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All (1014)
JapaneseJapanese (544)
FrenchFrench (148)
ItalianItalian (115)
SpanishSpanish (48)
Japanese kanjiJapanese kanji (47)
American / EnglishAmerican / English (39)
GermanGerman (21)
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IndonesianIndonesian (13)
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Quebec FrenchQuebec French (3)
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Title Origin See
La academia alice (opening) Japanese
Pikapika no taiyou - Kana Ueda
La academia alice (ending) Japanese
Shiawase no niji - Kana Ueda et Rie Kugimiya
La banda dei ranocchi (opening) French
Not informed title - Marie Mercier
La banda dei ranocchi (opening) Italian
Not informed title - Le mele verdi di Mitzi Amoroso
La bande à dingo (opening) French
La bande à dingo - Not informed interpreter
La bande à dingo (opening) Norwegian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
La bande à dingo (opening) Russian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
La bande à dingo (opening) Swedish
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
La battaglia dei pianeti (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
La battaglia dei pianeti (opening) Italian
La battaglia dei pianeti - Augusto Martelli
La battaglia dei pianeti (1st opening) Japanese
Taosozu ! Galactor - Columbia Yurikago-kai
La battaglia dei pianeti (1st ending) Japanese
Gatchaman no Uta - Masato Shimon
La bella e la bestia (ending) American / English
Beauty And The Beast - Céline Dion et Peabo Bryson
La bella e la bestia (opening) French
Bonjour - Not informed interpreter
La bella e la bestia (ending) French
La belle et la bête - Charles Aznavour et Liane Foly
La bella y la bestia (ending) American / English
Beauty And The Beast - Céline Dion et Peabo Bryson
La bella y la bestia (opening) French
Bonjour - Not informed interpreter
La bella y la bestia (ending) French
La belle et la bête - Charles Aznavour et Liane Foly
La città incantata (opening) Spanish
Yo respirando - Ivan Ferreiro
La città incantata (ending) Japanese
Itsumo nando demo - Yumi Kimura
La città incantata (ending) Japanese kanji
Itsumo nando demo (kanji) - Yumi Kimura
La confederazione delle piume cineree (opening) Japanese
Free bird - Kou Otani
La confederazione delle piume cineree (ending) Japanese
Blue flow - Heart of Air
La confederazione delle piume cineree (opening) Japanese kanji
Free bird (kanji) - Kou Otani
La confederazione delle piume cineree (ending) Japanese kanji
Blue flow (kanji) - Heart of Air
La coppa dei dragoni (opening) Indonesian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
La corazzata spaziale yamato (opening) Japanese
Uchuu Senkan Yamato - Isao Sasaki
La corazzata spaziale yamato (ending) Japanese
Makka na Scarf - Isao Sasaki
La corda d'oro - primo passo (opening) Japanese
Brand new breeze - Kanon
La corda d'oro - primo passo (ending) Japanese
Crescendo - Stella Quintet
La corda d'oro - primo passo (ending) Japanese kanji
Crescendo (kanji) - Stella Quintet
La corda d'oro - secondo passo (ending) Japanese
Soukyuu no Score ~The Score in Blue~ - Stella Quintet +
Ladies versus butlers ! (opening) Japanese
LOVE × HEAVEN - Kawasumi Ayako, Nakahara Mai, Koshimizu Ami & Kugimiya Rie
Ladies versus butlers ! (ending) Japanese
my starry boy - Nakahara Mai
Ladies vs butlers ! (opening) Japanese
LOVE × HEAVEN - Kawasumi Ayako, Nakahara Mai, Koshimizu Ami & Kugimiya Rie
Ladies vs butlers ! (ending) Japanese
my starry boy - Nakahara Mai
L'adorabile lily (opening) Indonesian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
L'adorabile lily (ending) Indonesian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
L'adorabile lily (opening) Japanese
Kimi iro Omoi - SMAP
L'adorabile lily (1st ending) Japanese
Egao ga Sukidakara - Sawada Shoko
L'adorabile lily (2nd ending) Japanese
Chacha ni Omakase - Suzuki Masami, Sakurai Tomo, Akado Mayumi
L'adorabile lily (3rd ending) Japanese
Youkoso Majikaru Sukuuru he - Suzuki Masami and Magical Study
L'adorabile lily - OAV (opening) Japanese
Make Me Smile - Yuki Matsuura
Lady georgie (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lady georgie (opening) Italian
Georgie - Cristina D'Avena
Lady georgie (opening) Japanese
Wasurerareta Message - Yuriko Yamamoto
Lady georgie (ending) Japanese
Yasashisa o arigatō - Yuriko Yamamoto
Lady gwendoline (opening) French
Suis ton rêve Gwendoline - Claude Lombard
Lady gwendoline (opening) Italian
Milly un giorno dopo l'altro - Cristina D'Avena
Lady, lady ! (opening) French
Suis ton rêve Gwendoline - Claude Lombard
Lady, lady ! (opening) Italian
Milly un giorno dopo l'altro - Cristina D'Avena
Lady lovely locks and the pixietails (1st opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lady lovely locks and the pixietails (2nd opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lady lovely locks and the pixietails (opening) Italian
Lady Lovely - Cristina D'Avena
Lady oscar () German
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lady oscar (opening) French
Lady oscar - Marie Dauphin
Lady oscar (1st opening) Italian
I cavalieri del re - Riccardo Zara
Lady oscar (2nd opening) Italian
Una spada per Lady Oscar - Cristina D'Avena
Lady oscar (opening) Japanese
Bara wa utsukushiku chiru - Hiroko Suzuki
Lady oscar (ending) Japanese
Ai no hikari to kage - Hiroko Suzuki
Lady oscar, la rosa di versailles () German
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lady oscar, la rosa di versailles (opening) French
Lady oscar - Marie Dauphin
Lady oscar, la rosa di versailles (1st opening) Italian
I cavalieri del re - Riccardo Zara
Lady oscar, la rosa di versailles (2nd opening) Italian
Una spada per Lady Oscar - Cristina D'Avena
Lady oscar, la rosa di versailles (opening) Japanese
Bara wa utsukushiku chiru - Hiroko Suzuki
Lady oscar, la rosa di versailles (ending) Japanese
Ai no hikari to kage - Hiroko Suzuki
La espada del inmortal (opening) Japanese
Akai usagi - Makura no Sōshi
La espada del inmortal (ending) Japanese
Wants - Grapevine
La espada laser (opening) Japanese
Video Senshi Lezarion - Takayuki Miyauchi
La espada laser (ending) Japanese
Heart Full Hotline - Kumiko Kaori
La familia bionica (opening) French
Not informed title - Jean-Paul Cesari
La familia crece (opening) Italian
Piccoli problemi di cuore - Cristina D'Avena
La familia crece () Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
La familia crece (opening) Japanese
Egaon ni aitai - Rie Hamada
La familia crece (1st ending) Japanese
Suteki na serenade - Miho Fujiwara
La familia robinson (opening) French
Robinson - Claude Lombard
La familia robinson (opening) Dutch
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
La familia robinson (1st opening) Italian
L'isola dei Robinson - I cavalieri del re
La familia robinson (2nd opening) Italian
L'Isola della piccola flo - Cristina D'Avena
La familia robinson (opening) Japanese
Hadashi no Flone - Keiko Han
La familia robinson (ending) Japanese
Flone no Yume - Keiko Han
La famille pierrafeu (opening) American / English
The flinstones - W Hanna, J Barbera et H Curtin
La famille pierrafeu (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
La famille pierrafeu (opening) Dutch
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
La famille pierrafeu (opening) Quebec French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
La foresta delle sirene (opening) Japanese
Like an angel - Chiaki Ishikawa
La foresta delle sirene (ending) Japanese
Mizu tamari - Kayoko
La foresta delle sirene - OAV (opening) Japanese
Mori o nukete born to love you - Fukatsu Eri
Lahn al hayah - music of life (opening) German
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lahn al hayah - music of life (opening) Spanish
Sonrisas y lágrimas - Sol Pilas
Lahn al hayah - music of life (opening) French
Not informed title - Claude Lombard
Lahn al hayah - music of life (opening) Italian
Cantiamo insieme - Cristina D'Avena
Lahn al hayah - music of life (ending) Japanese
Ryoute wo hirogete - Eri Itoh
Lahn al hayah - music of life (1st opening) Japanese
Do-Re-Mi no Uta - Eri Itoh
Lahn al hayah - music of life (2nd opening) Japanese
Hohoemi no Mahou - Eri Itoh
Lain (opening) American / English
Duvet - Boa
Lain (1st ending) Japanese
Toh-i sakebi - Nakaido "Chabo" Rei'ichi
La invencible nuku-nuku (1st opening) Japanese
Watashi ni happy birthday - Megumi Hayashibara
La invencible nuku-nuku (1st ending) Japanese
Oshiete Happiness - Megumi Hayashibara
La invencible nuku-nuku (2nd opening) Japanese
Yume Hurry Up - Megumi Hayashibara
La invencible nuku-nuku (2nd ending) Japanese
Harikitte Trying ! - Megumi Hayashibara
La invencible nuku-nuku (1st opening) Japanese kanji
Watashi ni happy birthday (kanji) - Megumi Hayashibara
La isla del tesoro () German
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
La isla del tesoro (opening) French
Not informed title - Boris de Mourzitch, Michel Barouille et Liliane Davis
La isla del tesoro (opening) Japanese
Takarajima - Machida Yoshito
La isla del tesoro (ending) Japanese
Chiisana funanori - Machida Yoshito
Lalabel (opening) French
Je peux - Claude Lombard
Lalabel () Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lalabel (opening) Japanese
Haroo! Raraberu - Mitsuko Horie
Lalabel (ending) Japanese
Mahou Shoujo Lalabell - Mitsuko Horie
Lalabel, la niña mágica (opening) French
Je peux - Claude Lombard
Lalabel, la niña mágica () Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lalabel, la niña mágica (opening) Japanese
Haroo! Raraberu - Mitsuko Horie
Lalabel, la niña mágica (ending) Japanese
Mahou Shoujo Lalabell - Mitsuko Horie
Lalabel the magic girl (opening) French
Je peux - Claude Lombard
Lalabel the magic girl () Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lalabel the magic girl (opening) Japanese
Haroo! Raraberu - Mitsuko Horie
Lalabel the magic girl (ending) Japanese
Mahou Shoujo Lalabell - Mitsuko Horie
La leggenda di arslan (1st ending) Japanese
Kutsuato no hana - Mimori Yusa
La leggenda di arslan (3rd ending) Japanese
Ryote Ippai - Shoko Suzuki
La liga del dragón (opening) Indonesian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
La macchina del tempo (opening) Japanese
Time Bokan no Uta - Masayuki Yamamoto
La maga chappy (opening) Japanese
Mahou Tsukai Chappy - Kotoko
La maga chappy (ending) Japanese
Don-chan no uta - Kousei Tomita
La magia de emi (opening) French
Douce emi tu es magique - Valérie Barouille
La magia de emi (opening) Italian
Magica magica emi - Cristina D'Avena
La magia de titila (opening) French
Not informed title - Aspirine
La magia de titila (opening) Italian
Memole dolce memole - Cristina D'Avena
La magia de titila () Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
La magia de titila (opening) Japanese
Tongari Boushi no Memoru - Satoko Yamano
La magia de titila (ending) Japanese
Yasashii Tomodachi - Satoko Yamano
La malinconia di haruhi suzumiya (1st opening) Japanese
Koi no mikuru densetsu - Yuko Goto
La malinconia di haruhi suzumiya (1st ending) Japanese
Hare hare yukai - Aya Hirano, Minori Chihara et Yuuko Gotou
La malinconia di haruhi suzumiya (2nd opening) Japanese
Bouken desho desho - Aya Hirano
La malinconia di haruhi suzumiya (1st opening) Japanese kanji
Koi no mikuru densetsu (kanji) - Yuko Goto
La malinconia di haruhi suzumiya (1st ending) Japanese kanji
Hare hare yukai (kanji) - Aya Hirano, Minori Chihara et Yuuko Gotou
La malinconia di haruhi suzumiya (2nd opening) Japanese kanji
Bouken desho desho (kanji) - Aya Hirano
La máquina del tiempo (opening) Japanese
Time Bokan no Uta - Masayuki Yamamoto
La melancolía de suzumiya haruhi (1st opening) Japanese
Koi no mikuru densetsu - Yuko Goto
La melancolía de suzumiya haruhi (1st ending) Japanese
Hare hare yukai - Aya Hirano, Minori Chihara et Yuuko Gotou
La melancolía de suzumiya haruhi (2nd opening) Japanese
Bouken desho desho - Aya Hirano
La melancolía de suzumiya haruhi (1st opening) Japanese kanji
Koi no mikuru densetsu (kanji) - Yuko Goto
La melancolía de suzumiya haruhi (1st ending) Japanese kanji
Hare hare yukai (kanji) - Aya Hirano, Minori Chihara et Yuuko Gotou
La melancolía de suzumiya haruhi (2nd opening) Japanese kanji
Bouken desho desho (kanji) - Aya Hirano
Les lamentations de l'agneau (ending) Japanese
Shukumei - Hayashibara Megumi & Seki Tomokazu
Lament of the lamb (ending) Japanese
Shukumei - Hayashibara Megumi & Seki Tomokazu
La mia amica sandy bell (opening) French
Va Sandy - Claude Lombard
La mia amica sandy bell (1st opening) Italian
Sandybell - Le mele verdi
La mia amica sandy bell (2nd opening) Italian
La mia amica Sandybell - Cartoon Kids
La mia amica sandy bell (3rd opening) Italian
Hello Sandybell - Cristina D'Avena
Lamu (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lamu () Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lamu (1st opening) Japanese
Lum no love song - Hiroko Matsuya
Lamu (1st ending) Japanese
Uchuu wa taihen da! - Hiroko Matsuya
Lamu (2nd opening) Japanese
Dancing star - Izumi Kobayashi
Lamu (2nd ending) Japanese
Kokorobosoi na - Helen Sasano
Lamu (3rd opening) Japanese
Pajama jama da! - Kanako Narikiyo
Lamu (3rd ending) Japanese
Hoshizora cycling - Virgin VS
Lamu (4th opening) Japanese
Chance on love - Cindy
Lamu (4th ending) Japanese
I, I, you and ai - Izumi Kobayashi
Lamu (5th opening) Japanese
Rock the planet - Steffanie
Lamu (5th ending) Japanese
Yume wa love me more - Izumi Kobayashi
Lamu (6th opening) Japanese
Tonogata gomen asobase - Shoko Minami
Lamu (6th ending) Japanese
Koi no mobius - Rittsu
Lamu (7th ending) Japanese
Openi invitation - Cindy
Lamu (8th ending) Japanese
Every day - Steffanie
Lamu (9th ending) Japanese
Good luck - Shoko Minami
Lamu : beautiful dreamer (ending) Japanese
Ai wa boomerang - Yuuko Matsutani
Lamu' la ragazza dello spazio (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lamu' la ragazza dello spazio () Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lamu' la ragazza dello spazio (1st opening) Japanese
Lum no love song - Hiroko Matsuya
Lamu' la ragazza dello spazio (1st ending) Japanese
Uchuu wa taihen da! - Hiroko Matsuya
Lamu' la ragazza dello spazio (2nd opening) Japanese
Dancing star - Izumi Kobayashi
Lamu' la ragazza dello spazio (2nd ending) Japanese
Kokorobosoi na - Helen Sasano
Lamu' la ragazza dello spazio (3rd opening) Japanese
Pajama jama da! - Kanako Narikiyo
Lamu' la ragazza dello spazio (3rd ending) Japanese
Hoshizora cycling - Virgin VS
Lamu' la ragazza dello spazio (4th opening) Japanese
Chance on love - Cindy
Lamu' la ragazza dello spazio (4th ending) Japanese
I, I, you and ai - Izumi Kobayashi
Lamu' la ragazza dello spazio (5th opening) Japanese
Rock the planet - Steffanie
Lamu' la ragazza dello spazio (5th ending) Japanese
Yume wa love me more - Izumi Kobayashi
Lamu' la ragazza dello spazio (6th opening) Japanese
Tonogata gomen asobase - Shoko Minami
Lamu' la ragazza dello spazio (6th ending) Japanese
Koi no mobius - Rittsu
Lamu' la ragazza dello spazio (7th ending) Japanese
Openi invitation - Cindy
Lamu' la ragazza dello spazio (8th ending) Japanese
Every day - Steffanie
Lamu' la ragazza dello spazio (9th ending) Japanese
Good luck - Shoko Minami
Lamu : lum the forever (ending) Japanese
Melancholy no kiseki - Kayoko Matsunaga
Lamune (opening) Japanese
Iro no melody - Mayu
Lamune (ending) Japanese
Summer vacation - Ayumi Murata
Lamu : only you (opening) Japanese
I, I, You & Ai - Izumi Kobayashi
Lamu : remember my love (opening) American / English
Born to be free - Steffanie
Lamu : remember my love (ending) American / English
Remember my love - Steffanie
Lamu : solo tú (opening) Japanese
I, I, You & Ai - Izumi Kobayashi
Lamù : the forever - la principessa nel ciliegio (ending) Japanese
Melancholy no kiseki - Kayoko Matsunaga
Lamu : un rêve sans fin (ending) Japanese
Ai wa boomerang - Yuuko Matsutani
La novicia rebelde (opening) German
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
La novicia rebelde (opening) Spanish
Sonrisas y lágrimas - Sol Pilas
La novicia rebelde (opening) French
Not informed title - Claude Lombard
La novicia rebelde (opening) Italian
Cantiamo insieme - Cristina D'Avena
La novicia rebelde (ending) Japanese
Ryoute wo hirogete - Eri Itoh
La novicia rebelde (1st opening) Japanese
Do-Re-Mi no Uta - Eri Itoh
La novicia rebelde (2nd opening) Japanese
Hohoemi no Mahou - Eri Itoh
La panda de julia (opening) French
Not informed title - Bernard Minet
La panda de julia (1st opening) Italian
La fantastica mimi - Georgia Lepore
La panda de julia (2nd opening) Italian
Mimi' e la nazionale di pallavolo - Cristina D'Avena
La panda de julia (opening) Japanese
Attack No.1 - Kurumi Kobato
La pandilla de hanamaru (opening) Japanese
Sekaijuu no Takaramono - Hitomi Ishikawa
Lapė ir šuo (opening) French
Rox et rouky - Dorothée
L'ape magà () German
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
L'ape magà (opening) French
Not informed title - Brenda
L'ape magà (opening) Indonesian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
L'ape magà (opening) Italian
L'Ape Magà - Georgia Lepore
L'ape magà (opening) Japanese
Minashigo hutch - Yuri Shimazaki
L'ape magà (ending) Japanese
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
L'apemaia (opening) German
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
L'apemaia (opening) Spanish
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
L'apemaia (opening) French
Not informed title - Nadine Delanoe et Brigitte Winstel
L'apemaia (2nd opening) French
Oh, joyeuse Maya l'Abeille - Aurore Delplace
L'apemaia (opening) Dutch
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
L'apemaia (opening) Italian
L'apemaia - Katia Svizzero
L'apemaia (opening) Polish
Pszczóêka Maja - Not informed interpreter
L'apemaia (opening) Quebec French
Not informed title - Nathalie Simard
La pequeña lulú (opening) Spanish
La pequeña Lulú - Not informed interpreter
La pequeña lulú (opening) French
Petite Lulu - Not informed interpreter
La pequeña memole (opening) French
Not informed title - Aspirine
La pequeña memole (opening) Italian
Memole dolce memole - Cristina D'Avena
La pequeña memole () Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
La pequeña memole (opening) Japanese
Tongari Boushi no Memoru - Satoko Yamano
La pequeña memole (ending) Japanese
Yasashii Tomodachi - Satoko Yamano
La piccola maga meg (opening) French
Meg la Sorcière - Hélène Rolles
La piccola maga meg (opening) Italian
Bia la sfida della magia - I Piccoli Stregoni
La piccola maga meg (opening) Japanese
Majokko Megu-chan - Yoko Maekawa
La piccola maga meg (ending) Japanese
Hitori Bocchi no Megu - Shimamoto Sumi
La piccola nell (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
L'apocalisse dell'adolescenza (opening) Japanese
Toki ni ai wa - Okui Masami
La princesa caballero (opening) French
Not informed title - Marie Mercier
La princesa caballero () Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
La princesa de los mil años (opening) Japanese
Cosmic dream - Masaki Takanashi
La princesa de los mil años (ending) Japanese
Maboroba densetsu - Yumiko Kobayashi
La princesa de los mil años (ending) Japanese kanji
Maboroba densetsu (kanji) - Yumiko Kobayashi
La princesa mononoke () American / English
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
La princesa mononoke (ending) Japanese
Mononoke Hime - Joe Hisaishi
La princesa sara (opening) Chinese
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
La princesa sara (opening) French
Princesse sarah - Cristina D'Avena
La princesa sara (opening) Italian
Lovely Sara - Cristina D'Avena
La princesa sara (opening) Japanese
Hana no sasayaki - Satoko Shimonari
La princesa sara (ending) Japanese
Himawari - Satoko Shimonari
La princesa sara (opening) Polish
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Laputa - castle in the sky (ending) American / English
Carrying you - Azumi Inoue
Laputa - castle in the sky (ending) Japanese
Kimi wo nosete - Azumi Inoue
Laputa - il castello nel cielo (ending) American / English
Carrying you - Azumi Inoue
Laputa - il castello nel cielo (ending) Japanese
Kimi wo nosete - Azumi Inoue
La ragazza maiale del coraggio e dell'amore, buurin volante ! () German
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
La ragazza maiale del coraggio e dell'amore, buurin volante ! (opening) Japanese
Ai wa kakkowarui - Parquets
La ragazza maiale del coraggio e dell'amore, buurin volante ! (ending) Japanese
Buurin a la mode - Parquets
La ranita demetan (opening) French
Not informed title - Marie Mercier
La ranita demetan (opening) Italian
Not informed title - Le mele verdi di Mitzi Amoroso
La regina dei mille anni (opening) Japanese
Cosmic dream - Masaki Takanashi
La regina dei mille anni (ending) Japanese
Maboroba densetsu - Yumiko Kobayashi
La regina dei mille anni (ending) Japanese kanji
Maboroba densetsu (kanji) - Yumiko Kobayashi
La rivoluzione di utena (opening) Spanish
Verdad - Jesica Toledo
La rivoluzione di utena (opening) Japanese
-rinbu- revolution - Masami Okui
La rivoluzione di utena (1st ending) Japanese
Truth - Luca Yumi
La rivoluzione di utena (2nd ending) Japanese
Virtual star - Yukari Tamura
Larme ultime (opening) Japanese
Koisuru kimochi - Yuria Yato
Larme ultime (ending) Japanese
Sayonara - Yuria Yato
Las aventuras de chihiro (opening) Spanish
Yo respirando - Ivan Ferreiro
Las aventuras de chihiro (ending) Japanese
Itsumo nando demo - Yumi Kimura
Las aventuras de chihiro (ending) Japanese kanji
Itsumo nando demo (kanji) - Yumi Kimura
Las aventuras de gigi (1st opening) French
Générique 1984 - Cynthia
Las aventuras de gigi (2nd opening) French
Générique 1986 - Marilyne Lahcène
Las aventuras de gigi (opening) Indonesian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Las aventuras de gigi (ending) Indonesian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Las aventuras de gigi (1st opening) Italian
Il magico mondo di Gigi - Sorrisi
Las aventuras de gigi (2nd opening) Italian
Benvenuta Gigì - Cristina D'Avena
Las aventuras de gigi (ending) Japanese
Minky suteki Doriminpa - Mami Koyama
Las aventuras de gigi (1st opening) Japanese
Love, Love, Minky Momo - Mami Koyama
Las aventuras de gigi (2nd opening) Japanese
Yume o Dakishimete - Okazaki Ritsuko
Las aventuras de gigi (2nd ending) Japanese
Suki yori daisuki minkii sumairu !! - Hayashibara Megumi et al
Las aventuras de huckleberry finn (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Las aventuras de huckleberry finn () Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Las aventuras de las mini-diosas (2nd ending) American / English
XXX (kiss kiss kiss) - Splash!
Las aventuras de las mini-diosas (1st ending) Japanese
Denwa shite iwa-chan - Yuki Ishii
Las aventuras de las mini-diosas (2nd ending) Japanese
XXX (kiss kiss kiss) - Splash!
Las aventuras de las mini-diosas (1st ending) Japanese kanji
Denwa shite iwa-chan (kanji) - Yuki Ishii
Las aventuras de marte (opening) American / English
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Las aventuras de marte (ending) American / English
Closing song - Kasahara Hiroko
Las aventuras de marte (opening) French
Not informed title - Franck Olivier
Las aventuras de marte (ending) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Las aventuras de marte (opening) Japanese
Shin tetsuwan atomu - Not informed interpreter
Las aventuras de orphen (1st opening) Japanese
Ai just on my love - Sharan Q
Las aventuras de orphen (1st ending) Japanese
Last kiss - Tanpopo
Las aventuras de orphen (2nd opening) Japanese
Kimi wa majutsushi - Hatake
Las aventuras de orphen (2nd ending) Japanese
Doshiyou - Yuka
Las aventuras de peline (opening) German
Perrine - Katja Ebstein
Las aventuras de peline (ending) German
Not informed title - R. Pferdemenges
Las aventuras de peline (opening) Italian
Peline Story - Georgia Lepore
Las aventuras de peline (opening) Japanese
Perrine Monogatari - Kumiko Oosugi
Las aventuras de peline (ending) Japanese
Kimagure Baron - Kumiko Oosugi
Las aventuras de peter pan (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Las aventuras de peter pan (opening) Italian
Peter Pan - Cristina D'Avena
Las aventuras de peter pan (opening) Japanese
Mou ichido Peter Pan - Yuuyu
Las aventuras de peter pan (ending) Japanese
Yume yo hirake goma! - Yuuyu
Las aventuras de pinocho (opening) German
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Las aventuras de pinocho (opening) Spanish
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Las aventuras de pinocho (opening) French
Not informed title - Danièle Licari
Las aventuras de pinocho (opening) Italian
Bambino Pinocchio - Cristina D'Avena
Las aventuras de pinocho (opening) Polish
Pinokio - Eleni
Las aventuras de pinocho (opening) Quebec French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Las aventuras de saint tail (opening) Italian
Lisa e Seya un solo cuore per lo stesso segreto - Cristina D'Avena
Las aventuras de saint tail (1st opening) Japanese
Toki wo Koete - Yasuko Matsuyuki
Las aventuras de saint tail (1st ending) Japanese
Junshin - Shoko Inoue
Las aventuras de saint tail (2nd ending) Japanese
UpSide Down - Shoko Inoue
Las aventuras de saint tail (3rd ending) Japanese
Yume Miru Melody - Miyuki Kajitani
Las aventuras de tom sawyer (opening) American / English
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Las aventuras de tom sawyer (opening) Spanish
Tom Sawyer - Enrique Milián, Santabárbara
Las aventuras de tom sawyer (1st ending) Spanish
El barco - Enrique Milián, Santabárbara
Las aventuras de tom sawyer (2nd ending) Spanish
El aventurero - Enrique Milián, Santabárbara
Las aventuras de tom sawyer (opening) French
Tom Sawyer c'est l'Amérique - Elfie
Las aventuras de tom sawyer (ending) French
Le petit monde de Tom Sawyer - Elfie
Las aventuras de tom sawyer (opening) Dutch
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Las aventuras de tom sawyer (opening) Italian
Tommy - La Banda di Tom
Las aventuras de tom sawyer (opening) Japanese
Dare yori mo Tooku e - Maron Kusaka
Las aventuras de tom sawyer (ending) Japanese
Boku no Mississippi - Maron Kusaka
Las aventuras de tom sawyer (opening) Portuguese
Tom Sawyer - Francisco Ceia
Las aventuras de tom sawyer (ending) Portuguese
O barco - Francisco Ceia
Las aventuras de yoko y saki (ending) Japanese
Hitori ni Sasenai - Tanaka Youko
Las cosas de el y ella (opening) Japanese
Tenshi no Yubikiri - Mai Fukuda
Las cosas de el y ella (1st ending) Japanese
Yume no Naka e - Atsuko Enomoto & Chihiro Suzuki
Las cosas de el y ella (2nd ending) Japanese
Kaze Hiita Yoru - Yuki Watanabe & Maria Yamamoto
La seine no hoshi (opening) French
Ca ira avec la tulipe noire - Claude Lombard
La seine no hoshi (opening) Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
La seine no hoshi (opening) Japanese
La seine no hoshi - Mitsuko Horie
La selva de sirenas (opening) Japanese
Like an angel - Chiaki Ishikawa
La selva de sirenas (ending) Japanese
Mizu tamari - Kayoko
Laserion (opening) Japanese
Video Senshi Lezarion - Takayuki Miyauchi
Laserion (ending) Japanese
Heart Full Hotline - Kumiko Kaori
Las gemelas de st.claire (opening) Japanese
Benkyou no Uta - Moritaka Chisato
Las gemelas de st.claire (ending) Japanese
Itsumademo - Moritaka Chisato
Las guerreras mágicas (opening) Italian
Una porta socchiusa ai confini del sole - Cristina D'Avena
Las guerreras mágicas (opening) Japanese
Yuzurenai negai - Naomi Tamura
Las guerreras mágicas (ending) Japanese
Asue no yuuki - Keiko Yoshinari
Las misteriosas ciudades de oro (opening) American / English
Taiyo no Ko Esteban - Noam Kaniel
Las misteriosas ciudades de oro (opening) French
Not informed title - Apollo
Las misteriosas ciudades de oro (opening) Japanese
Boukensha-tachi - Pal
Las super muñecas de licca chan (1st opening) Brazilian
Gosto de Horóscopo - Not informed interpreter
Las super muñecas de licca chan (2nd opening) Brazilian
'Tá tudo bem - Not informed interpreter
Las super muñecas de licca chan (2nd ending) Brazilian
Vamos - Not informed interpreter
Las super muñecas de licca chan (3rd ending) Brazilian
Não É Hora de Adeus - Not informed interpreter
Las super muñecas de licca chan (1st opening) Japanese
Ne - Rooky
Las super muñecas de licca chan (2nd opening) Japanese
Ashita no kimi - Tomo Sakurai
Las super muñecas de licca chan (2nd ending) Japanese
Wao! - Rooky
Las super muñecas de licca chan (3rd ending) Japanese
Love Wars Daisakusen - Rooky
Las super muñecas de licca chan (4th ending) Japanese
Sono yume wa nani iro - Tomo Sakurai
Last exile (opening) French
La symphonie des nuages - Antoine Blanc
Last exile (ending) French
Au-dessus des nuages - Valérie Uzan
Last exile (opening) Japanese
Cloud Age Symphony - Shuntaro Okino
Last exile (ending) Japanese
Over the sky - Hitomi
Last exile (opening) Japanese kanji
Cloud Age Symphony (kanji) - Shuntaro Okino
La torre de druaga - la espada de uruk (opening) Japanese
Questions - Yu Nakamura
La torre de druaga - la espada de uruk (ending) Japanese
Mahōtsukai Desu Kedo - Fumiko Orikasa
Laura ou la passion du théâtre (opening) French
C'est pour jouer - Claude Lombard
Laura ou la passion du théâtre () Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Laura ou la passion du théâtre (opening) Japanese
Glass no Kamen - Mariko Ashibe
Laura ou la passion du théâtre (ending) Japanese
Purple Light - Mariko Ashibe
La venganza de orphen (1st opening) Japanese
Sondemotte kiss - 7House
La venganza de orphen (1st ending) Japanese
Love, yes I do - Chinatsu Miyoshi
La venganza de orphen (2nd opening) Japanese
Marui taiyou - Taiyou to Cisco Moon
La venganza de orphen (2nd ending) Japanese
Amai anata no aji - Melon Kinenbi
La vie des botes (opening) French
Not informed title - Claude Vallois
La virgen maría nos observa (1st ending) Japanese
Chercher - Kotoko
La virgen maría nos observa (2nd ending) Japanese
Kirei na senritsu - Kotoko
La virgen maría nos observa ~primavera~ (opening) Japanese
Pastel pure - Ali Project
La visión de escaflowne (opening) Japanese
Yakusoku wa iranai - Maaya Sakamoto
La visión de escaflowne (ending) Japanese
Mystic eyes - Hiroki Wada
La visión de escaflowne (opening) Japanese kanji
Yakusoku wa iranai (kanji) - Maaya Sakamoto
La visión de escaflowne (ending) Japanese kanji
Mystic eyes (kanji) - Hiroki Wada
La voce delle stelle (ending) Japanese
Through The Years And Far Away - Low
La vuelta al mundo de willy fog (opening) Spanish
La vuelta al mundo de Willy Fog - Mocedades
La vuelta al mundo de willy fog (ending) Spanish
Sílbame - Mocedades
La vuelta al mundo de willy fog (opening) French
Not informed title - Michel Barouille
La vuelta al mundo de willy fog (opening) Polish
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
La vuelta al mundo de willy fog (ending) Polish
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Layzner (opening) Japanese
Meros no You ni -Lonely Way- - AIRMAIL from NAGASAKI
Layzner (1st ending) Japanese
Go-Fun Dake no Wagamama - Seiko Tomizawa & Airmail from Nagasaki
Layzner (2nd ending) Japanese
La Rose Rouge - Seiko Tomizawa
Layzner - OAV (opening) Japanese
Meros no You ni -Lonely Way- - AIR MAIL de Nagasaki
Lazerion (opening) Japanese
Video Senshi Lezarion - Takayuki Miyauchi
Lazerion (ending) Japanese
Heart Full Hotline - Kumiko Kaori
Le avventure della dolce kati (opening) Spanish
Dulce Katoli - Lola Lola
Le avventure della dolce kati (opening) Italian
Le avventure della dolce Kati - Cristina D'Avena
Le avventure della dolce kati (opening) Japanese
Love With You ~Ai no Present~ - Chie Kobayashi
Le avventure della dolce kati (ending) Japanese
Kaze no Komoriuta - Chie Kobayashi
Le avventure di huckleberry finn (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Le avventure di huckleberry finn () Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Le favole della foresta (1st opening) Spanish
Los amigos del bosque - Memo Aguirre
Le favole della foresta (2nd opening) Spanish
Las fábulas del verde bosque - Memo Aguirre
Le favole della foresta (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Le favole della foresta (opening) Japanese
Midori no Hidamari - Micchii & Chataazu
Legendary armor samurai troopers (opening) American / English
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Legendary armor samurai troopers (opening) Spanish
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Legendary armor samurai troopers (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Legendary armor samurai troopers (opening) Italian
Not informed title - Giampi Daldello
Legendary armor samurai troopers (1st opening) Japanese
Stardust Eyes - Mariko Uranishi
Legendary armor samurai troopers (1st ending) Japanese
Faraway - Mariko Uranishi
Legendary armor samurai troopers (2nd opening) Japanese
Samurai Heart - Hiroko Moriguchi
Legendary armor samurai troopers (2nd ending) Japanese
Be free - Hiroko Moriguchi
Legendary armor samurai troopers (1st opening) Japanese kanji
Stardust Eyes (kanji) - Mariko Uranishi
Legendary armor samurai troopers (1st ending) Japanese kanji
Faraway (kanji) - Mariko Uranishi
Legendary armor samurai troopers (2nd opening) Japanese kanji
Samurai Heart (kanji) - Hiroko Moriguchi
Legendary armor samurai troopers (2nd ending) Japanese kanji
Be free (kanji) - Hiroko Moriguchi
Legendary brave da garn (opening) Japanese
Kaze no mirai he - Arika Sato
Legendary brave da garn (ending) Japanese
Hareruya, Papaiya - Arika Sato
Legendary giant god ideon (ending) Japanese
Cosmos ni kimi to - Keiko Toda
Legendary idol eriko (opening) French
Not informed title - Claude Lombard
Legendary idol eriko (opening) Italian
Ciao Sabrina - Cristina D'Avena
Legendary idol eriko (opening) Japanese
Namida no Hanbun - Eriko Tamura
Legendary idol eriko (1st ending) Japanese
Unchained Heart - Maiko Hashimoto
La légende de blanche neige (opening) French
Not informed title - Naiké
La légende de blanche neige (opening) Italian
Not informed title - Cristina D'Avena
Legend of basara (opening) Japanese
Endless loop - Rouage
Legend of basara (ending) Japanese
Plumeria no Saku Basho e - Nakayama Kanako
Legend of crystania (opening) Japanese
Haruka na inori - Hitomi Mieno
Legend of crystania (ending) Japanese
Save My Love - Satoko Shimonari
Legend of crystania : the chaos ring (opening) Japanese
Haruka na inori - Hitomi Mieno
Legend of crystania : the chaos ring (ending) Japanese
Save My Love - Satoko Shimonari
Legend of heavenly sphere Shurato (opening) French
Not informed title - Bernard Minet
Legend of heavenly sphere Shurato (1st opening) Japanese
Shining soul - Satoko Shimizu
Legend of heavenly sphere Shurato (1st ending) Japanese
Sajin no meizu - Satoko Shimizu
Legend of heavenly sphere Shurato (2nd opening) Japanese
Truth - Satoko Shimizu
Legend of heavenly sphere Shurato (2nd ending) Japanese
Kyaraban - Satoko Shimizu
Legend of himiko (opening) Japanese
Pure snow - Yuko Sasaki
Legend of himiko (ending) Japanese
Toki no Iro wo Koete - Mika Okudoi
Legend of light (opening) French
J'aime la gym - Claude Lombard
Legend of light () Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Legend of light (opening) Japanese
Heart no Kisetsu - Tsukasa Itoh
Legend of light (ending) Japanese
Kataomoi no Humming - Tsukasa Itoh
Legend of mahjong : akagi (1st opening) Japanese
Nantoka Nare - Furuido
Legend of mahjong : akagi (1st ending) Japanese
Akagi - Maximum The Hormone
Legend of mahjong : akagi (2nd ending) Japanese
S.T.S - Animals
Legend of mahjong : akagi (2nd ending) Japanese kanji
S.T.S (kanji) - Animals
Legend of the 4 kings (opening) Japanese
Willing - ERI
Legend of the angel of love : wedding peach (opening) Indonesian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Legend of the angel of love : wedding peach (ending) Indonesian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Legend of the angel of love : wedding peach (1st opening) Japanese
Yume miru ai tenshi - Furil
Legend of the angel of love : wedding peach (1st ending) Japanese
21 seiki no juliet - Furil
Legend of the angel of love : wedding peach (2nd opening) Japanese
Wedding wars - ai wa honoo - - Nakashima Erina
Legend of the angel of love : wedding peach (2nd ending) Japanese
Virgin love - Furil
Legend of the angel of love : wedding peach (1st opening) Japanese kanji
Yume miru ai tenshi (kanji) - Furil
Legend of the angel of love : wedding peach (1st ending) Japanese kanji
21 seiki no juliet (kanji) - Furil
Legend of the dragon kings (opening) Japanese
Willing - ERI
Legend of the galactic heroes (1st opening) Japanese
Skies of Love - Michiru Akiyoshi
Legend of the galactic heroes (1st ending) Japanese
Hikari no Hashi wo koete - Kei Ogura
Legend of the galactic heroes (2nd opening) Japanese
I am waiting for you - Michiru Akiyoshi
Legend of the galactic heroes (2nd ending) Japanese
Tabidachi no Jyokyoku - Kei Ogura
Legend of the galactic heroes (3rd opening) Japanese
Sea of the stars - Lisa
Legend of the galactic heroes (3rd ending) Japanese
Kansou no Uta - Kei Ogura
Legend of the galactic heroes (4th opening) Japanese
Must be something - Hitomi Konno
Legend of the last labyrinth (ending) Japanese
Last Labyrinth - Shiho Kikuchi
Legend of the mystical ninja (ending) Japanese
O.K.! O.K. - Mie Kuribayashi
Legendz (opening) Japanese
Kaze no Legends - Kyoko
Legendz : tale of the dragon kings (opening) Japanese
Kaze no Legends - Kyoko
Legendz : yomigaeru ryuuou densetsu (opening) Japanese
Kaze no Legends - Kyoko
Leijonakuningas (opening) American / English
Can You Feel The Love Tonight ? - Elton John
Lei, l'arma finale (opening) Japanese
Koisuru kimochi - Yuria Yato
Lei, l'arma finale (ending) Japanese
Sayonara - Yuria Yato
Le incredibili avventure di zorori (ending) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Le incredibili avventure di zorori (1st opening) Japanese
Hassuru - Kouichi Yamadera
Lejonkungen (opening) American / English
Can You Feel The Love Tonight ? - Elton John
Lelumaan niksu (1st opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lelumaan niksu (2nd opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lemonade (opening) Japanese
Iro no melody - Mayu
Lemonade (ending) Japanese
Summer vacation - Ayumi Murata
Lemon angel project (opening) Japanese
Angel addict - Ryou Shihono, Ami Koshimizu et Miki Maruyama
Lemon angel project (ending) Japanese
Girls in love~koi suru kimochi~ - Nao Nagasawa
Lenda lunar tsukihime (1st ending) Japanese
Rinne no hate ni - Fumiko Orikasa
Le nuove avventure di pinocchio (opening) French
P I N O C C H I O - Mélanie Vallois
Le nuove avventure di pinocchio (opening) Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Leo et Popi (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Léo, roi de la jungle (opening) French
Not informed title - Isabelle Pierre
Leo the lion (opening) French
Not informed title - Isabelle Pierre
Les aventuriers du bosco (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Les aventuriers du bosco (opening) Italian
Principessa dai capelli blu - Cristina D'Avena
Les aventuriers du bosco (opening) Japanese
Tokimeki wa forever - Noriko Hidaka
Les aventuriers du bosco (ending) Japanese
Hareta hi nimo ai wo kudasai - Noriko Hidaka
Les diplodos (opening) American / English
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Les diplodos (opening) French
Not informed title - Claude Vallois et Patrice Schreider
Le situazioni di lui e lei (opening) Japanese
Tenshi no Yubikiri - Mai Fukuda
Le situazioni di lui e lei (1st ending) Japanese
Yume no Naka e - Atsuko Enomoto & Chihiro Suzuki
Le situazioni di lui e lei (2nd ending) Japanese
Kaze Hiita Yoru - Yuki Watanabe & Maria Yamamoto
Les muppets babies (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Les muppets babies (opening) Dutch
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Let's & go (2nd ending) Japanese
Kizutsuku kono mo dekinai - Miyuki Kajitani
Let's & go (4th ending) Japanese
Yume no Hate Made mo - Personz
Let's & go - sulle ali di un turbo (2nd ending) Japanese
Kizutsuku kono mo dekinai - Miyuki Kajitani
Let's & go - sulle ali di un turbo (4th ending) Japanese
Yume no Hate Made mo - Personz
Let's go ! space battleship yamamoto yohko (opening) Japanese
Tenshi no kyuusoku - Masami Okui
Let's go ! space battleship yamamoto yohko (ending) Japanese
Rururu - Masami Okui
Let's go ! space battleship yamamoto yohko (opening) Japanese kanji
Tenshi no kyuusoku (kanji) - Masami Okui
Let's go ! space battleship yamamoto yohko (ending) Japanese kanji
Rururu (kanji) - Masami Okui
Let's go ! space battleship yamamoto yohko II - OAV (opening) Japanese
Souda Zettai - Okui Masami
Lets y go (2nd ending) Japanese
Kizutsuku kono mo dekinai - Miyuki Kajitani
Lets y go (4th ending) Japanese
Yume no Hate Made mo - Personz
Letter bee (1st opening) Japanese
Hajimari no hi - Suga Shikao et Mummy-D
Letter bee (1st ending) Japanese
Hatenaki michi - Himeka
Letter bee (2nd opening) Japanese
Love letter no kawari ni kono uta wo - Seira
Letter bee (2nd ending) Japanese
Hikari no Kioku - Angelo
Level E (opening) Japanese
Cold Finger Girl - Chiaki Kuriyama
Level E (ending) Japanese
Yume ~Mugen no Kanata~ - Vivid
Levji kralj (opening) American / English
Can You Feel The Love Tonight ? - Elton John
Le voci della savana (opening) German
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Le voci della savana (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Le voci della savana (opening) Italian
Le voci della savana - Cristina D'Avena
Le voci della savana (ending) Japanese
Tori ni naru - Maya Okamoto
Le voci della savana (1st opening) Japanese
Apollo - Yasuhide Sawa
Le voci della savana (2nd opening) Japanese
Hohoemi de prologue - Satoko Yamano
Library wars (opening) Japanese
Atashi no machi, ashita no machi - Hitomi Takahashi
Library wars (ending) Japanese
Changes - Base Ball Bear
Library wars - love & war (opening) Japanese
Atashi no machi, ashita no machi - Hitomi Takahashi
Library wars - love & war (ending) Japanese
Changes - Base Ball Bear
Licenced by royal (opening) American / English
Go where no ones gone before - Billy Preston
Licenced by royal () American / English
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Licenced by royal (ending) Japanese
Negai no toki - Mikako Takahashi
L'ídol nagisa : com m'agrada, tot això! (opening) Japanese
Sad Love - Toyoguchi Megumi
Lightning attacker exstars battle skipper (1st ending) Japanese
Real Dream - Yarei Yasui
Lightning attacker exstars battle skipper (2nd ending) Japanese
Game Over - Yarei Yasui
Liikkuva linna (ending) Japanese
Sekai no yakusoku ~ Jinsei no Merry-go-round - Chieko Baisho
Like the clouds, like the wind (ending) Japanese
Kumo no You ni Kaze no You ni - Ryoko Sano
Lilli un guaio tira l'altro (opening) French
Not informed title - Hélène Rolles
Lilli un guaio tira l'altro (opening) Japanese
Majokko Tickle - Mitsuko Horie
Lilli un guaio tira l'altro (ending) Japanese
Chikkuru Chikko no Cha-cha-cha - Mitsuko Horie
L'imbattibile daitarn 3 (opening) Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lime-colored history of war (opening) Japanese
Rinka - Raimu tai
Lime-colored history of war (ending) Japanese
Sora no mukou - at Gallery
Lime-iro senkitan (opening) Japanese
Rinka - Raimu tai
Lime-iro senkitan (ending) Japanese
Sora no mukou - at Gallery
L'immortale (opening) Japanese
Akai usagi - Makura no Sōshi
L'immortale (ending) Japanese
Wants - Grapevine
L'incantevole creamy (opening) French
Pampulilu - Valérie Barouille
L'incantevole creamy (opening) Indonesian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
L'incantevole creamy (ending) Indonesian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
L'incantevole creamy (opening) Italian
L'incantevole creamy - Cristina D'Avena
L'incantevole creamy (opening) Japanese
Delicate ni sukishite - Takako Ohta
L'incantevole creamy (1st ending) Japanese
Pajama no Mama de - Ohta Takako
L'incantevole creamy (2nd ending) Japanese
Love sarigenaku - Ohta Takako
Linebarrels of iron (opening) Japanese
Kitei no tsurugi - Ali Project
Linebarrels of iron (1st ending) Japanese
Ame ga Furu - Maaya Sakamoto
Linebarrels of iron (2nd ending) Japanese
Remedy - Maaya Sakamoto
Line town (opening) Japanese
Aiueongaku♬ - GReeeeN
Lingerie fighter papillon rose (opening) Japanese
Rosetta - Yuki Masuda
Lingerie fighter papillon rose (ending) Japanese
Memories - Tomoe Sakuragawa
Lingerie senshi papillon rose (opening) Japanese
Rosetta - Yuki Masuda
Lingerie senshi papillon rose (ending) Japanese
Memories - Tomoe Sakuragawa
Lingerie soldier papillon rose (opening) Japanese
Rosetta - Yuki Masuda
Lingerie soldier papillon rose (ending) Japanese
Memories - Tomoe Sakuragawa
L'invincibile dendoh (opening) Japanese
W-Infinity - Hironobu Kageyama and Hitomi Mieno
L'invincibile dendoh (1st ending) Japanese
Countdown - Little Voice
L'invincibile dendoh (2nd ending) Japanese
Brand New Mermaid - C-Drive
L'invincibile robot trider G7 () Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lion force voltron (opening) French
Not informed title - Norbert Arias
L'irresponsabile capitan tylor (opening) Japanese
Just Think Of Tomorrow - Mari Sasaki
L'irresponsabile capitan tylor (ending) Japanese
Downtown Dance - Mari Sasaki
Lisa e seya, un solo cuore per lo stesso segreto (opening) Italian
Lisa e Seya un solo cuore per lo stesso segreto - Cristina D'Avena
Lisa e seya, un solo cuore per lo stesso segreto (1st opening) Japanese
Toki wo Koete - Yasuko Matsuyuki
Lisa e seya, un solo cuore per lo stesso segreto (1st ending) Japanese
Junshin - Shoko Inoue
Lisa e seya, un solo cuore per lo stesso segreto (2nd ending) Japanese
UpSide Down - Shoko Inoue
Lisa e seya, un solo cuore per lo stesso segreto (3rd ending) Japanese
Yume Miru Melody - Miyuki Kajitani
Lis i pies (opening) French
Rox et rouky - Dorothée
Liška a pes (opening) French
Rox et rouky - Dorothée
Littl' bits (opening) Spanish
Belfy y Lilibit - Not informed interpreter
Littl' bits (opening) French
Lutinette, Lutinou - Claude Lombard et Jean-Claude Corbel
Littl' bits (opening) Dutch
Belfy & Lillibit - Not informed interpreter
Littl' bits (ending) Dutch
The Littl' Bits - Not informed interpreter
Littl' bits (opening) Italian
Belfy e lilibit - Mitzi Amoroso e Le Mele Verdi
Littl' bits (opening) Japanese
Mori he Oide Yo - The Alfee
Littl' bits (ending) Japanese
Oyasumi Chuchuna - The Alfee
Little akane (opening) Japanese
Akane-chan - Minori Matsushima
Little akane (ending) Japanese
Hidebaro Song - Kazue Takahashi
Little busters ! (opening) Japanese
Little Busters! - Rita
Little busters (opening) Japanese
Little Busters! - Rita
Little busters ! (1st ending) Japanese
Alicemagic - Rita
Little busters (1st ending) Japanese
Alicemagic - Rita
Little duck's big love story () German
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Little duck's big love story (opening) French
Not informed title - Herman van Veen
Little duck's big love story (ending) French
Not informed title - Evelyne Grandjean
Little duck's big love story (opening) Dutch
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Little duck's big love story (ending) Dutch
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Little duck's big love story (opening) Italian
Niente paura c'e' Alfred - Cristina D'Avena
Little duck's big love story (opening) Japanese
Yakusoku da yo - kwak's song - Megumi Hayashibara
Little duck's big love story (ending) Japanese
Happii happii - alfred's walk - Megumi Hayashibara
Little el cid no bôken (1st opening) Spanish
Ruy, el pequeño Cid - Guido et Maurizio De Angelis
Little el cid no bôken (2nd opening) Spanish
Not informed title - Guido et Maurizio De Angelis
Little el cid no bôken (opening) French
Rody le petit cid - Thierry le Luron
Little ghosts there, here, where (opening) German
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Little ghosts there, here, where (ending) German
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Little kaibutsu (1st opening) Italian
Carletto il principe dei mostri - I Mostriciattoli
Little kaibutsu (opening) Japanese
Yukai Tsuukai Kaibutsu-kun - Masako Nozawa
Little lord fauntleroy (opening) Spanish
El pequeño Lord - Carmelo Carucci
Little lord fauntleroy (opening) French
Le petit lord - Claude Lombard
Little lord fauntleroy (opening) Italian
Piccolo Lord - Cristina D'Avena
Little lord fauntleroy (opening) Japanese
Bokura no Cedie - Hikaru Nishida
Little lord fauntleroy (ending) Japanese
Dare ka wo ai suru tame ni - Hikaru Nishida
Little lulu to chicchai nakama (opening) Spanish
La pequeña Lulú - Not informed interpreter
Little lulu to chicchai nakama (opening) French
Petite Lulu - Not informed interpreter
Little memole (opening) French
Not informed title - Aspirine
Little memole (opening) Italian
Memole dolce memole - Cristina D'Avena
Little memole () Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Little memole (opening) Japanese
Tongari Boushi no Memoru - Satoko Yamano
Little memole (ending) Japanese
Yasashii Tomodachi - Satoko Yamano
Little mimi (opening) French
Not informed title - Aspirine
Little mimi (opening) Italian
Memole dolce memole - Cristina D'Avena
Little mimi () Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Little mimi (opening) Japanese
Tongari Boushi no Memoru - Satoko Yamano
Little mimi (ending) Japanese
Yasashii Tomodachi - Satoko Yamano
Little nell (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Little prince cedie (opening) Spanish
El pequeño Lord - Carmelo Carucci
Little prince cedie (opening) French
Le petit lord - Claude Lombard
Little prince cedie (opening) Italian
Piccolo Lord - Cristina D'Avena
Little prince cedie (opening) Japanese
Bokura no Cedie - Hikaru Nishida
Little prince cedie (ending) Japanese
Dare ka wo ai suru tame ni - Hikaru Nishida
Little women (opening) German
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Little women (1st opening) American / English
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Little women (2nd opening) American / English
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Little women (opening) Spanish
Mujercitas - Soledad Pilar Santos
Little women (1st opening) French
Toutes pour une, une pour toutes - Claude Lombard
Little women (2nd opening) French
Not informed title - Chantal Goya
Little women (1st opening) Japanese
Wakakusa no Shoutaijou - Nitta Eri
Little women (1st ending) Japanese
Yuuhi to Kaze to Melody - Nitta Eri
Little women (2nd opening) Japanese
Itsuka Kitto - Han Keiko, Yamada Eiko, Shou Mayumi, Sakuma Rei
Little women (2nd ending) Japanese
Otou-sama he no Lullaby - Shimonari Satoko
Le livre de la jungle (opening) German
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Le livre de la jungle (opening) Spanish
Mowgli - Lola Lola
Le livre de la jungle (ending) Spanish
Mogli - Lola Lola
Le livre de la jungle (opening) French
C'est moi Mowgli - Alexandre
Llegando a ti (opening) Japanese
Kimi ni Todoke - Tanizawa Tomofumi
Llegando a ti (ending) Japanese
Kataomoi - Chara
Lodoss, la légende de crystania (opening) Japanese
Haruka na inori - Hitomi Mieno
Lodoss, la légende de crystania (ending) Japanese
Save My Love - Satoko Shimonari
Lodoss, la légende du chevalier héroïque (opening) Japanese
Kiseki no umi - Sakamoto Maaya
Lodoss, la légende du chevalier héroïque (ending) Japanese
Hikari no suashi - Chie Ishibashi
Lodoss tou senki (opening) American / English
Eternity - Akino Arai
Lodoss tou senki (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lodoss tou senki (ending) French
Not informed title - Chistine Paris
Lodoss tou senki (opening) Japanese
Adesso e fortuna - Sherry
Lodoss tou senki (ending) Japanese
Kaze no phantasia - Sherry
Lodoss tou senki : eiyuu kishi den (opening) Japanese
Kiseki no umi - Sakamoto Maaya
Lodoss tou senki : eiyuu kishi den (ending) Japanese
Hikari no suashi - Chie Ishibashi
Lodoss war (opening) American / English
Eternity - Akino Arai
Lodoss war (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lodoss war (ending) French
Not informed title - Chistine Paris
Lodoss war (opening) Japanese
Adesso e fortuna - Sherry
Lodoss war (ending) Japanese
Kaze no phantasia - Sherry
La loi d'ueki (1st opening) Japanese
Falco - Hitomi Shimatani
La loi d'ueki (1st ending) Japanese
Kokoro no wakusei ~little planets~ - Aiko Kayo
La loi d'ueki (2nd opening) Japanese
No regret - Kumi Koda
La loi d'ueki (2nd ending) Japanese
Earthship ~uchuusen chikyuugou~ - SweetS
La loi d'ueki (3rd ending) Japanese
Kono machi de wa dare mo ga mina jibun igai no... - The Ivory Brothers
La loi d'ueki (4th ending) Japanese
Bokutachi ni aru mono - Romi Paku
La loi d'ueki (5th ending) Japanese
True Blue - Hitomi Shimatani
Loki, el detectiu misteriós (opening) Japanese
Rakuen no Tobira - YAMATO from White Bound
Loki, el detectiu misteriós (ending) Japanese
Believe in Heaven - Shinichirou Miki
Loki el detective mitico (opening) Japanese
Rakuen no Tobira - YAMATO from White Bound
Loki el detective mitico (ending) Japanese
Believe in Heaven - Shinichirou Miki
Loki, le détective mythique (opening) Japanese
Rakuen no Tobira - YAMATO from White Bound
Loki, le détective mythique (ending) Japanese
Believe in Heaven - Shinichirou Miki
Long mao (opening) Japanese
Sanpo - Azumi Inoue
Long mao (ending) Japanese
Tonari no totoro - Joe Hisaishi
Long mao (opening) Japanese kanji
Sanpo (kanji) - Azumi Inoue
Long mao (ending) Japanese kanji
Tonari no totoro (kanji) - Joe Hisaishi
Lord dog : um cão a serviço do rei (opening) German
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lord dog : um cão a serviço do rei (1st opening) American / English
Dogtanian and the three muskehounds - Hilary Mather, Elissa Mather, Ted Mather
Lord dog : um cão a serviço do rei (2nd opening) American / English
The return of Dogtanian - Not informed interpreter
Lord dog : um cão a serviço do rei (opening) Spanish
Dartacán y los tres mosqueperros - Popitos
Lord dog : um cão a serviço do rei (1st opening) French
Un pour tous, tous pour un - Jean-Jacques Debout, Liliane Davis
Lord dog : um cão a serviço do rei (2nd opening) French
D'Artagnan, Trois amis - Jean-jacques debout
Lord dog : um cão a serviço do rei (opening) Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lord dog : um cão a serviço do rei (opening) Portuguese
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lord of lords ryu knight : adeu's legend (1st opening) Japanese
Good-bye Tears - Yumiko Takahashi
Los 5 samurais (opening) American / English
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Los 5 samurais (opening) Spanish
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Los 5 samurais (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Los 5 samurais (opening) Italian
Not informed title - Giampi Daldello
Los 5 samurais (1st opening) Japanese
Stardust Eyes - Mariko Uranishi
Los 5 samurais (1st ending) Japanese
Faraway - Mariko Uranishi
Los 5 samurais (2nd opening) Japanese
Samurai Heart - Hiroko Moriguchi
Los 5 samurais (2nd ending) Japanese
Be free - Hiroko Moriguchi
Los 5 samurais (1st opening) Japanese kanji
Stardust Eyes (kanji) - Mariko Uranishi
Los 5 samurais (1st ending) Japanese kanji
Faraway (kanji) - Mariko Uranishi
Los 5 samurais (2nd opening) Japanese kanji
Samurai Heart (kanji) - Hiroko Moriguchi
Los 5 samurais (2nd ending) Japanese kanji
Be free (kanji) - Hiroko Moriguchi
Los caballeros de kodai (1st opening) Japanese
Magic of love - TOo'S
Los caballeros de kodai (1st ending) Japanese
Wind Climbing ~ Kaze ni Asobarete - Aki Okui
Los caballeros de kodai (2nd opening) Japanese
Harete Hallelujah - Okui Aki
Los caballeros de kodai (2nd ending) Japanese
Mou Tomaranai - Slap Sticks
Los caballeros del mundo mon (1st opening) Japanese
Just fly away - Chihiro Yunekura
Los caballeros del mundo mon (1st ending) Japanese
Sweet true love - Chihiro Yunekura
Los caballeros del mundo mon (2nd opening) Japanese
Return to myself - Chihiro Yunekura
Los caballeros del mundo mon (2nd ending) Japanese
Samba da Bacchiguu - Chihiro Yonekura
Los caballeros del mundo mon (1st opening) Japanese kanji
Just fly away (kanji) - Chihiro Yunekura
Los caballeros del mundo mon (2nd opening) Japanese kanji
Return to myself (kanji) - Chihiro Yunekura
Los caballeros del zodiaco (opening) American / English
Soldier dream - Hironobu Kageyama
Los caballeros del zodiaco (1st opening) American / English
Pegasus Seiya - The Struts
Los caballeros del zodiaco (1st opening) Brazilian
Os Guardiões do universo - Gota magica
Los caballeros del zodiaco (1st opening) Spanish
Caballeros del zodiaco - Not informed interpreter
Los caballeros del zodiaco (2nd opening) Spanish
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Los caballeros del zodiaco (3rd opening) Spanish
Pegasus Fantasy - Not informed interpreter
Los caballeros del zodiaco (1st opening) French
Les chevaliers du zodiaque - Bernard Minet
Los caballeros del zodiaco (2nd opening) French
La chanson des chevaliers - Bernard Minet
Los caballeros del zodiaco (1st opening) Italian
I cavalieri dello zodiaco - Giorgio Vanni
Los caballeros del zodiaco (2nd opening) Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Los caballeros del zodiaco (3rd opening) Italian
I cavalieri dello zodiaco - Giorgio Vanni
Los caballeros del zodiaco (1st opening) Japanese
Pegasus fantasy - Make.up
Los caballeros del zodiaco (1st ending) Japanese
Eien blue - Make.up
Los caballeros del zodiaco (2nd opening) Japanese
Saint shinwa ~Soldier dream~ - Hironobu Kageyama et Broadway
Los caballeros del zodiaco (2nd ending) Japanese
Blue dream - Hironobu Kageyama & Broadway
Los caballeros del zodiaco contraatacan : la leyenda de los santos escarlata (ending) Japanese
You are my reason to be - Hitomi Penny Tôyama et Oren Waters
Los catos samurai (opening) Spanish
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Los catos samurai (ending) Spanish
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Los catos samurai (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Los catos samurai (opening) Japanese
Otto Dokkoi Nihon Bare - Rena Yazawa
Los cazadores de duendes (opening) Japanese
Angel Blue - Naoko Hamasaki
Los cazadores de duendes (ending) Japanese
Tensai wa Saigo ni Yattekuru - Naoko Hamasaki
Los dias de midori (opening) Japanese
Sentimental - CooRie
Los dias de midori (ending) Japanese
Mousukoshi... mousukoshi - Saori Atsumi
Los gatos samurai (opening) Spanish
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Los gatos samurai (ending) Spanish
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Los gatos samurai (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Los gatos samurai (opening) Japanese
Otto Dokkoi Nihon Bare - Rena Yazawa
Los guerreros bakugan (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Los guerreros bakugan (1st opening) Japanese
Number One Battle Brawlers - Psychic Lover
Los guerreros bakugan (1st ending) Japanese
Air Drive - Elephant Girl
Los guerreros bakugan (2nd opening) Japanese
Bucchigiri ∞ Generation - Psychic Lover
Los inventos de eva (opening) Spanish
Los inventos de Eva - Not informed interpreter
Los inventos de eva (opening) French
Vas-y julie - Claude Lombard
Los inventos de eva (opening) Italian
Juny peperina inventatutto - Cristina D'Avena
Los justicieros (opening) Spanish
Get along - Not informed interpreter
Los justicieros (opening) French
Un voyage fantastique - Séverine Nells
Los justicieros (ending) French
Continue, sans te retourner - Séverine Nells
Los justicieros (opening) Italian
Un incantesimo dischiuso tra i petali del tempo - Cristina D'Avena
Los justicieros (opening) Japanese
Get along - Masami Okui and Megumi Hayashibara
Los justicieros (ending) Japanese
Kujikenai kara! - Masami Okui et Megumi Hayashibara
Los justicieros (opening) Japanese kanji
Get along (kanji) - Masami Okui and Megumi Hayashibara
Los justicieros (ending) Japanese kanji
Kujikenai kara! (kanji) - Masami Okui et Megumi Hayashibara
Los mil viajes en los suenos de mim (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Los mil viajes en los suenos de mim (opening) Japanese
Poketto uchuu - Yamano Satoko
Los mil viajes en los suenos de mim (ending) Japanese
Chiisai kawa no uta - Ooosuki Kumiko
Lo specchio magico (opening) Italian
Lo specchio magico - I cavalieri del re
Lo spirito nel guscio (opening) Japanese
Making of a cyborg - Kenji Kawai
Los secretos de julie (opening) Italian
Lo specchio magico - I cavalieri del re
Los super campeones (opening) German
Allz Die Tollen Fußballstars - Not informed interpreter
Los super campeones (opening) Spanish
Fighting - Not informed interpreter
Los super campeones (opening) French
Olive et tom - Jean-Claude Corbel
Los super campeones (opening) Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Los super campeones (opening) Japanese
Moete hero - Enomoto Atsuko
Los super campeones (ending) Japanese
Fuyu no lion - Hiroyuki okita
Los superonce (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Los superonce (ending) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Los superonce (1st opening) Japanese
Tachiagariyo - T-Pistonz
Los superonce (1st ending) Japanese
Seishun oden - Twe'lv
Los superonce (2nd opening) Japanese
Maji de kansha - T-Pistonz+KMC
Los superonce (2nd ending) Japanese
Seishun Bus Guide - Berryz Kobo
Los superonce (3rd opening) Japanese
Tsunagariyo - T-Pistonz+KMC
Los superonce (3rd ending) Japanese
Ryuusei Boy - Berryz Koubou
Los superonce (4th opening) Japanese
Katte nakou ze! - T-Pistonz+KMC
Los superonce (4th ending) Japanese
Otakebi boy Wao - Berryz Kobo
Los superonce (5th opening) Japanese
Good Kita! - T-Pistonz+KMC
Los superonce (5th ending) Japanese
Maji Bomber - Berryz Kobo
Los superonce (6th opening) Japanese
Bokura no Goal - T-Pistonz
Los superonce (6th ending) Japanese
Shining Power - Berryz Kobo
Los superonce (7th ending) Japanese
Mata Ne... No Kisetsu! - Inazuma Eleven All Stars
Lo strano mondo di minù (opening) French
Not informed title - Cynthia
Lo strano mondo di minù (opening) Dutch
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lo strano mondo di minù (ending) Dutch
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lost universe (opening) Japanese
Infinity - Megumi Hayashibara
Lost universe (1st ending) Japanese
Extrication - Megumi Hayashibara
Lost universe (opening) Japanese kanji
Infinity (kanji) - Megumi Hayashibara
Lost universe (1st ending) Japanese kanji
Extrication (kanji) - Megumi Hayashibara
Louie, el guerrero de las runas (opening) French
C'est magique - Séverine Nells
Louie, el guerrero de las runas (ending) French
Amour et Douleur, Love and Pain - Antoine Blanc
Louie, el guerrero de las runas (opening) Indonesian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Louie, el guerrero de las runas (opening) Japanese
Twinkle trick - Ayano Okuda
Louie, el guerrero de las runas (ending) Japanese
Love & pain - Happonashi
Louie, the rune soldier (opening) French
C'est magique - Séverine Nells
Louie, the rune soldier (ending) French
Amour et Douleur, Love and Pain - Antoine Blanc
Louie, the rune soldier (opening) Indonesian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Louie, the rune soldier (opening) Japanese
Twinkle trick - Ayano Okuda
Louie, the rune soldier (ending) Japanese
Love & pain - Happonashi
Love angel legend wedding peach dx (opening) Japanese
Merry angel - Furil
Love angel legend wedding peach dx (ending) Japanese
Sweet little love - Furil
Love angel legend wedding peach dx (opening) Japanese kanji
Merry angel (kanji) - Furil
LoveCom (1st opening) Japanese
Kimi + Boku = Love? - Tegomass
LoveCom (1st ending) Japanese
Kiss ~ Kaerimichi no Love Song - Tegomass
LoveCom (2nd opening) Japanese
Hey say - Hey! Say! 7
LoveCom (2nd ending) Japanese
Bon bon - Hey! Say! 7
Lovedol ~lovely idol~ (opening) Japanese
Koi hajimemashita - Sakura Nogawa
Lovedol ~lovely idol~ (ending) Japanese
Love love love no sei na no yo - Sakura Nogawa, Mai Nakahara, Halko Momoi, Yuko Goto, Minori Chihara & Kanako Sakai
Love, election & chocolate (1st opening) Japanese
Signal Graph - Annabel
Love, election & chocolate (1st ending) Japanese
Kaze no Naka no Primrose - Ceui
Love, elections, & chocolate (1st opening) Japanese
Signal Graph - Annabel
Love, elections, & chocolate (1st ending) Japanese
Kaze no Naka no Primrose - Ceui
Lovege chu ~miracle seiyuu hakusho~ (opening) Japanese
Nanairo nadeshiko - Sister X Sisters
Love get chu (opening) Japanese
Nanairo nadeshiko - Sister X Sisters
Love ! Hello kitty (1st opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Love hina () Spanish
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Love hina (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Love hina (ending) French
Il suffit que tu sois là - Valérie Uzan
Love hina (opening) Japanese
Sakura saku - Megumi Hayashibara
Love hina (1st ending) Japanese
Kimi sae ireba - Megumi Hayashibara
Love hina (2nd ending) Japanese
Hajimari wa kokokara - Megumi Hayashibara
Love hina (opening) Japanese kanji
Sakura saku (kanji) - Megumi Hayashibara
Love hina (1st ending) Japanese kanji
Kimi sae ireba (kanji) - Megumi Hayashibara
Love hina (2nd ending) Japanese kanji
Hajimari wa kokokara (kanji) - Megumi Hayashibara
Love hina again (opening) Japanese
Kirari takaramono - Yui Horie
Love hina again (ending) Japanese
Be for you, be for me - Yui Horie
Love in rock'n roll (opening) Spanish
Besame licia - Not informed interpreter
Love in rock'n roll (opening) French
Lucile embrasse-moi - Claude Lombard
Love in rock'n roll (ending) French
Mon Roméo - Claude Lombard
Love in rock'n roll (opening) Italian
Kiss me licia - Cristina D'Avena
Love in rock'n roll (ending) Italian
Il Mio Gatto Giuliano - Cristina D'Avena
Love in rock'n roll (opening) Japanese
Koi ha Totsuzen - Horie Mitsuko
Love in rock'n roll (ending) Japanese
Boku no Juriaano - Japahari Net
Loveless (opening) Japanese
Tsuki no curse - Okina Reika
Loveless (ending) Japanese
Michiyuki - Kaori Hikita
Love love ? (ending) Japanese
Only You - Ayano Ahane
Love♥Love? (ending) Japanese
Only You - Ayano Ahane
Lovely complex (1st opening) Japanese
Kimi + Boku = Love? - Tegomass
Lovely complex (1st ending) Japanese
Kiss ~ Kaerimichi no Love Song - Tegomass
Lovely complex (2nd opening) Japanese
Hey say - Hey! Say! 7
Lovely complex (2nd ending) Japanese
Bon bon - Hey! Say! 7
Lovely sara (opening) Chinese
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lovely sara (opening) French
Princesse sarah - Cristina D'Avena
Lovely sara (opening) Italian
Lovely Sara - Cristina D'Avena
Lovely sara (opening) Japanese
Hana no sasayaki - Satoko Shimonari
Lovely sara (ending) Japanese
Himawari - Satoko Shimonari
Lovely sara (opening) Polish
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Love me night (opening) Spanish
Besame licia - Not informed interpreter
Love me night (opening) French
Lucile embrasse-moi - Claude Lombard
Love me night (ending) French
Mon Roméo - Claude Lombard
Love me night (opening) Italian
Kiss me licia - Cristina D'Avena
Love me night (ending) Italian
Il Mio Gatto Giuliano - Cristina D'Avena
Love me night (opening) Japanese
Koi ha Totsuzen - Horie Mitsuko
Love me night (ending) Japanese
Boku no Juriaano - Japahari Net
Love pheromone (opening) Japanese
Nesshou!! Rabuge Night Fever - Momoi Haruko & Kageyama Hironobu
Love pistols (opening) Japanese
Lie of the truth - Yuta [LAZ]
Love pistols (ending) Japanese
The Hanged Man - Yuta [LAZ]
Løvernes konge (opening) American / English
Can You Feel The Love Tonight ? - Elton John
Love's tale of young grass (opening) German
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Love's tale of young grass (1st opening) American / English
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Love's tale of young grass (2nd opening) American / English
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Love's tale of young grass (opening) Spanish
Mujercitas - Soledad Pilar Santos
Love's tale of young grass (1st opening) French
Toutes pour une, une pour toutes - Claude Lombard
Love's tale of young grass (2nd opening) French
Not informed title - Chantal Goya
Love's tale of young grass (1st opening) Japanese
Wakakusa no Shoutaijou - Nitta Eri
Love's tale of young grass (1st ending) Japanese
Yuuhi to Kaze to Melody - Nitta Eri
Love's tale of young grass (2nd opening) Japanese
Itsuka Kitto - Han Keiko, Yamada Eiko, Shou Mayumi, Sakuma Rei
Love's tale of young grass (2nd ending) Japanese
Otou-sama he no Lullaby - Shimonari Satoko
Love's zephyr (opening) Japanese
Koi Kaze - EF
Love's zephyr (ending) Japanese
Futari Dakara - Masumi Ito
Love trouble (opening) Japanese
Forever we can make it - Thyme
Love trouble (1st ending) Japanese
Lucky tune - Santos Anna
Love trouble (2nd ending) Japanese
Kiss no Yukue - Anna
Love wind (opening) Japanese
Koi Kaze - EF
Love wind (ending) Japanese
Futari Dakara - Masumi Ito
Love you baby (opening) Japanese
Sunny side up - Yo Hitoto
Love you baby (ending) Japanese
Nennensaisai ; Every year, every age - Yo Hitoto
Lõvikuningas (opening) American / English
Can You Feel The Love Tonight ? - Elton John
L/R (opening) American / English
Go where no ones gone before - Billy Preston
L/R () American / English
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
L/R (ending) Japanese
Negai no toki - Mikako Takahashi
Lucile amour et rock'n roll (opening) Spanish
Besame licia - Not informed interpreter
Lucile amour et rock'n roll (opening) French
Lucile embrasse-moi - Claude Lombard
Lucile amour et rock'n roll (ending) French
Mon Roméo - Claude Lombard
Lucile amour et rock'n roll (opening) Italian
Kiss me licia - Cristina D'Avena
Lucile amour et rock'n roll (ending) Italian
Il Mio Gatto Giuliano - Cristina D'Avena
Lucile amour et rock'n roll (opening) Japanese
Koi ha Totsuzen - Horie Mitsuko
Lucile amour et rock'n roll (ending) Japanese
Boku no Juriaano - Japahari Net
Lucky Luke (opening) German
Bang Bang - Shuki Levy, Haïm Saban
Lucky Luke (opening) American / English
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lucky Luke (ending) American / English
I'm a poor lonesome cowboy - Pat Woods
Lucky Luke (1st opening) French
Not informed title - Claude Vallois
Lucky Luke (2nd opening) French
Il a pas peur de personne - Antoine Decaunes
Lucky Luke (opening) Dutch
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lucky Luke (ending) Dutch
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lucky star (opening) Japanese
Motteke sailor fuku - Aya Hirano, Emiri Katou, Kaori Fukuhara & Aya Endo
Lucky star (5th ending) Japanese
Lucky star (11th ending) Japanese
Doraemon no uta - Aya Endo et Kaori Fukuhara
Lucky star (16th ending) Japanese
Misoji Misaki - Hiromi Konno
Lucy in australien (opening) Spanish
Lucy - Giordano Bruno Martelli
Lucy in australien (opening) French
On ira - Claude Lombard
Lucy in australien (opening) Italian
Lucy - Cristina D'Avena
Lucy in australien (opening) Japanese
Niji ni Naritai - Sumiko Yamagata
Lucy in australien (ending) Japanese
Mori ni Oide - Sumiko Yamagata
Lucy may (opening) Spanish
Lucy - Giordano Bruno Martelli
Lucy may (opening) French
On ira - Claude Lombard
Lucy may (opening) Italian
Lucy - Cristina D'Avena
Lucy may (opening) Japanese
Niji ni Naritai - Sumiko Yamagata
Lucy may (ending) Japanese
Mori ni Oide - Sumiko Yamagata
Lucy of the southern rainbow (opening) Spanish
Lucy - Giordano Bruno Martelli
Lucy of the southern rainbow (opening) French
On ira - Claude Lombard
Lucy of the southern rainbow (opening) Italian
Lucy - Cristina D'Avena
Lucy of the southern rainbow (opening) Japanese
Niji ni Naritai - Sumiko Yamagata
Lucy of the southern rainbow (ending) Japanese
Mori ni Oide - Sumiko Yamagata
Lulu, la chica de las flores (opening) French
Not informed title - Claude Lombard
Lulu, la chica de las flores (opening) Italian
Lulù l'angelo tra i fiori - Rocking Horse
Lulu, la chica de las flores (opening) Japanese
Hana no ko lunlun - Mitsuko Horie
Lulu, la chica de las flores (ending) Japanese
Onna no kotte - Asei Kobayashi
Lulu, la chica de las flores (opening) Japanese kanji
Hana no ko lunlun (kanji) - Mitsuko Horie
Lulù l'angelo tra i fiori (opening) French
Not informed title - Claude Lombard
Lulù l'angelo tra i fiori (opening) Italian
Lulù l'angelo tra i fiori - Rocking Horse
Lulù l'angelo tra i fiori (opening) Japanese
Hana no ko lunlun - Mitsuko Horie
Lulù l'angelo tra i fiori (ending) Japanese
Onna no kotte - Asei Kobayashi
Lulù l'angelo tra i fiori (opening) Japanese kanji
Hana no ko lunlun (kanji) - Mitsuko Horie
Lum (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lum () Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lum (1st opening) Japanese
Lum no love song - Hiroko Matsuya
Lum (1st ending) Japanese
Uchuu wa taihen da! - Hiroko Matsuya
Lum (2nd opening) Japanese
Dancing star - Izumi Kobayashi
Lum (2nd ending) Japanese
Kokorobosoi na - Helen Sasano
Lum (3rd opening) Japanese
Pajama jama da! - Kanako Narikiyo
Lum (3rd ending) Japanese
Hoshizora cycling - Virgin VS
Lum (4th opening) Japanese
Chance on love - Cindy
Lum (4th ending) Japanese
I, I, you and ai - Izumi Kobayashi
Lum (5th opening) Japanese
Rock the planet - Steffanie
Lum (5th ending) Japanese
Yume wa love me more - Izumi Kobayashi
Lum (6th opening) Japanese
Tonogata gomen asobase - Shoko Minami
Lum (6th ending) Japanese
Koi no mobius - Rittsu
Lum (7th ending) Japanese
Openi invitation - Cindy
Lum (8th ending) Japanese
Every day - Steffanie
Lum (9th ending) Japanese
Good luck - Shoko Minami
Lum, la chica invasora (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lum, la chica invasora () Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lum, la chica invasora (1st opening) Japanese
Lum no love song - Hiroko Matsuya
Lum, la chica invasora (1st ending) Japanese
Uchuu wa taihen da! - Hiroko Matsuya
Lum, la chica invasora (2nd opening) Japanese
Dancing star - Izumi Kobayashi
Lum, la chica invasora (2nd ending) Japanese
Kokorobosoi na - Helen Sasano
Lum, la chica invasora (3rd opening) Japanese
Pajama jama da! - Kanako Narikiyo
Lum, la chica invasora (3rd ending) Japanese
Hoshizora cycling - Virgin VS
Lum, la chica invasora (4th opening) Japanese
Chance on love - Cindy
Lum, la chica invasora (4th ending) Japanese
I, I, you and ai - Izumi Kobayashi
Lum, la chica invasora (5th opening) Japanese
Rock the planet - Steffanie
Lum, la chica invasora (5th ending) Japanese
Yume wa love me more - Izumi Kobayashi
Lum, la chica invasora (6th opening) Japanese
Tonogata gomen asobase - Shoko Minami
Lum, la chica invasora (6th ending) Japanese
Koi no mobius - Rittsu
Lum, la chica invasora (7th ending) Japanese
Openi invitation - Cindy
Lum, la chica invasora (8th ending) Japanese
Every day - Steffanie
Lum, la chica invasora (9th ending) Japanese
Good luck - Shoko Minami
Lum the forever (ending) Japanese
Melancholy no kiseki - Kayoko Matsunaga
Luna principessa argentata (opening) French
Not informed title - Katia Aznavour
Luna principessa argentata (ending) French
Not informed title - Katia Aznavour
Luna principessa argentata (opening) Japanese
N Paka March - Yuka Tokumitsu
Luna principessa argentata (ending) Japanese
Not informed title - Kana Sugiyama
Lunar legend moon princess (1st ending) Japanese
Rinne no hate ni - Fumiko Orikasa
Lunar legend tsukihime (1st ending) Japanese
Rinne no hate ni - Fumiko Orikasa
Lunlun the flower child (opening) French
Not informed title - Claude Lombard
Lunlun the flower child (opening) Italian
Lulù l'angelo tra i fiori - Rocking Horse
Lunlun the flower child (opening) Japanese
Hana no ko lunlun - Mitsuko Horie
Lunlun the flower child (ending) Japanese
Onna no kotte - Asei Kobayashi
Lunlun the flower child (opening) Japanese kanji
Hana no ko lunlun (kanji) - Mitsuko Horie
L'uomo tigre, il campione () Italian
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
L'uomo tigre, il campione (opening) Japanese
Yuke! Tiger mask - Lisa
Lupin III (opening) French
Not informed title - Liliane Davis
Lupin III (1st opening) Italian
Planet' O - Daisy Daze & the Bumble Bees
Lupin III (2nd opening) Italian
Lupin, l'incorreggibile Lupin - Gli amici di Lupin
Lupin III (3rd opening) Italian
Lupin III fisarmonica - Castellina Pasi
Lupin III (4th opening) Italian
Hallo Lupin - Giorgio Vanni
Lupin III (ending) Japanese
Lupin sansei sono 2 - Charlie Kosei
Lupin III (1st opening) Japanese
Lupin sansei sono 1 - Charlie Kosei
Lupin III la prima serie (opening) French
Not informed title - Liliane Davis
Lupin III la prima serie (1st opening) Italian
Planet' O - Daisy Daze & the Bumble Bees
Lupin III la prima serie (2nd opening) Italian
Lupin, l'incorreggibile Lupin - Gli amici di Lupin
Lupin III la prima serie (3rd opening) Italian
Lupin III fisarmonica - Castellina Pasi
Lupin III la prima serie (4th opening) Italian
Hallo Lupin - Giorgio Vanni
Lupin III la prima serie (ending) Japanese
Lupin sansei sono 2 - Charlie Kosei
Lupin III la prima serie (1st opening) Japanese
Lupin sansei sono 1 - Charlie Kosei
Lupin III : mine fujiko to iu onna (1st ending) Japanese
Duty Friend - Nikiie
Lupin III : the woman called fujiko mine (1st ending) Japanese
Duty Friend - Nikiie
Lupin III - Une femme nommée Fujiko Mine (1st ending) Japanese
Duty Friend - Nikiie
Lupin the 3rd (opening) French
Not informed title - Liliane Davis
Lupin the 3rd (1st opening) Italian
Planet' O - Daisy Daze & the Bumble Bees
Lupin the 3rd (2nd opening) Italian
Lupin, l'incorreggibile Lupin - Gli amici di Lupin
Lupin the 3rd (3rd opening) Italian
Lupin III fisarmonica - Castellina Pasi
Lupin the 3rd (4th opening) Italian
Hallo Lupin - Giorgio Vanni
Lupin the 3rd (ending) Japanese
Lupin sansei sono 2 - Charlie Kosei
Lupin the 3rd (1st opening) Japanese
Lupin sansei sono 1 - Charlie Kosei
Lupin the third (opening) French
Not informed title - Liliane Davis
Lupin the third (1st opening) Italian
Planet' O - Daisy Daze & the Bumble Bees
Lupin the third (2nd opening) Italian
Lupin, l'incorreggibile Lupin - Gli amici di Lupin
Lupin the third (3rd opening) Italian
Lupin III fisarmonica - Castellina Pasi
Lupin the third (4th opening) Italian
Hallo Lupin - Giorgio Vanni
Lupin the third (ending) Japanese
Lupin sansei sono 2 - Charlie Kosei
Lupin the third (1st opening) Japanese
Lupin sansei sono 1 - Charlie Kosei
Lupin the third - la donna chiamata fujiko mine (1st ending) Japanese
Duty Friend - Nikiie
Lupin the third : mine fujiko to iu onna (1st ending) Japanese
Duty Friend - Nikiie
Lupin the third : the woman called fujiko mine (1st ending) Japanese
Duty Friend - Nikiie
Lutinette et lutinou (opening) Spanish
Belfy y Lilibit - Not informed interpreter
Lutinette et lutinou (opening) French
Lutinette, Lutinou - Claude Lombard et Jean-Claude Corbel
Lutinette et lutinou (opening) Dutch
Belfy & Lillibit - Not informed interpreter
Lutinette et lutinou (ending) Dutch
The Littl' Bits - Not informed interpreter
Lutinette et lutinou (opening) Italian
Belfy e lilibit - Mitzi Amoroso e Le Mele Verdi
Lutinette et lutinou (opening) Japanese
Mori he Oide Yo - The Alfee
Lutinette et lutinou (ending) Japanese
Oyasumi Chuchuna - The Alfee
Les lutins de la forêt (opening) Spanish
Belfy y Lilibit - Not informed interpreter
Les lutins de la forêt (opening) French
Lutinette, Lutinou - Claude Lombard et Jean-Claude Corbel
Les lutins de la forêt (opening) Dutch
Belfy & Lillibit - Not informed interpreter
Les lutins de la forêt (ending) Dutch
The Littl' Bits - Not informed interpreter
Les lutins de la forêt (opening) Italian
Belfy e lilibit - Mitzi Amoroso e Le Mele Verdi
Les lutins de la forêt (opening) Japanese
Mori he Oide Yo - The Alfee
Les lutins de la forêt (ending) Japanese
Oyasumi Chuchuna - The Alfee
Les luxioles (opening) French
Not informed title - Not informed interpreter
Lví král (opening) American / English
Can You Feel The Love Tonight ? - Elton John
Lydie et la clé magique (opening) French
Not informed title - Claude Lombard
Lydie et la clé magique (opening) Italian
Lulù l'angelo tra i fiori - Rocking Horse
Lydie et la clé magique (opening) Japanese
Hana no ko lunlun - Mitsuko Horie
Lydie et la clé magique (ending) Japanese
Onna no kotte - Asei Kobayashi
Lydie et la clé magique (opening) Japanese kanji
Hana no ko lunlun (kanji) - Mitsuko Horie


Coque iPhone 5/5s - Ichigo
Coque iPhone 5/5s - Ichigo
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