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List of the episodes - France France Number of episodes : 20 Modify
01 - L'arrivée des légendaires Magic Knights !
02 - Presea, le forgeron de la Forêt du Silence !
03 - Ferio, le beau guerrier mystérieux !
04 - Alcyone, une magicienne déterminée !
05 - L'Escudo, le minerai légendaire !
06 - Presea forge au péril de sa vie !
07 - Le sacrifice de Ferio. Amour des sables !
08 - Le terrifiant piège d'Ascot, l'invocateur !
09 - Instant critique pour les Magic Knights !
10 - L'éveil de Ceres, le gardien légendaire !
11 - La légende des Gardiens Sacrés de Cefiro !
12 - Caldina, la redoutable illussioniste !
13 - La chose la plus précieuse au monde !
14 - La détermination inébranlable de Hikaru, Fû et Umi !
15 - Le deuxième Gardien : le Gardien Céleste, Windom !
16 - Un redoubtable ennemi : Rafaga, le guerrier !
17 - Le vrai visage d'Innova. La mémoire retrouvée !
18 - Le dernier Gardien : Le Gardien de Feu, Rayearth !
19 - Confrontation finale : Les Magic Knights contre Zagato !
20 - Les légendaires Magic Knights. L'incroyable vérité !
List of the episodes - Japan Japan Number of episodes : 20 Modify
01 - Densetsu no Magic Knight Shidou
02 - Chinmoku no Mori no Soushi Presea
03 - Nazo no Bishounen Kenshi Ferio
04 - Shuunen no Masoushi Alcione
05 - Densetsu no Koubutsu Escudo
06 - Inochi wo Kaketa Presea no Buki
07 - Sutemi no Ferio Sabaku no Koi
08 - Shoukanshi Ascot no Kyoufu no Wana
09 - Magic Knight Saidai no Kiki
10 - Yomigaeru Densetsu no Mashin Ceres
11 - Isekai Cefiro no Mashin Densetsu
12 - Odorubeki Genwakushi Caldina
13 - Kono Sekai de Ichiban Taisetsu na Mono
14 - Hikaru, Umi, Fuu no Yuzurenai Negai
15 - Dai Ni no Mashin Kuujin Windam
16 - Kyouteki ! Kentoushi Lafarga
17 - Inouva no Shoutai to Yomigaeru Kioku
18 - Saigo no Mashin Enjin Rayearth
19 - Taiketsu ! Magic Knight VS. Zagato
20 - Densetsu no Magic Knight ! Kyoui no Shinjitsu
List of the episodes - Great Britain / USA Great Britain / USA Number of episodes : 20 Modify
01 - The Birth of the Legendary Magic Knights !
02 - Presea, The Master Smith In The Forest Of Silence
03 - Ferio, the Handsome, Mysterious Swordsman
04 - Alcyone, the Vengeful Sorceress
05 - Escudo, the Legendary Ore
06 - Lives at Stake - Presea's Weapons
07 - Ferio in Desperation - A Romance in the Desert
08 - The Horrible Trap of Summoner Ascot
09 - The Magic Knights' Greatest Crisis
10 - Revival of Selece, the Legendary Rune-God
11 - The Legend of the Rune-Gods - In Cephiro, Another World
12 - The Fearsome Illusionist Caldina
13 - The Most Valuable Thing in this World
14 - Hikaru, Umi, and Fuu's Unyielding Wish
15 - The Second Rune-God: Windam, the Lord of the Skies
16 - A Powerful Foe ! Lafarga the Swordmaster
17 - The Truth About Inouva, and the Return of Memories
18 - The Last Rune-God: Rayearth, the Lord of Fire
19 - Showdown ! The Magic Knights Versus Zagato
20 - The Unbelievable Truth About the Legendary Magic Knights !
List of the episodes - Spain Spain Number of episodes : 20 Modify
01 - El momento de decisión
02 - La llegada de Presea
03 - El bosque del Silencio
04 - Alanis, la hechicera vengativa
05 - El legendario Escudo
06 - El sacrificio de Presea
07 - El amor florece en el desierto
08 - El impredecible Hikari
09 - La pesadilla de Marina
10 - El genio Seres despierta
11 - La leyenda de los genios de Cephiro
12 - El temor de Caldina
13 - Una lección de amor
14 - La promesa de Las Guerreras Mágicas
15 - La aparición de Windom
16 - El esgrimista Ráfaga
17 - La identidad de Nova
18 - El último genio
19 - La batalla contra Zagato
20 - Una verdad maravillosa
List of the episodes - Italy Italy Number of episodes : 20 Modify
01 - Improvvisamente Sephiro
02 - La foresta del silenzio
03 - Ferio il vagabondo
04 - Il contrattacco di Alcyone
05 - La fontana di Aeterna
06 - Le nuove armi di Presea
07 - Amore nel deserto
08 - La trappola di Ascot
09 - Labirinto di ghiaccio
10 - Il risveglio di Ceres
11 - La leggenda svelata
12 - Caldina l'incantatrice
13 - Ciò che è più iportante di Sephiro
14 - Turbine di luce
15 - Il risveglio di Windom
16 - Il cavaliere Rafaga
17 - La vera natura di Innova
18 - Il risveglio di Rayearth
19 - Di fronte a Zagato
20 - La colonna di Sephiro
List of the episodes - Portugal Portugal Number of episodes : 20 Modify
01 - Guerreiras Mágicas, chegou a sua vez !
02 - Priscilla, a guardiã das armas
03 - A Floresta do Silêncio
04 - Alcion, a feiticeia vingativa
05 - O Eskudo lendário
06 - O sacrifício de Priscilla
07 - O amor brotará no deserto
08 - Vigor, o imprevisível
09 - O pesadelo das Guerreiras
10 - O 1º gênio ressucita
11 - A lenda dos gênios de Zephir
12 - Os poderes de Caldina
13 - A coisa mais importante do mundo
14 - A promessa das guerreiras
15 - Windown, o 2º gênio
16 - Rafaga, o espadachim
17 - A verdadeira identidade de Inov e Fério
18 - Rayearth, o último gênio
19 - As Guerreiras Mágicas contra Zagard
20 - As Guerreiras Mágicas e a hora da verdade


14 members have this series 14 members have this series


Tshirt contrast femme pseudo - Kiki
Tshirt contrast femme pseudo - Kiki


5/55/55/55/55/5My hero academia
3/53/53/53/53/5Tsubasa world chronicle
3/53/53/53/53/5xxx Holic
3/53/53/53/53/5To heart - remember my memories
3/53/53/53/53/5Sailor moon super S
5/55/55/55/55/5Sailor moon crystal
5/55/55/55/55/5Blue lock
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