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List of the episodes - France France Number of episodes : 13 Modify
01 - Le blues des rebuts
02 - A celui dont l'ami dort
03 - La voix lointaine qui appelle Noo
04 - Le pari de Yattaran
05 - Champs de bataille sur la planète Mausolée
06 - Un sourire sur le crâne de la mémoire
07 - La Lune attend en terre promise
08 - Sur la planète dévastée gisent les ruines du château
09 - Au plus noir de l'âme
10 - Kei - Illusion
11 - Univers tremblant
12 - L'âme part à la dérive aux confins de l'univers sans adieux
13 - … La fin
List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 13 Modify
01 - Blues of the Rubbish Heap
02 - For Whom the Friend Sleeps
03 - The Voice calling for Noo from Afar
04 - Yattaran's 30-Second Bet
05 - Battlefield - The Tombstone Planet
06 - A Gentle Smile on the Skull of Memory
07 - The Moon Waits in the Promised Land
08 - Somewhere within the Decimated Planet lies the Castle Ruins
09 - In the Depths of the Shadows of the Soul
10 - Kei - Illusion
11 - Trembling Universe
12 - The Soul Drifts to the Far Ends, with No Words at Parting
13 - ...the end
List of the episodes - Germany Germany Number of episodes : 13 Modify
01 - Der Müllplanet
02 - Die Rückkehr des Retters
03 - Die Stimme aus der Ferne
04 - Rettung in letzter Sekunde
05 - Die Schlacht auf dem Planeten der Grabsteine
06 - Die Versuchung des Bösen
07 - Die Mondpyramide
08 - Der Kampf ums Überleben
09 - Die Abgründe der Seele
10 - Gefangen im Albtraum
11 - Das Universum bebt
12 - Die Rettung der Arcadia
13 - Das Ende
List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 13 Modify
01 - 1 st VOYAGE - hakidame no buruusu
02 - 2 nd VOYAGE - dare ga tame ni tomo wa nemuru
03 - 3 rd VOYAGE - haruka naru nuu no yobigoe
04 - 4 th VOYAGE - yattaran. 30 byoo no kake
05 - 5 th VOYAGE -senjoo wa bohyoo no hoshi ni
06 - 6 th VOYAGE - tsuioku no sharekoobe wa yasashiku shiu
07 - 7 th VOYAGE - yakusoku no chi ni tsuki wa matsu
08 - 8 th VOYAGE - shimetsu no hoshi no ma joo
09 - 9 th VOYAGE -tomoyo. tamashii no fukaki yami no hate ni
10 - 10 th VOYAGE - hotaru. gensoo
11 - 11 th VOYAGE - furueru uchuu
12 - 12 th VOYAGE - sai hate ni tamashii wa nagareru. wakare ni kotoba mo naku
13 - 13 th VOYAGE - … gai
List of the episodes - Italy Italy Number of episodes : 13 Modify
01 - Il blues del cumulo dei rifiuti
02 - Per chi dorme l'amico
03 - La Voce che grida Noo da lontano
04 - La scommessa dei 30 secondi di Yattaran
05 - Il campo di battaglia sul pianeta della lapide
06 - Un sorriso gentile sul teschio del ricordo
07 - La luna aspetta nel luogo della promessa
08 - Il Castello Maligno del Pianeta degli Estinti
09 - Amico mio, alla fine dei meandri oscuri dell'anima
10 - Kei - Illusione
11 - L'Universo che trema
12 - L'anima va alla deriva agli estremi confini, senza alcuna parola d'addio
13 - ...confini


5 members have this series 5 members have this series


Tshirt contrast homme pseudo - Mononoke
Tshirt contrast homme pseudo - Mononoke


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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