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List of the episodes - France France Number of episodes : 51 Modify
01 - Le Tublar - La mystérieuse fugitive
02 - La punition - Le château ténébreux
03 - La méditation
04 - Le tunnel Moebius
05 - Parcours initiatique
06 - Tremblement de terre
07 - Un cœur à prendre
08 - La rose
09 - Visite d'un jeune extraterrestre
10 - Duels
11 - Musée royal
12 - Le combat des ninjas
13 - Un monstre à la tête d'ange
14 - Les esclaves
15 - La guerre des fleurs
16 - Kent affronte Barbar
17 - Les méandres du soupçon
18 - La poupée possédée
19 - L'amnésique
20 - La revanche d'Anagmas
21 - Le nouveau robot
22 - Le cœur du robot
23 - Le magicien de l'Empire
24 - Le pendentif rédempteur
25 - Le tournoi
26 - Un destin éphémère
27 - Le chevalier solitaire
28 - La révélation
29 - Le Bio Surf d'Assaut
30 - L'épée royale
31 - Le dragon d'Igam
32 - L'œil de Rayondoglar
33 - La déception
34 - Le joueur de flûte
35 - Le mystère de l'empereur
36 - Les deux sœurs jumelles
37 - Le monstre hypnotiseur
38 - Mickaël est un cancre
39 - Le premier Bioman
40 - La petite orpheline
41 - Le monde à l'envers
42 - Yosuka et les bolets de Satan
43 - Le secret de la pyramide
44 - Qui est Unas ???
45 - La prière de l'espoir
46 - Le sacrifice
47 - Le Dieu de la Guerre
48 - La mort de Barbar
49 - Le retour de la princesse Iaru
50 - Le vrai visage de l'empereur Zeeba
51 - L'ultime combat
List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 51 Modify
01 - The Mysterious, Beautiful Runaway
02 - Strange ! The Dark Underground Castle
03 - The First Step into the Unknown
04 - Burn ! F1 Spirits !
05 - The Small Swordsman, Blue
06 - The God Hand of Dreams
07 - Explode ! Kenta's Love
08 - Burn ! The Flower's Sword
09 - Combine ! Aura of Life
10 - Igam vs. Takeru
11 - The Refugee From Underground
12 - A Challenge ! The Pride of a Shinobi
13 - Chase the Idol !
14 - The Great Escape to the Blue Sky !
15 - Farewell, Dear Flower !
16 - Deadly ! Blazing Baraba
17 - Smash it ! The Maze of Hell
18 - The Dear Bloodsucking Doll !
19 - Apparition ! Anagumas
20 - A Trap ! The Sinking Giant Robo
21 - The Black Shadow of the Misty Valley
22 - The Winds and Clouds of an Aura Storm !
23 - Mio Who Has Become a Demon
24 - The Grotto of the Young Monster
25 - Akira's Lover ! ?
26 - Lives That Disappeared on Hot Sand !
27 - Thief Knight Kiros !
28 - Mio is Princess Ial ! ?
29 - The New Lethal Weapon of Friendship
30 - Mama ! ! Baraba's Scream !
31 - It Appears ! The Guardian Deity Igam Dragon
32 - Oyobu's Lethal Dash
33 - Takeru ! ! Behead Their Love !
34 - Blues of Love and Murderous Intent
35 - The Mystery of Zeba ! The Forbidden Tomb
36 - Elimination ! The Destructive Twin Girls
37 - Soldiers Who Bet on Their Dreams
38 - The Time to Erase Takeru
39 - Revival ! The Mysterious X1 Mask
40 - Resurrect ! The Melody of Love
41 - Female Thieves Haruka & Momoko
42 - Fly ! The Poem of a Timid Boy
43 - Akira Loses His Eyesight ! The Mysterious Spell
44 - Transform ! Underground Empire Swordsman Akira
45 - Prince Igam ! You're a Woman !
46 - Counterattack ! The Secret of the Bloody Pond
47 - The Night Prior to the Attack ! The Dance of Death
48 - Baraba ! Dies in Treachery
49 - The Revived Princess Ial
50 - Zeba ! His Hair-Raising Secret Identity
51 - The Great Destruction of the Underground Empire Castle !
List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 51 Modify
01 - Utsukishiki Nazo no Tōbōsha
02 - ! Yami no Chitei Jō
03 - Michi e no Daiippo
04 - Moyase ! Efu Wan Tamashii !
05 - Chiisa na Kenshi Burū
06 - Yume no Goddo Hando
07 - Bakuhatsu ! Kenta no Ai
08 - Moero ! Hana no Ken !
09 - Gattai ! Inochi no Ōra
10 - Igamu Tai Takeru
11 - Chitei Kara no Bōmeisha
12 - Chōsen ! Shinobi no Hokori
13 - Aidoru o Oe !
14 - Aozora e no Dai Dasshutsu !
15 - Saraba Itoshiki Hana yo
16 - Hissatsu ! Honō no Baraba
17 - Yabure ! Jigoku no Meikyū
18 - Itoshi no Kyūketsu Ningyō !
19 - Yōma ! Anagumasu
20 - Wana ! Shizumu Kyodai Robo
21 - Kiri no Tani no Kuroi Kage
22 - Fūun Ōra no Arashi !
23 - Akuma ni Natta Mio
24 - Shōnyūdō no Shōnen Kaijū
25 - Akira no Koibito ! ?
26 - Nessa ni Kieta Inochi !
27 - Tōzoku Kishi Kirosu !
28 - Mio ga Iaru-hime ! ?
29 - Yūjō no Shin Hissatsu Buki
30 - Mama ! ! Baraba no Zekkyō !
31 - Shutsugen ! Shugoshin Igamu Ryū
32 - Oyobū Hissatsu Hashiri
33 - Takeru yo ! Ai o Kire !
34 - Ai to Satsui no Burū
35 - Zēba no Nazo ! Kindan no Haka
36 - Shōmetsu ! Futago no Hakai Shōjo
37 - Yume ni Kakeru Senshitachi
38 - Takeru ga Kesareru Jikan
39 - Fukkatsu ! Nazo no Ekkusu Wan Masuku
40 - Yomigaere ! Ai no Merodī
41 - Onna Gōtō Haruka to Momoko
42 - Kakebe ! Ijike Shōnen no Shi
43 - Akira Shutsumei ! Nazo no Jumon
44 - Henshin ! Chitei Kenshi Akira
45 - Igamu-ōji ! Kimi wa Onna !
46 - Gyakushū ! Chi no Ike no Himitsu
47 - Shutsugeki Zen'ya ! Shi no Odori
48 - Baraba ! Uragiri ni Shisu
49 - Yomigaetta Iaru-hime
50 - Zēba ! Senritsu no Shōtai
51 - Chitei Shiro Dai Hōkai !
List of the episodes - Brazil Brazil Number of episodes : 51 Modify
01 - A Bela Fugitiva
02 - O Castelo Subterrâneo
03 - A Um Passo do Mundo Estranho
04 - Modelo Super F1
05 - O Pequeno Espadachim Blue
06 - God Hand dos Sonhos
07 - O Amor de Kenta
08 - A Flor da Salvação
09 - A Aura da Vida
10 - Igan Contra Red Mask
11 - O Fugitivo do Mundo Subterrâneo
12 - O Orgulho de Ser Ninja
13 - A Cantora Misteriosa
14 - O Céu Azul da Terra
15 - Adeus, Querida Flor
16 - A Chama de Barabass
17 - O Labirinto Infernal
18 - A Boneca Amaldiçoada
19 - O Demônio Anagumas
20 - A Cilada
21 - A Sombra do Nevoeiro
22 - A Aura na Tempestade
23 - O Espírito Diabólico
24 - O Menino Monstro
25 - O Amor de Akira
26 - O Desaparecimento
27 - O Cavaleiro Ladrão Kiroz
28 - Miho é a Princesa Ian ?
29 - A Arma Mortal
30 - A Mãe de Barabass
31 - Protetor Divino Dragão Igan
32 - A Perseguição de Oyubu
33 - A Proteção de Takeo
34 - A Canção do Amor
35 - O Túmulo Proibido
36 - As Gêmeas
37 - O Sonho dos Guerreiros
38 - A Volta no Tempo
39 - A Aparição de Mask X-1
40 - A Melodia
41 - As Assaltantes
42 - O Menino Retraído
43 - Magia Misteriosa
44 - O Espadachim Subterrâneo
45 - O Segredo da Princesa Igan
46 - O Segredo da Lagoa Amaldiçoada
47 - A Dança da Morte
48 - A Morte de Barabass
49 - A Ressureição da Princesa Ian
50 - A Real Forma de Zehba
51 - O Último Ataque


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Sweat à capuche - Mononoke
Sweat à capuche - Mononoke


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