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opening - Japanese Japanese Title : Assemble Insert
Interpreter : Hiroko Kasahara
sukku to tachiagari niramu hitomi ga moeagaru
kime no serifu ga aa... dete konai
yanya no tebyoushi to hikaru FURASSHU o senaka ni
tatakai idomu SUUPAA HIROIN
"iyan..." to mojimoji suru te de
haritobasu fukitobasu tachimachi SUKURAPPU!
kiseki no HIROIN ga arashi no SHOO TAIMU
DEBYUU o kazaru BATORU mune ga tokimeku SUMAIRU
seigi no AIDORU no ichizu na SUTOORII
torie wa hitotsu dake wakaru desho kimi koso SUTAA!

akke ni torareteru teki mo mikata mo kechirashite
hakushu abiteru aa... BUROMAIDO
MASUKOMI no minasan douzo hade ni kaite choudai
"ufut" to UINKU shitai kedo
gikochinai adokenai sore demo All Right!
kigeki no HIROIN ga tobikomu kayoukai
chikara makase no DANSU mimi ni hajikeru BOISU
shitsukoi RAIBARU no inken ijiwaru mo
kimi ni wa tsuujinai ne wakaru desho kimi koso

kiseki no HIROIN ga arashi no SHOO TAIMU
DEBYUU o kazaru BATORU mune ga tokimeku SUMAIRU
seigi no AIDORU no ichizu na SUTOORII
torie wa hitotsu dake wakaru desho kimi koso SUTAA!
1st ending - Japanese Japanese Title : Oitsu
Interpreter : Hiroko Kasahara
SAN SHAIN minareta itsumo no michi o
SANDEE anata to aruku kibun wa
arifureta kotoba no naka sagashite mite mo mitsukaranai no
ashi ga nagakute se ga takaku tayori ni mo natte SENSU mo BATSUGUN
sonna ni kanpeki na aitsu janai no
kaidan hashitte tsumazuita toki odoketa shigusa
onaka ga suita to waratta anata ga suki yo

SANRAIZU eiga o mita kaerimichi
SANSETTO anata ga majime ni itta
sen oku no hiru to yoru o itazura ni sugoshimitai
shuusai TAIPU de okanemochi kuruma wa PORUSHE de kaiwa mo BATSUGUN
sonna kanpeki na aitsu janai no
okurete kita toki nebou shita to terekusasou ni
utsumuku anata ga dare ga nan to iou to suki yo

watashi to anata no aishoudo wa gojuu PAASENTO
sore demo megenai watashi wa anata ga suki yo
2nd ending - Japanese Japanese Title : Amairo no Yume no Tsubo
Interpreter : Hiroko Kasahara
awai yoru ni ukabeta kobune kin to gin no romansu atsumete oyogu yo
neesu no kaaten yurashite toiki no haafu muun
tsukiyo no shoujin ga utau wa setsunai merodii
umaku ikanai koi dakara koi ne anata mo negaeri utsu kana...?
oyasuminasai ... my sweet heart
amairo no yume no tsubo kara supuun hitotsu bun no kiss o agemashou

sunao ni kawareru omajinai aru nara oshiete
kawari ni nobashita kono kami majo ni mo ageru wa
koi wa itsu demo ayafuya na mono ne nemurenu yoru ga suki na koro
oyasuminasai ... my sweet heart
amairo no yume no tsubo kara supuun hitotsu bun no namida o agemashou


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Coque iPhone 5/5s - Papillons


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