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Heaven wars shurato
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opening - French French Title : Not informed title
Interpreter : Bernard Minet
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Gardien de la liberté
Défenseur de l'amitié
Il est le roi des lions
Shurato est son nom

Tremble le mal
Démon sauve-toi
Pour son idéal
Shurato vaincra

Forces immondes
Votre jour viendra
Surgissant de l'ombre
Shurato vaincra

Quel que soit votre nombre
Shurato vaincra
1st opening - Japanese Japanese Title : Shining soul
Interpreter : Satoko Shimizu
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Ima Atsui Tamashii O Tokihanate Mirai E To
Ushinatta Shinjitsu O Motomete
Chikaiau Yuujou Ni Osoikuru Kurayami O
Yakitsukuse Moeagaru Honou De

Donna Kanashimi No Ato Mo, Fukai Yami O Koete
Haruka Ni Asahi Ga Ten To Chi O Someru You Ni

Keep On Shining Shining Kagayaki O
Keep On Shining Your Eyes
Keep On Shooting Shooting Tokihanate
Keep On Shooting Your Soul
Atsuku Moeru Omoi O

Ikari Yori Yasashisa De, Namida Yori Sono Ase De
Ubawareta Eien O Motomete
Nigirishimeta Kobushi De Shinobioru Kurayami O
Yakitsukuse Sono Ai No Chikara De

Koraekirenai Itami Mo Horo Ninasa Ni Kaete
Makka Na Yuuhi Ga Ten To Chi O Someru You Ni

Keep On Searching Searching Akiramezu
Keep On Searching Your Love
Keep On Shooting Shooting Tokihanate
Keep On Shooting Your Soul
Atsuku Moeru Omoi O

Donna Kanashimi No Ato Mo Fukai Yami O Koete
Haruka Ni Asahi Ga ten To Chi O Someru You Ni

Keep On Shining Shining Kagayaki O
Keep On Shining Your Eyes
Keep On Shooting Shooting Tokihanate
Keep On Shooting Your Soul
Atsuku Moeru Omoi O
1st ending - Japanese Japanese Title : Sajin no meizu
Interpreter : Satoko Shimizu
Umareta Ni Kara Hito Wa Tabi Shite
Haruka Hoshi O Ikutsu Kazoeru
Mugen No Kirameki Wa Yozora No Sasayaki
Mayoimadowasarete Kaze Ga Saratte Yuku

Aa, Ummei Oshieru Hoshi Ni Michibikare
Aa, Kokoro No Meizu O Samayoitsuzukeru
Yume No Tabibito

Chiehi No Hate Ni Hitokage Otte
Oashisu No Machi Sagashite Mite Mo
Kasuka Na Omoide Ga Kaku Shinkirou
Mayoimadowasarete Suna Ga Saratte Yuku

Aa, Ummei Kaetteku Ryusha Ni Makarete
Aa, Kokoro No Meizu O Samayoitsuzukeru
Yume No Tabibito

Kasuka Na Omoide Ga Kaku Shinkirou
Mayoimadowasarete Suna Ga Saratte Yuku

Aa, Ummei Oshieru Hoshi Ni Michibikare
Aa, Kokoro No Meizu O Samayoitsuzukeru
Yume No Tabibito
2nd opening - Japanese Japanese Title : Truth
Interpreter : Satoko Shimizu
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Naze hitori kiri toki ni hakobare
Naze hitori dake kurushimi seou
Yurushi au ai sore mo tatakai
Nazo toku chikara kobushi ni yadoru

Minagiru SO-MA o yami ni butsukero

Fighting for truth, fighting for love
Kumo o kechirasu no sa
Mezasou mezasou hikari no sekai o

SHAKUTY's the soul, SHAKUTY's the force
Kagayaku senshitachi
Itsuka wa towa e to hikari kagayake

Naze hitori kiri yami ni hakobare
Naze hitori dake nikushimi seou
Ikari o koete sosogikomu jihi
Nazo toku KAGI wa tenohira no naka

Futatsu no ummei kasane au toki
Haruka na kioku ga hikari o hanatsu

Fighting for truth, fighting for love
Jubaku o uchi kudake
Mezasou mezasou hikari no sekai o

SHAKUTY's the soul, SHAKUTY's the force
Kagayaku senshitachi
Arata na ummei hikari kagayake

Fighting for truth, fighting for love
Jubaku o uchi kudake
Mezasou mezasou hikari no sekai o

SHAKUTY's the soul, SHAKUTY's the force
Kagayaku senshitachi
Itsuka wa towa e to hikari kagayake
2nd ending - Japanese Japanese Title : Kyaraban
Interpreter : Satoko Shimizu
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Haruka na michi de yuki kau hito wa
Fuumon o kokoro ni kizamu kedo
Kataranu mama ni onaji yumemite
Tabi shite yukeru no wa hon no wazuka

Toki ni wa omotte, sono bun nikunde
Yagate kokoro kayotte

Just like moon & sun ura to omote sa
Tatoe kizutsuke attemo
Ai to iu mizu o wakeai,
Kawaku koto o shiranai KYARABAN

Hatenai michi wa yagate ikutsu ni
Sayonara mo iwazuni wakareru kedo

Hitori wa naosara kokoro ni kanjiru
Musubareteru chikara o

Just like moon & sun ura to omote sa
Tatoe hanarete ite mo
Yume to iu tabi no hate made,
Somuku koto o shiranai KYARABAN

All we shall be stars yozora o umete
Sorezore no kagayaki o
Jimanke ni katariau hi o chikatte ima
Te o furu KYARABAN


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