A Beeline to High School ! And Sorry for Dropping Out
06 - SPARKLE Flash ! ! It's the First Year for Both Students and Teacher / Afternoon of the Rebellious Girls
07 - Ah ! ! Intramural Basketball Tournament
08 - The Terrifying Bicycle Chicken Race / Prank Phone Calls You Must Not Imitate
09 - Embarrassing New Year's Resolutions ! New Year's Karuta Tournament / Nice to Meet You ! Lassie the Strange Dog ! ?
10 - Howl at the Full Moon ! Wolfboy Joe ! !
11 - The Kindness Gag Effect / My Body's Frozen ! The Decisive Battle on the Snow
12 - The Century's Proven Intramural Marathon Victory Methods ! !
13 - Familiar with Love Comedies ? Yui-chan's Boyfriend Application Period / The Whole Gang Appointed to Assist at the Bath House !
14 - It's a Man's Prerogative ! ? Bizarro Lassie's Madonna Competition / Like Cutting Valentines
15 - The Tale of Smitten Chie-chan's Early Spring Love / Rival ! Harumage Don Approaches
16 - Deranged Soccer ! ? Secret Shuttleloop Reversal Technique
17 - Spring is the Best ! ? The Naive, Hot-blooded Teacher Arrives ! !
18 - The Troublemaking Transfer Student / The Epic Funny-face Club Spy Battle
19 - Farewell, Gou-kun / Springtime Totally Strange Examination
20 - The Omiai Destruction Strategy / Don-chan's Spring Vacation Family Don-chan Outcry
21 - Odd Dog Lassie's Lifesaving / Rei-kun Is an Annoying Bug !
22 - The Tale of Loyal Dog Lassie / Dai Monohoshi: A Spring Transvestite ?
23 - Let's Go ! Seat-taking Battle Riding the Commuter Train Today, Too / Odd Dog Lassie's Exciting First Year Student
24 - Jin Daima's Hurrah for Tasty Little Things / The Library Is in Utter Confusion
25 - Yui-chan, Beloved Transfer Student / Kiyoshi Shusse, the Pervert of Justice
26 - June Bride: Ikari-sensei's Happy Wedding Ceremony
27 - Kiri-chan Is an Honors Student / Jidai-sensei, Legendary Hothead
28 - I Really Hate Cake ! / The Terrible Appendicitis
29 - The Spirited Ramen-eating Match / The Model Is a Blonde-haired Beauty
30 - Delinquent Kitten Story / Rei-kun's Passionate Lovecall ! ?
31 - Class Opposition: The Lively Splashing Swim Meet
32 - Jidai-sensei's Means of Escape / First Love ! Or... ? Restless Gō-kun
33 - Everyone Must Attend: Swimsuits and a Sunny Summer Seaside School
34 - Sloppy Summer Vacation Diary / A Cool Evening's Strange Fireworks Festival
35 - A Personal Journey During Summer Vacation / Night of the Festival Lovers
36 - Surprise at Camp ! ! Making Summer Memories
37 - Lost Items ! Finding and Delivering Courage / The Film Crew Has Arrived !
38 - I Adore You, Jidai-sensei / It's Custom ! ? Fall Emergency Disaster Drill
39 - Demon Girls vs. Demon Boys: Volleyball Deathmatch
40 - The School Festival Bizarre Bazaar / Lassie's a Baseball Dog
41 - Funny-face Club Entrance Test / Calamity Restaurant
42 - Happy ! Embarrassed ! The Alarming Autumn Sports Meet
43 - The Legendary Hero: Return to the Old School / Showdown of the Century ! The Expert Angler vs. the Giant Fish
44 - Sorrowful Kiyoshi-kun / A Pinup Called "Youth"
45 - Come On ! School Trip to Kyoto and Nara
46 - The Angry Red Bat / Causing a Commotion During Every Health Checkup
47 - An Encounter with the Past: Now the Vision Has Returned... / Let's All Visit the Shrine Together for the 7-5-3 Festival
48 - The Wistful Girl in the Window / The One-shot Nighttime Nabe Meeting
49 - Super Secret Candid Camera / Seeing Peoples' Faults, Fixing Seven Faults
50 - To the Dog, the Gold / Yui-chan's Surprising Birthday
51 - Who Wet the Bed ? / The Winning Lottery Hawaii Trip
52 - The Unfortunate Travelling Salesman / Silent Night: Märchen Santa Has Arrived
53 - There Is a Reason ! New Year High-flying Kite Flying Contest / Well Done, Trio
54 - Early Spring Endurance Competition / A Spirited Day of Eating Out
55 - Gelände Spur: The White Snow Ski Lodge Crash Course
56 - The Reluctant Home Visit / The Big Skating Rink Panic
57 - Sleepy Jin-kun / Smashing Hentai Bowling
58 - Kiyoshi-kun's Courting Class / Gō-kun, Bad Haircutter
59 - Dai-kun Gets Premonitions / A Thriving Nuisance Business
60 - Famous Dog Lassie's Cinderella Story
61 - Rei-kun's Absentee Diary / Kiri-chan's Doll Festival
62 - Do Your Best, Robot-kun !
63 - Prevention of the Worst Tardy Record ! / Ushiroyubi Sasaregumi's Graduation Ceremony Hijack
64 - Introduction to Juudo: How to Gain Certain Victory Over a Powerful Opponent ! ?
65 - Engagement Meeting Under While Viewing Cherry Blossoms: First Love Lecture on Doing a Good Deed Every Day
66 - Spring's in Full Bloom: The New Student Welcome Party Is in Utter Panic !
67 - The Amazed Public Morality Committee / Proof of a Man's Lack of Courage
68 - The Sweat and Tears Charity Bazaar / The Disastrous Payday
69 - Victory Is in the Serve ! Ping Pong Boy / Children's Day: Ippei-kun and Somukurabe
70 - Enormous Body ! ! Yui-chan the Powerful / Undercover Amano Jakku
71 - The Tale of Yui-chan's Thriving Slender Means / The Measuer of Lassie's Love
72 - Oh, Misery ! High School Hijack / Who's the New Leader of the Kimengumi !
73 - The Horribly Smelly Mysterious Person / Yui-chan's Heartpounding Tennis
74 - Melancholy ! ? The Young Knight / The Strange Records Sports Test
75 - The Great Dongumi Scout Battle / The Top Secret Father's Day Present
76 - What Are You Saying, Chie-chan / Lassie's Errand
77 - Wild Girl: Elza's Come to Town
78 - Worry Explosion: Lassie Becomes a Dad
79 - Jidai-sensei's Lotto Rebellion / The Top Ten Most Popular Teachers
80 - Scared of Watermelons / The Tale of Lassie's Love Riot
81 - Scared by a Ghost ! Surprised by a Burglar !
82 - Kiri-chan's Abandoned Cat Story / Baayasan's Running Away from Home
83 - Yui-chan's Straw Hat / Dai-kun
84 - Fight ! Three-level Pagoda: Curious Fist Victory ! ! !
85 - Emergency Instructions ! All Members Assemble ! !
86 - The Breakup of Ichio High's Popular and Funny Kimengumi | List of the episodes - Japan  |
Number of episodes : 86 |
 | 01 - Hen na Kao Dāi Suki Deta ! Kimen Flash
02 - Maruhi Ikari no Seigikan Tesuto
03 - Mezase Kōshien ! ? Chōjin Hentai Bēsubōru
04 - Fuyu Yasumi Mae no Shiren / Kanchū Omimai Mōshiagemasu
05 - Kōkō Icchokusen ! Mō Rakudai wa Gomen da
06 - Pikka Pika ! ! Seito mo Kyōshi mo Ichinensei / Amano Jaku na Onna no Gogo
07 - Aa ! ! Teireberu Kōnai Basuketto Taikai
08 - Kyōfu no Jitensha Chikin Rēsu / Maneshichaikenai Itazura Denwa
09 - Haji no Kakizome ! Shinshun Karuta Taikai / Yoroshiku ! Meiken Rasshī ! ?
10 - Mangetsu ni Hoero ! Ookami Shōnen no Jō ! !
11 - Shinsetsushin no Gyagu Kōka / Mi mo Kooru ! Setsujō Daikessen
12 - Seiki no Kōnai Marason Hisshōhō ! !
13 - Rabukome Shitemasu ka ? Yui-chan Koibito Boshūchū / Zen'in Sentō Haichi ni Tsuke
14 - Otoko ha Tsurai yo ! ? Meiken Rasshī no Madonna Sōdassen ! ! / Katte ni Barentain
15 - Tokimeki Chie-chan Sōshun Ren'ai Ki / Raibaru ! Harumage Don Sekkin
16 - Hentai Sakkā ! ? Gyakuten Higi Shatorurūpu
17 - Haru Ichiban ! ? Junjō Nekketsu Sensei ga Yatte Kita ! !
18 - Hito Sawagase na Tennyūsei / Kimen-gumi Supai Taisakusen
19 - Saraba Gō-kun / Haru no Teiki Hentaido Kensa
20 - Omiai Gekimetsu Sakusen / Haru Yasumi Don-chan Chi Don-chan Sawagi !
21 - Meiken Rasshī Jinmei Kyūjo / Rei-kun ha Ojama Mushi !
22 - Chūken Rasshī Monogatari / Monohoshi Dai: Haru na no ni Okama desu ka ?
23 - Rettsu Gō ! Sekitori Kassen Tsūgaku Densha ha Kyō mo Iku / Meiken Rasshī no Doki Doki Ichinensei
24 - Daima Jin Oishinbo Banzai / Toshoshitsu ha Ten'ya Wan'ya
25 - Yui-chan Kanashi ya Tenkōsei / Seigi no Sukebe Shusse Kiyoshi
26 - Rokugatsu no Hanayome Ikari-sense no Happī Kekkonshiki
27 - Kiri-chan ha Yūtōsei / Jidai-sensei Nekketsuden
28 - Kēki nanka Dai Kirai da / Hisan na Mōchōen
29 - Konjō Rāmen Taberu Macchi / Moderu ha Kinpatsu Bijin
30 - Tsuppari Koneko Monogatari / Rei-kun Netsuretsu Rabukōru ! ?
31 - Kurasu Taikō Pichi Pichi Chappun Suiei Taikai
32 - Jidai-sensei Nawanuke no Jutsu / Hatsukoi ! Sore tomo... ? Moji Moji Gō-kun
33 - Zen'in Shussekise yo · Mizugi mo Hikaru Natsu no Rinkai Gakkō
34 - Natsu Yasumi Zubora Nikki / Nōryō Hentai Hanabi Taikai
35 - Natsu Yasumi naka Taiken Ryokō / Omatsuri Suki-tachi no Yoru
36 - Kyanpu de Dokkiri ! ! Natsu no Omoide Zukuri
37 - Otoshimono ! Hirō Yūki ni Todokeru Yūki / Roketai ga Yattekita !
38 - Oshitaishimasu Jidai-sensei / Kōrei ! ? Aki no Bōsai Kunren
39 - Majo VS Maotoko: Kesshi no Barē Taikai
40 - Gakuensai Hentai Bazāru / Rasshī ha Yakyūken
41 - Kimengumi Nyūmon Tesuto / Sainan Resutoran
42 - Ureshi ! Hazukashi ! Aki no Bikkuri Undōkai
43 - Densetsu no Hīrō Bokō he Kaeru / Seiki no Taiketsu ! Tsurishi VS Kyodai Sakana
44 - Aishū no Kiyoshi-kun / Seishun to Iu Na no Pinnappu
45 - Oide yasu ! Kyoto · Nara he no Shūgaku Ryokō
46 - Ikari no Aka Batto / Maido Osawagase Karada Kensa
47 - Kako to no Sōgū Ima Yomigaeru Maboroshi no... / Minna Issho ni Shichigosan
48 - Kanashiki Madobe no Shōjo / Ippatsu Shōbu no Yami Nabe Taikai
49 - Damashi, Damasare Maruhi Dokkiri Kamera / Hito no Kuse Mite Shichi Kuse Naose
50 - Inu ni Koban / Yui-chan no Bikkuri Tanjōbi
51 - Onesho ha Dare da / Atare Fukubiki Hawai Ryokō
52 - Fuun na Kan'yūin / Kiyoshiko no Yoru Meruhen Santa ga Yattekita
53 - Waza Ari' ! Shinnen Tonda Takoage Taikai / Otegara Sanningumi
54 - Shinshun Gaman Taikai / Iji no Kiriai Gaishoku Dē
55 - Gerende Shupu-ru Shiroi Yuki Sukī Gasshuku Tokkun
56 - Iya Iya Katei Hōmon / Sukētoba Dai Panikku
57 - Onemuri Jin-kun / Gekitotsu Hentai Bōringu
58 - Kiyoshi-kun no Kudokikata Kyōshitsu / Toragari Gō-kun
59 - Oyochi ni Natte Dai-kun / Hatameiwaku de Shōbai Hanjō
60 - Meiken Rasshī no Shinderera Monogatari
61 - Rei-kun no Rusuban Nikki / Kiri-chan no Hinamatsuri
62 - Ganbare ! Robotto-kun
63 - Chikoku Wāsuto Kiroku o Soshise yo ! / Ushiroyubi Sasaregumi no Sotsugyōshiki Jakku
64 - Jūdō Nyūmon · Tsuyoi Aite ni Kanarazu Katsu Hōhō ! ?
65 - Ohanabi de Omiai · Ichinichi Ichizen no Hatsukoi Dangi
66 - Haru Ranman · Shin Nyūsei Kangeikai ha Dai Panikku !
67 - Akireta Fūkiiindan / Dokyō Dameshi de Otoko no Shōmei
68 - Ase to Namida no Charitī Bazā / Hisan na Kyūryōbi
69 - Sābu de Shōbu ! Pin Pon Bōi / Kodomo no Hi · Ippei-kun to Somukurabe
70 - Taihen Mi ! ! Hakuryoku Yui-chan / Sukeban Amano Jakku
71 - Yui-chan no Hosōde Banjōki / Rasshī no Aijō Sokutei
72 - Aware ! Haisukūru Jakku / Kimengumi Nyū Rīdā Dare da !
73 - Kyōfu no Kabi Kaijin / Yui-chan no Tokimeki Tenisu
74 - Kanashiki ! ? Shōnen Kishi / Chinkiroku Supōtsu Tesuto
75 - Dongumi Sukauto Taisakusen / Chichi no Hi no Maruhi Purezento
76 - Nantettatte Chie-chan / Otsukai Rasshī
77 - Yasei no Shōjo · Eruza ga Michi ni Yattekita
78 - Nayami Bakuhatsu · Chichi ni Natta Rasshī
79 - Jidai-sensei no Takarakuji Sōdō / Ninki Kyōshi Besuto Ten
80 - Suika ga Kowai / Rasshī no Ren'ai Sōdōki
81 - Obake de Bikkuri ! Dorobō mo Dokkiri !
82 - Kiri-chan no Suteneko Monogatari / Baayasan no Iede
83 - Yui-chan no Mugiwara Boushi / Dai-kun wo Otoko Rashiku
84 - Kettō ! Sanjū no Tō · Chinken Shōbu ! !
85 - Kinkyū Shirei ! Zen'in Shūgō seyo ! !
86 - Ichio-kō no Ninki mo no Hyōkin Kimengumi Kaisan |
| | 2 members have this series |